Data Dashboard

Teacher and Student Success Plan
2019 - 2020

Overarching Goal

Increase student learning as shown by RISE proficiency levels and end of unit assessments in math, science and writing.

School Community Council and Staff Involvement in the TSSP
School Community Councils play an integral part in the development and monitoring of TSSP goals. Please briefly describe the participation of SCC members in the development process of this TSSP:

SCC members were invited to a one-day workshop on February 19th.  Data was examined for math, science, social studies and English.  From the data, rough goals were established.  On March 21st the SCC met along with teacher representatives to refine the goals, establish action plans and confirm expenditures.

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Academic Goals

During the 2017-2018 school year, 66% of DPMS students were proficient on the math SAGE. Looking at disaggregated SAGE categories, 6th grade math was lowest on ratios, 7th grade math was lowest on geometry, and 8th grade math was lowest on geometry & number systems.

By the end of the 2019-2020 year, 67% of all students will be proficient in math as measured by the end of year RISE assessment.

No Yes

Language Arts

DPMS has a school-wide focus on incorporating effective structured classroom discussions into lesson plans. 6th grade will continue implementing the Illustrative Math curriculum, which 7th and 8th grade teachers will begin implementing. Teachers will receive more training on the curriculum during the summer from the Instructional Supports department.

Teachers in 6th grade will monitor progress through end of unit assessments specifically looking at ratios (unit 2 & 3).
Teachers in 7th grade will monitor progress through end of unit assessments specifically looking at geometry (unit 3 & 7).
Teachers in 8th grade will monitor progress through end of unit assessments specifically looking at geometry (unit 1 & 2) and number system (unit 7 & 8).
The overall goal is for 80% of students to reach mastery on each end of unit assessment.

Special education students will receive specialized instruction based on the goals described in their IEP. The Illustrative Math curriculum includes additional supports and scaffolds for teachers to use to support students with disabilities and close the achievement gap.

All ELL students will be taught on a team that contains an ESL endorsed teacher. Illustrative Math offers student workbooks in Spanish, which will be provided according to student need. DPMS' ELD teachers will continue to focus on helping develop academic vocabulary for ELLs in the ELD class.

SCC meetings, BLT meetings, and published on website.

Data Analysis Days - 9 teachers x 4 days (substitutes and/or stipend for after school prep hours) $4,000.00 Landtrust
Summer professional development for all math teachers on the new Illustriative Math programs $4,000.00 Landtrust
Attendance at math conference - registration & stipend $2,000.00 Landtrust
Textbooks for Illustrative Math $15,000.00 Landtrust
Supplies & materials for Illustrative Math $3,000.00 Landtrust
Peer observations (9 teachers x 1 day) $1,000.00 Landtrust
Academic Goals

Currently 88% of DPMS students are proficient on end-of-unit science assessments. However, only 65% of our special education students are proficient on end-of-unit science assessments. The achievement gap between regular education students and special education students is currently 23%. We need to reduce the achievement gap between regular education students and special education students.

Our goal is that 90% of our overall student body achieve proficiency on end-of-unit science tests while increasing proficiency of our special education students to 70% by the end of the 2019-2020 school year. This will reduce our current achievement gap from 23% to 20%.

No Yes

Language Arts

Instructional strategies with high effect size along with improved scaffolding strategies will be implemented in our science classrooms across all grade levels. These strategies will be discussed in PLC groups and commonly implemented during classroom instruction. Due to the recent changes in core science standards across 6-8 grade levels, teachers will focus on more effective content delivery and developing teaching resources specific to the new core science curriculum. Teachers will receive additional training and continue to develop skills in small group instruction, explicit instruction for content vocabulary, spiraling of core concepts, and structured classroom discussion.

Student progress towards academic science goal will be measured using end-of-unit summative science assessments throughout the school year to give a mastery-level average at the end of the 2019-2020 school year.

Teachers and teacher aides will scaffold for students with disabilities – including reteaching, small group instruction, explicit vocabulary instruction, sentence frames for structured classroom discussions and sentence frames and paragraph frames for writing. Science and ELA teachers will collaborate during August 2019 to develop writing prompts for science.

Teachers will increase language production by providing sentence starters and paragraph frames for both structured classroom discussion and writing production. Language production will also be increased with explicit vocabulary instruction, using visual supports, and providing graphic organizers specific to vocabulary.

Progress will be communicated to all stakeholders using the Skyward and Canvas platforms following unit assessments. Progress will also be discussed during teacher collaboration each Friday throughout the school year as well as in content/grade-level teams during their data day each quarter. Progress will also be shared with administration and the BLT using Google docs.

Substitute teachers for Data Analysis days (4 days per teacher) $100 per day x 9 teachers x 4 days = $3600 Landtrust
Three 17-hour aides to assist in classrooms with special education students $21,000 per year Landtrust
Teachers will provide initial training for 17 hour assistants $1600 (Aides $10.25 per hour x 3 aides x 16 hours) (Teachers $22.83 per hour x 6 teachers x 8 hours) Landtrust
Science equipment to support instruction curriculum: 6th grade sustainability field trip, 7th grade microscopes and stream table, 8th grade 3 aqua sprouts hydroponic garden, and consumable supplies for all grades. $25,000.00 Landtrust
1 Chromebook lab for 8th grade $15,000.00 Landtrust
Attendance- Utah Science Teacher Association Conference for 9 teachers $900.00 Landtrust
Academic Goals

During the 2017-2018 SAGE administration, 69% of DPMS students were proficient on the ELA SAGE assessment. When disaggregated, the SAGE data showed reading informational text as the area where students could most improve for the next year. Furthermore, the teachers and community believe a continued cross-curricular focus on teaching writing will benefit overall student achievement.

DPMS will increase overall proficiency in ELA from 69% on SAGE to 70% on RISE by increasing the instructional focus on reading and analyzing informational text.

No Yes

Language Arts

When evaluating writing, teachers will use the school-wide writing rubric used in both ELA and social studies classes. Common Formative Assessments will be developed to assess student progress in learning to analyze informational text in ELA classes. Teachers will continue to participate in professional learning and use structured classroom discussions in lesson plans.

When evaluating writing, teachers will use the school-wide writing rubric used in both ELA and social studies classes. Common Formative Assessments will be developed to assess student progress in learning to analyze informational text in ELA classes.

Hire and train classroom teacher aides to assist students with disabilities in social studies classes. Teachers will continue to provide common scaffolds to help students access the curriculum.

Hire and train classroom teacher aides to assist students with language barriers in English and social studies classes. Teachers will continue to provide common scaffolds to help students access the curriculum.

School Community Council, school website, school newsletter

Classroom Teacher Aides for Students with Disabilities (in social studies) $21,000 ($7,000 x 3) Land Trust
Classroom Teacher Aides for ELL Students (in ELA and social studies) $21,000 ($7,000 x 3) Land Trust
Special Education/ELL/504 Transition Day $4,000 (stipends for teachers) Land Trust
Data Days (4 total; 1 per quarter for all ELA and social studies teachers) $9,000 (to be used as a substitute day or timesheet time after contract hours) Land Trust
Common Formative Assessment Development Days (4 total; 2 June, 1 August, 1 May) $4,000 (to be used as a substitute day or timesheet time after contract hours) Land Trust
Peer Observations (for the purpose of horizontal alignment in teaching writing) $2,000 for substitutes Land Trust
ChromeBook Lab with Carts $21,000.00 Land Trust
School Climate Goals

Nothing Entered

Nothing Entered

No Yes

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Nothing Entered

Nothing Entered

No Dollar Amount Entered
Summary of Expenditures for all Goals
Summary - replace me