Data Dashboard

Teacher and Student Success Plan
2019 - 2020

Overarching Goal

Academic: To see proficiency levels increase to above 80% as measured by the Reading Inventory (RI).

Climate: Increase the percentage of students on track on the Canyons Early Warning System(EWS) to over 60%.

AVID: Earn an AVID site of distinction. 

School Community Council and Staff Involvement in the TSSP
School Community Councils play an integral part in the development and monitoring of TSSP goals. Please briefly describe the participation of SCC members in the development process of this TSSP:

The School Community Council received a working draft with data on 2/20/19. They voted unanimously to support the working document. They voted to approve the plan on 3/20/2019

Not Entered
Not Entered

Not Entered

Not Entered
Academic Goals

According to the 2018-2019 RI winter data, it is shown that 31% of students are not proficient in reading comprehension. This trend has continued for the past three years with little variation in student proficiency. We attribute this trend to the need of rigorous reading and writing in all contents as well as utilizing AVID: writing, inquiry, collaboration, organization, and reading (WICOR) daily. Also, there is a need for focused common formative assessments among the contents.

Eastmont Middle School will increase the percentage of students proficient on the Reading Inventory (RI) by at least 15% from fall to spring during the 2019-2020 school year, using data from grade level cohorts as measurement.

No Yes

Language Arts

1.   Administer RI to all students.
2.   Track cohorts of students by grade level to monitor growth
3.   Plan days for teachers to meet as a core academic department to develop vertical alignment on assessments, rubrics and common WICOR strategies.
4.   Offer reading intervention classes based on RI proficiency scores and group kids according to score.
5.   Provide professional development to teachers during lunch.
6.   Implement the Read 180 program with fidelity in all reading classes for both general education and special education students.
7.   Purchase Chromebooks and cart for use in classrooms teaching the Read 180 curriculum and other core classes.
8.   Provide stipends for teachers to attend after school professional development off contract hours.
9.   Provide student recognition for students increasing on their RI test.
10.   Hire a para-educator to support the small group structures in the reading class.

Reading Inventory assessment, common formative assessments, and lesson plans

By enrolling students in the reading classes by proficiency level, the teacher is able to streamline her instruction to the needed skills. Resource reading classes will also be offered to include our resource students. Eastmont will also introduce the use of Reading 180 during the 2019-2020 school year.

ELL are also enrolled in the language development classes using Read 180. The teacher monitors progress throughout the year through formative and summative assessments.

Progress will be communicated quarterly to BLT members, the SCC and IPLC's.

1 full time reading teacher 54082.96 (13520.74 from Land Trust) TSSA (.50 FTE) / land trust (.25 FTE), 0050 (.25 FTE) Other
Substitutes $1,200.00 Land Trust Landtrust
Stipends and Materials $17,200.00 Land Trust/TSSA Other
Lanyards and achievement pins $365.00 Land Trust Landtrust
Chromebooks and cart $24,000.00 Land Trust/TSSA Other
Para Educator - Reading class $11,880.67 Land Trust Landtrust
Academic Goals

Based on 2018-19 term 2 EWS data, 71% of students are on track for Ds & Fs leaving 29% off track or at risk.
72% overall on-track Term 1 this year
56.9% overall on-track Term 2 this year
Term 1 last year 71%
Term 2 last year 62%
Term 3 last year 60%
Term 4 last year 61%
Average last year 64%

In the 2019-20 school year, 80% of Eastmont Middle School students will be on track for Ds & Fs by term 4 as measured by Canyons Early Warning System.

No Yes

Language Arts

1. Maintain Check-in and Check-out with a period at the beginning and end of the day to maintain constant contact with teachers.
2. Patriot Time help to decrease numbers of Ds & Fs, refining and reminding
3. Track students Ds & Fs continuously throughout the year.
4. Support student interventions using interventionist aides
5. Recognize student growth using Patriot of the Month and Persistent Patriots.
6. 6th grade students work support with Student Support Center.

Students Ds & Fs

All students at Eastmont will be tracked for F and D grades. Those who struggle to maintain their grades will be tracked through the school check-in/check out program. Students will also be assigned Patriot Time by their grade level team to receive reteaching in order to achieve. Para-educators will be hired to support students with additional learning needs in classes not supported by the resource teacher.

All students at Eastmont will be tracked for F and D grades. Those who struggle to maintain their grades will be tracked through the school check-in/check out program. Students will also be assigned Patriot Time by their grade level team to receive reteaching in order to achieve.

Progress will be communicated quarterly to BLT members, the SCC and IPLC's.

Para educators (one 24 hour, 7 additional hours for our special education aide, and two-10 hour aides $33,817.41 Land Trust Landtrust
Patriot of the Month Awards $500.00 School Funds
Teachers periods for Check in Check Out $16,465.44 FTE - 0050
Academic Goals

59% of students are scoring proficient or advanced on the math inventory.

In the 2018-19 school year, 59% of students score proficient or advanced on the Mathematics Inventory (MI). Over the 2019-20 school year, the percentage of students scoring proficient or advanced on the Mathematics inventory will increase by 15%.

No Yes

Language Arts

1. After school tutoring will be held Tuesday – Thursday in the library.
2. Para-educator support will be provided for students identified as below benchmark.
3. Implementation of Illustrative Math with fidelity across all math classes.

Math inventory given 3 times per year

Explicit instruction, provide additional para-educator support and after school tutoring

Explicit instruction, provide additional para-educator support and after school tutoring

BLT meetings, SCC meetings, faculty meetings

•   Illustrative math materials $2,000.00 TSSA TSSP
After School Tutoring $9,000.00 TSSA TSSP
Para- Educator Support $11,880.67 TSSA TSSP
School Climate Goals

Based on baseline academic vs. behavioral feedback observations conducted by the achievement coach in spring 2019, teacher behavioral correctives are at a 1.5:1 ratio with behavioral positives.
Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports(PBIS) walkthrough data indicates that receiving positive specific feedback for following rules and using attention signals are the lowest.

Currently, at Eastmont during the 2018-19 school year, there have been 238 office discipline referrals for moderate/major incidents with in the school as well as 101 suspensions (both in school and out of school). In the 2019 -20 school year, Eastmont Middle School will reduce the number of office discipline referrals for moderate/major incidents by 10%. Eastmont will also reduce the number of suspensions by 10%.

In addition, we will increase the percentage of students having a positive adult connection to 90% and the percentage of those feeling safe to 85%.

No Yes

1. Maintain constant school wide rules and expectations, with teaching appropriate behaviors.
2. Continue acknowledging positive student behavior with use of patriot bucks.
3. Track the amount of positive to corrective behavioral feedback by teachers.
4. Continue school store as a reward for positive behavior.
5. Reinforce expectations and rules throughout the year to both teachers and students.
6. Recognize teacher positive behavioral interactions during unstructured time ( before school, hallway, lunch, after school).
7. Create reward system for teachers to be recognized for interacting positively with students.
8. Teach staff restorative practices in lieu of suspensions.

Classroom Observation Feedback Form (COFF), CTESS Student Surveys, Data Discipline Dashboard

Data will be analyzed and communicated each semester during BLT and SCC meetings during the 2018-19 school year as well as presented at faculty meetings.

Professional development $2,003.00 Land Trust
Reinforcement for Teacher PBIS $500.00 Cell Tower
Student Reinforcement for PBIS (School Store) $1,000.00 Supply
Summary of Expenditures for all Goals
Summary - replace me

Nothing Entered