Data Dashboard

Teacher and Student Success Plan
2018 - 2019

Overarching Goal

School Community Council and Staff Involvement in the TSSP
School Community Councils play an integral part in the development and monitoring of TSSP goals. Please briefly describe the participation of SCC members in the development process of this TSSP:

At each SCC meeting, we review our goals and share progress on those goals. We share our DIBELS data and our office disciplinary referral data.  Our SCC has continued to support our academic goals in reading and math. The teachers and I have been educating our parents about PBIS ( Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports), so that the parents can provide input on our school climate goal.  While we shared progress on our current goals  at every meeting, the teachers on the SCC wanted to set  goals based on growth.
Each grade level developed goals for next year based on the needs of that grade. ( fluency, comprehension etc.)

 At each SCC meeting, we share the budget and any academic or behavioral data. SCC has been impressed with our behavioral data and agreed to increase our behavioral assistant's hours by using our school cell tower funds. The SCC also suggested using our behavioral assistant more school-wide along with the SOAR students.

As we started the discussion of the 2018-2019 school year, the SCC indicated that they support any we based learning that can be used at home. They want to support their child's learning and would like to see some type of support that can be used at home.

In March, we discussed the plan, but no changes were made. The plan was supported by all.

Not Entered
Not Entered

Not Entered

Not Entered
Academic Goal

While our students have shown an increase in DIBELS outcomes, they perform significantly lower on the SAGE. While 81% of our students are proficient on the DIBELS ORF,( oral reading fluency) only 62% are proficient on the ELA(english language arts) SAGE.

73% of our students are proficient on the DIBELS math, and 64% of our students were proficient on the SAGE math.

We believe the discrepancy is a result of teachers needing to be more clear in learning targets. A strategy for improvement is for teachers to purposefully plan rigorous learning targets in whole group and small group instruction. They will do this through the use of explicit learning targets and checks for understanding along the way.

By Spring 2019, all kindergarten students will have at least 28 correct letter sounds as measured from the beginning of the year using the DIBELS Nonsense Word Fluency assessment.
By Spring 2019, 85% of first grade students will show proficiency on the DIBELS Oral Reading Fluency from the beginning of the year.
By Spring 2019, second grade students will grow by 35 words per minute on the DIBELS Oral Reading Fluency from the fall to the spring.
By Spring 20189, third grade students will grow by 20 words per minute on the DIBELS Oral Reading Fluency from the fall to the spring.
By Spring 2019, 80% of fourth grade students will achieve above basic proficiency on the Reading Inventory assessment.
By Spring 2019, all fifth grade students will show an 115 word increase using the Reading Inventory assessment from the fall to the spring.

By Spring of 2019, first grade students will increase 28% on computation from fall to spring on the DIBELS math computation assessment.
By Spring of 2019, second grade average score on the math DWSBA (district wide standards based assessment) will be 75% or higher.
By Spring of 2019, third grade average score on the math DWSBA (district wide standards based assessment) will be 75% or higher.
By Spring of 2019, fourth grade students will increase by 30% on the math computation assessment from fall to spring using the DIBELS math computation assessment.
By Spring of 2019, fifth grade students will increase by an average of 30 points from fall to spring using the DIBELS math computation assessment.

Teacher Clarity

We will continue to use a push in model for our reading interventionists. Interventionists will push into skill based instruction time. The interventionists will work with students who are below the DIBELS or RI benchmark. We will use faculty meetings to provide professional development on teacher clarity so our teachers can be more explicit with student learning targets. We will use our IPLC time to purposefully plan ELA/math lessons. We will focus on teacher clarity and specific learning targets in the class to implement the plans.
We will continue to use the software programs; IXL, MyON and Lexia. IXL will be purchased with Landtrust funds. We will apply for a state grant to continue with MYON and Lexia. If we do not receive the grant, we will use Landtrust funds to purchase these programs. These programs are used in skill based instruction time. OUr MTSS aide will monitor students who are in the check-in check-out program.

Teachers will be more explicit with the learning target and stating the success criteria. By teachers further clarifying the learning target and the success criteria students will be able to meet the targets.

The progress of students who are on benchmark will be monitored monthly using DIBELs fluency  measures. Teachers will use grade level goals to ensure students are making progress. Students who are not on benchmark will be monitored more frequently with the DIBELs fluency measures.

Reading interventionist 8 x $6,000= $48,000 Landtrust
MTSS support staff $1,500.00 Landtrust
MYOn $3,000.00 State grant or Landtrust
Lexia $13,000.00 State grant or Landtrust
School Climate Goal

While our school has shown a decrease in ODRs (office discipline referrals) with the use of Think time as a school wide Tier 2 intervention. Our students report not feeling safe in the lunchroom and on the playground. These were our lowest areas on the Canyons school district student survey.

We would like to see an increase in the number of students who report feeling safe on the playground and lunchroom via the student survey.

The school average was 2.62/3 (87%) on the student survey for students’ feeling safe in the lunchroom. Our goal is the school average to increase to 2.85/3 (95%) reported safe in the lunchroom.

The school average was 2.5/3 (84%) on the student survey for students’ feeling safe on the playground. Our goal is the school average to increase to 2.85/3 (95%) reported safe on the playground.

Buddy bench at recess, better train all staff on expectations and consequences and add a communication tool between recess aides and the teachers.

We will increase these scores by communicating expectations to the entire staff, ensure all staff are using the school reinforcement system, ensure the entire staff are using precision requests.
We will implement a new communication system between teachers and recess aides for reinforcement and consequence.
We will implement a Buddy Bench with trained care team of students at each grade. Our behavior assistant will coordinate this.

Use of precision requests, Use of Think Time, and Use of new office referral forms,

Monthly two question survey to all students about their safety in the lunchroom and playground.

Student Reinforcers $3,000.00 Cell Tower
Staff/Adult Reinforcers $3,000.00 Cell Tower
MTSS aide $1,500.00 Landtrust and cell tower
Summary of Expenditures for all Goals
Summary - replace me

Nothing Entered