Data Dashboard

Teacher and Student Success Plan
2019 - 2020

Overarching Goal

Indian Hills Middle School is committed to creating a safe and positive school environment that focuses on strengthening students' foundational academic skills in content literacy, reading strategies, critical thinking, and executive functioning skills.

School Community Council and Staff Involvement in the TSSP
School Community Councils play an integral part in the development and monitoring of TSSP goals. Please briefly describe the participation of SCC members in the development process of this TSSP:

The School Community Council reviewed the proposed CSIP goals on February 12, 2019.  Rationale and data for the goals was presented and input was requested.  Adjustments were made as suggestions were incorporated to finalize each goal.

Not Entered
Not Entered

Not Entered

Not Entered
Academic Goals

Most recent data shows 41% of students were below proficiency in Science on the end of year state test. We also see growth scores below 50 points for many students. We believe the problem is due to the inconsistency of collaboration between data partners in regards to data and instructional priorities and the lack of student content literacy and critical thinking skills.

To increase the number of students achieving proficiency or higher in Science to at least 65% on the end of year state tests and student growth score of at least 55 points.

No Yes

Language Arts

We will provide professional development support of teachers to refine and master the CSD instructional priorities. In addition, teacher data teams will work with the academic coach to design and implement curriculum that is DOK appropriate for their expected outcomes.

Student growth and proficiency on the end of year state test with district-level assessments used to measure progress throughout the year.

Students will be targeted and discussed as a subgroup to ensure consistent support and monitoring. Content literacy supports and reading strategies will be used to support our students with disabilities.

Students will be targeted and discussed as a subgroup to ensure consistent support and monitoring. Content literacy supports and reading strategies will be used to support our ELL students.

Student proficiency will be posted on the Indian Hills, Canyons School District, and state websites.

After school Warrior Support $850.00 LandTrust Landtrust
Professional Development Day $3,000.00 LandTrust Landtrust
Academic Goals

Most recent data shows 52% of students were below proficiency in Math on the end of year state test. We also see growth scores below 50 points for many students. We believe the problem is due to the inconsistency of collaboration between data partners in regards to data and instructional priorities and the lack of student content literacy and critical thinking skills.

To increase the number of students achieving proficiency or higher in Math to 55% or greater on the end of year state tests and student growth score of at least 50 points.

No Yes

Language Arts

We will provide professional development support of teachers to refine and master the CSD instructional priorities. In addition, teacher data teams will work with the academic coach to design and implement curriculum that is DOK appropriate for their expected outcomes.

Student growth and proficiency on the end of year state test with district-level assessments used to measure progress throughout the year.

Each math lesson is designed with additional supports to help meet the needs of students with disabilities. Our continuum of services will also be a factor to provide proper academic placement. Students will be targeted and discussed as a subgroup to ensure consistent support and monitoring.

Each math lesson is designed to have an ELL enhanced support built to daily practice. Students will be targeted and discussed as a subgroup to ensure consistent support and monitoring.

Student proficiency will be posted on the Indian Hills, Canyons School District, and state websites.

Substitute Teachers $2,000.00 LandTrust Landtrust
After School Warrior Support $4,800.00 LandTrust Landtrust
Math Lab $0.00 FTE
MI Student Rewards $1,200.00 Land Trust Landtrust
Professional Development Day $4,000.00 Land Trust Landtrust
Illustrative Math Consumables $33,000.00 Land Trust Landtrust
Academic Goals

Currently, 49% of our students scoring basic or below basic on the Winter Reading Inventory increase their reading level by 100 Lexile points. We believe the problem is a lack of content-specific vocabulary, literacy strategies, and assessments.

To achieve growth of at least 100 Lexile points for 55% of our students scoring basic or below basic in reading proficiency as measured from 2019 Fall Reading Inventory to the 2020 Spring Reading Inventory.

No Yes

Language Arts

BLT reps, in conjunction with department teams, will focus on systemic vocabulary development across the curriculum in addition to one disciplinary literacy strategy per department.

Through the Reading Inventory, department review of CFA data, and individual teacher growth scores.

The systemic vocabulary and disciplinary literacy strategies will act as scaffolds for these students. We will monitor the progress of students through formative assessments in their Language Arts classes.

The systemic vocabulary and disciplinary literacy strategies will act as scaffolds for these students. We will monitor the progress of students through formative assessments in their Language Arts classes.

ELA teachers will update Skyward with RI scores, and all other stakeholders can access reports of progress on Data Dashboard.

Professional Development Materials $1,000.00 Land Trust Landtrust
Student rewards for growth $1,200.00 Land Trust Landtrust
After school Warrior Support (Social Studies and ELA) $1,700.00 Land Trust Landtrust
Professional Development Day $3,000.00 Land Trust Landtrust
School Climate Goals

According to the CTESS, Secondary Student Survey - November 2018, approximately, 15% of the students are reporting that they do not feel recognized for positive behavior. We believe the problem is a result of teacher to student relationships and interactions.

To increase the number of students reporting that they feel recognized for positive behavior by 5% or greater by May, 2020, through a student survey that will measure students' perception of positive reinforcement and following school rules.

No Yes

Nothing Entered

A Fall and Spring survey will be created to track data. Formal and informal iPops will be used to measure the 4:1 positive feedback ratio. Warrior cards distribution will be tracked by grade level based on the number turned in at the Warrior store and/or daily, weekly, monthly drawings.

Data will be shared in the BLT and SCC. The BLT will share with their teams.

Reward Items $6,000.00 Land Trust Landtrust
Summary of Expenditures for all Goals
Summary - replace me

Nothing Entered