Data Dashboard

Teacher and Student Success Plan
2019 - 2020

Overarching Goal

To improve student achievement in reading and comprehension, and to improve student behavior.

School Community Council and Staff Involvement in the TSSP
School Community Councils play an integral part in the development and monitoring of TSSP goals. Please briefly describe the participation of SCC members in the development process of this TSSP:

We presented the SCC with the academic goal written by the BLT on February 19, 2019 for input and feedback. Feedback was taken back to the BLT on March 11, 2019, and goals were revised and adjusted, a behavior plan was added, and the action plan for both goals was drafted. It was taken to the SCC on March 26, 2019 for feedback and approval. SCC approval was unanimous.

Not Entered
Not Entered

Not Entered

Not Entered
Academic Goals

22% of students in Kindergarten through third grade are not proficient on Reading Composite Score (RCS) for Acadience benchmark data, and 36% of students in fourth and fifth grade are not proficient on the Reading Inventory (RI) as of January 2019. There is a performance gap between the general population and students identified as special education, low income, and English language learners. We attribute this gap to engaging students in the assessment process, monitoring their own data, and knowing how to engage in structured classrooms discussions.

Alta View Elementary will have 80% of its students grades kindergarten through fifth, at or above proficiency benchmark scores, using the Acadience Composite Score and Reading Inventory proficiency standards (expected and exceeded growth) by May 2020. We will use multiple measures, all of which are incorporated into compiling composite scores including kindergarten reading measures, oral reading fluency (ORF), ORF accuracy, retell, comprehension measures, pathways of progress, and reading inventory measures.

No Yes

Language Arts

We will:
1. Continue using and provide professional development on structured classroom discussions and close reading across content areas to engage students in the learning process.
2. Continue involving students in the assessment process, with data collection, rubrics, and teacher clarity with ongoing professional development.
3. Create grade level goals to support the schoolwide CSIP goal, that will be adjusted and reviewed throughout the year during Instructional Professional Learning Communities (IPLC).
4. Hire and train approximately seven Multi-Tiered Systems of Support interventionists to support students who are below benchmark in reading, and/or need social skills training that inhibits their academic progress.
5. Build capacity within the BLT to lead and support grade-level IPLC to improve English Language Arts (ELA) instruction by regular meetings to monitor data and create plans for improvement. Hire substitutes for the BLT to meet seven times a year to monitor data and create on-going plans for improvement.
6. Continue to implement the two-teacher model in non-Dual Language Instruction (DLI) classrooms in order to improve ELA instruction.

Progress will be measured through results in the Acadience and Reading Inventory benchmark testing that occurs three times throughout the year. Progress monitoring and other assessment data will also be used to inform and guide students and teachers toward achieving the goal.

Teams, including the special education team, will plan specific lessons using structured classroom discussions throughout the year across multiple content areas, incorporating social-emotional components, that will help students with disabilities to access the content at their appropriate level, using scaffolds, including sentence frames and strategic partnering.

Grade levels all have at least one English Language Learner (ELL) endorsed teacher on the team that will serve and teach the English language learners in that grade. They will plan specific lessons using structured classroom discussions and other language scaffolds across content areas that will allow ELL students access and to succeed to access academically across contents.

Report Cards and student reports will be shared at parent teacher conferences and at the end of each trimester. School/Grade level data will be shared at the School Community Council meetings. Grade level and classroom level data will be shared during meetings including: Instructional Professional Learning Communities (IPLC), Building Leadership Team (BLT), and faculty meetings.

Substitutes for all Day BLT Meeting $5,000.00 Land Trust
Substitutes for Parent Teacher Conferences for non-DLI classrooms $1,000.00 Land Trust
Salaries and Employee Benefits for Support Assistants $64,000.00 Land Trust
School Climate Goals

Alta View Elementary has seen recent changes in personnel and the way we document disciplinary events including majors and minors. Therefore, the number of office discipline referrals (ODR) from previous years are not comparable to this year. Although documented ODR have increased this year, the Building Leadership Team feels that behavior has actually improved. 2018-19 disciplinary data will be used as a baseline moving forward. Recess continues to be the area in which there are the greatest number of referrals. Additionally, our school culture analysis tool identifies students' socio-emotional well-being as a priority. We attribute this gap to a lack of student knowledge of appropriate social skills and conflict resolution across multiple contexts (recess, transitions, lunch, etc.).

We will decrease the number of minor behavior incidents (behavior handled by teacher) requiring parent contact by 10%. We will also decrease the number of major behavior incidents (behavior handled by administration/ODR) by 10%, as measured by the Dashboard Discipline Module by the end of the 2019-2020 school year.

No Yes

We will encourage appropriate, positive student behavior during structured and unstructured time by:
1. Continued implementation of morning meetings each day in the classroom, with a monthly focus on a school-wide social-emotional topic.
2. Behavior team (school psychologist, social worker, administration, and behavior interventionist) will coach students during unstructured times, such as recess, to reinforce learned social skills.
3. Focus on restorative practices to provide students the ability to problem solve and restore relationships across multiple settings.
4. Behavioral consequences for ODR will include citizenship classes that reteach necessary skills based on the offense.
5. Teacher will consistently log minor behavior incidents that require parent contact in the data dashboard discipline tracking system.
6. Teachers will continue to log major behavior incidents (ODR) in the data dashboard discipline tracking system.
7. KEYS cards and Roadrunner Pride Slips will be tracked regularly by the teachers and during IPLC, ensuring that each student receives at least 6 Pride Slips per year (3 Pride Slips for half-day kindergarten). Students will be eligible for Pride Slip drawings at the end of each trimester for a larger prize (e.g. scooter).
8. KEYS Kids certificates with specific positive feedback will be given weekly to students who demonstrate our KEYS expectations. They will be honored in an awards assembly where parents are invited.

Major and minor ODR will be logged and tracked using the data dashboard discipline tracking system. We will monitor the data monthly at building leadership team meetings to track progress and plan appropriate interventions, including morning meeting topics and specific behavior needs. We will also track KEYS cards and Pride Slips, as well as KEYS Kids certificates.

Progress will be communicated through the Building Leadership Team and Instructional Professional Learning Communities. Parents will be notified of Roadrunner Pride Slips when the child takes the copy home to celebrate. Parents will also be notified in advance of KEYS Kids assembly, when their student is a recipient. Data will be shared with the School Community Council.

Behavioral Incentives $672.00 Land Trust
Summary of Expenditures for all Goals
Summary - replace me

Nothing Entered