Data Dashboard

Teacher and Student Success Plan
2019 - 2020

Overarching Goal
Our multi-year goal is to improve student's future success by increasing student graduation rates. For the 2019-2020 school year, we will increase the percentage of our students who are on track for graduation from 32% of students enrolled in the cohort to 70% of enrolled students. The determination of whether a student is on track for graduation will use data including GPA, attendance, and progress in credit recovery and will assess credit deficiency for each student to help determine students in need of Tier II and Tier III interventions.
School Community Council and Staff Involvement in the TSSP
School Community Councils play an integral part in the development and monitoring of TSSP goals. Please briefly describe the participation of SCC members in the development process of this TSSP:

The DRHS SCC examined student data including graduation rate, academic gains, credit recovery units attained and student attendance.  The SCC approved our plan for Tier 2 and Tier 3 interventions to improve attendance and build-in after school sessions to support students with social and other non-academic skills.

Not Entered
Not Entered

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Academic Goals

Most of our students have significant gaps in education due to low attendance, failing classes and missing significant chunks of school at a time. These students are not on track for graduation. In order to address these issues, we will implement strategies and interventions to improve attendance, which will lead to more instructional time, improve academics, increase credit recovery and help students building the non-academic skills needed to graduate and be ready for careers and post-high school education.

By June 2020, students will improve their daily attendance as evidenced by a 20% decrease in the number of students with 9-20 absences (excused/unexcused) and a 10% decrease in students having more than 20 absences as indicated by Skyward attendance reporting.

No Yes

Language Arts

Improve Tier I and II Universal Strategies to improve student attendance and grades.

Nothing Entered

Nothing Entered

Nothing Entered

Nothing Entered

Salaries and benefits of teachers and adult mentors to work with at risk students before and after school $11,500.00 Land Trust
School Climate Goals

Update attendance supports and resources to include Tier II and Tier III supports to address truancy and absenteeism issues. Address factors impacting attendance outside of school, including starting an after school session to support students with organizational skills, anger management skills, group contingencies and school goals. Increase public and family awareness of the impact of absences on student academic growth and performance.

Our school climate goal is to increase attendance supports and resources, including Tier II and Tier III interventions, to reduce truancy and absenteeism issues. We will address some of the factors which happen outside of school that have an impact on student attendance. Interventions will include starting after school mini-classes to help students improve their organizational skills, anger management skills, group contingencies and school goals. We also will work to increase public and family awareness of the impact of absences on student academic growth and performance and create more opportunities for parents and families to participate in school activities.

No Yes

Nothing Entered

Quarterly attendance rates; student, teacher and family surveys, and increased graduation rates.

Information will be posted at least quarterly on the school website,

No Dollar Amount Entered
Summary of Expenditures for all Goals
Summary - replace me

Nothing Entered