Data Dashboard

Teacher and Student Success Plan
2018 - 2019

Overarching Goal
School Community Council and Staff Involvement in the TSSP
School Community Councils play an integral part in the development and monitoring of TSSP goals. Please briefly describe the participation of SCC members in the development process of this TSSP:

The school community council was an integral part in helping to develop our CSIP goals.  Science was especially important to them and we talked about that at several of our meetings and how best to put that into our CSIP for next year.  All of the members were present when I finally got the plan completed and we presented it to them at a faculty meeting.  They all voted to accept the plan.

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Academic Goals

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Nothing Entered

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Language Arts

Nothing Entered

Nothing Entered

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No Dollar Amount Entered
Academic Goal

24.4% of students are not yet proficient in literacy (based on RI and CBM mid-year data). This is a decrease of 6.4% from Winter 2017. This challenge is most prevalent in 2nd & 3rd Grade. We believe the problem is a result of students math and reading fluency. A strategy for improvement is adherence to the Standardized components of our Tier 1 Instruction & standards-based, purposeful planning with specific attention to the elements of Teacher Clarity (Learning Intentions and Success Criteria).

In Literacy (based on RI in 4th and 5th grade and DIBELS data K-3), from Fall 2018 to Spring 2019, we will increase our school-wide (K-5) proficiency percentage by 8%.

Tier 1, Teacher Clarity and Feedback (timeliness, frequency, specificity) and ratio of 3:1 or more.

Tier 1 Standardized/Contextualized components (fidelity audit), Revisit/revise master schedule, IPLC agenda template, and lesson planning template.

Through PD opportunities and IPLCs teachers will learn about the Standardized & Contextualized components of our curriculums in order to plan effective Tier 1 lessons that include the elements of Teacher Clarity and Feedback.

iPOP data, walkthrough checklist on Teacher Clarity, team iPLC notes, the COFF observation tool, Standardized Tier 1 fidelity checklist

MTSS Aides $45,000.00 Landtrust
KBK Reading Program $1,000.00 School Technology
Substitutes for PD-Kinder $3,000.00 Landtrust
Technology $6,000.00 Landtrust
Professional Development Support Materials $400.00 Landtrust
Academic Goal

22.7 % of students are not yet proficient in math (based on DIBELS math composite mid-year data). This is an increase of 6.3% from Winter 2017. This challenge is most prevalent in 2nd & 5th Grade. We believe the problem is a result of students math and reading fluency. A strategy for improvement is adherence to the Standardized components of our Tier 1 Instruction & standards-based, purposeful planning with specific attention to the elements of Teacher Clarity (Learning Intentions and Success Criteria).

In Math (DIBELS Math composite data) increase our school-wide proficiency percentage from Fall 2018 to Winter 2019 by 6%

Tier 1, Teacher Clarity and Feedback (timeliness, frequency, specificity) and ratio of 3:1 or more.

Tier 1 Standardized/Contextualized components (fidelity audit), Revisit/revise master schedule, IPLC agenda template, and lesson planning template.

Through PD opportunities and IPLCs teachers will learn about the Standardized & Contextualized components of our curriculums in order to plan effective Tier 1 lessons that include the elements of Teacher Clarity and Feedback.

iPOP data, walkthrough checklist on Teacher Clarity, team iPLC notes, the COFF observation tool, Standardized Tier 1 fidelity checklist

Mandarin Matrix Software $8,000.00 Landtrust
Professional Development Support Materials $400.00 Landtrust
Student workbooks for teachers and student $500.00 Landtrust
STEM Software-Moby Max & Mystery Science $2,000.00 Landtrust
Extended learning opportunities for students (before and after school classes, field trips, etc)
$13,000.00 School Fundraiser
Morning Lab Time $1,200.00 Landtrust
Academic Goal

39.8% of students are not yet proficient in SAGE Science. This is a decrease .7% from SAGE science 2015-16. This challenge is most prevalent for students in 4th and 5th grades. We believe the problem is a result of a lack of support and resources. A strategy for improvement is to have 3rd, 4th and 5th grade teachers attend District PDs & give all teachers time to plan lessons.

In Science (SAGE data) we will increase our school-wide proficiency percentage by 5% over our Sage score from 2018.

Tier 1, Teacher Clarity and Feedback (timeliness, frequency, specificity) and ratio of 3:1 or more

Tier 1 Instruction. Revisit/revise master schedule, IPLC agenda template, and lesson planning template.

Teachers will increase their proficiency in planning effective Science lessons using Teacher Clarity and Feedback.

Through Lesson Plans, team IPLC notes and Teacher Clarity checklists

Professional Development $6,000.00 Landtrust
Professional Development Support Materials $500.00 Landtrust
School Climate Goal

As of T2 2017-2018 34% of our students are at-risk (attending less than 90% of the time) based on attendance data. We believe the problem is a result of a lack of intention to increase student and family connectedness to school. A strategy for improvement is supporting student ownership of learning and purpose in attending, relationships at school (peer and adult), and communication between school and families.

From First Term 2018 to Third Term 2019 our school-wide attendance percentage will increase by 5% of students attending at least 90% of the time.

Morning meetings, Restorative Practices, PBIS Classroom Management Plans for the whole school (i.e. Dragon Scales), class (Attendance incentives, Dragon Scales, Dojo, Point systems, Class Cash, etc.), groups (table points, Brain Booster points, DLI Red Class/Blue Class, etc.), and individuals (Behavior Plans, Check In/Check Out, etc.). Communication with parents through Teacher emails about attendance priority.

Revisit the Attendance Policy to make sure that Parents, Teachers, and Community Members understand the policy and the importance of attendance.

All Draper teachers will implement Morning Meetings, PBIS, and Restorative Practices.

Attendance data, ODR data, Dragon Scale data, Stakeholder and Student survey data.

PBIS Incentives for adults and students $2,000.00 Cell Tower
Superflex Social/Emotional Curriculum $3,000.00 Landtrust
No Dollar Amount Entered
Summary of Expenditures for all Goals
Summary - replace me

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