Data Dashboard

Teacher and Student Success Plan
2019 - 2020

Overarching Goal

Willow Canyon's goal is for every student to be successful. Each student should make the maximum growth possible during the school year. To reach this goal, teachers need to be valued and supported with respect, professional learning opportunities, and collaboration. Creating a culture of caring and acceptance with high expectations for everyone is our overarching goal. 

School Community Council and Staff Involvement in the TSSP
School Community Councils play an integral part in the development and monitoring of TSSP goals. Please briefly describe the participation of SCC members in the development process of this TSSP:

CSIP Data 2019-20  Willow Canyon's School Community Council is very positive, supportive and involved. They discuss school data and ideas for school improvement during meetings. Assessment data from the fall and winter have been discussed as we have collaborated to develop the coming year's plan.

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Academic Goals

Willow Canyon's reading scores are good, we report growth. We need to maintain 95% of students who are meeting the benchmark through the end of the year from September to May. We have three grade levels who are below the 95%. We also need to work on moving students from below benchmark to benchmark or above benchmark at all grade levels.

Willow Canyon will increase student scores on the Acadience reading test to have 95% of students scoring at benchmark in the September 2019 testing remaining at benchmark as reported in the May 2020 testing. We will also have 80% of students advancing from below benchmark to benchmark as reported in the May 2020 testing. Fourth and fifth grade students will show growth of 2 percentage points from September 2019 to May 2020 as reported using the Reading Inventory testing results.

No Yes

Language Arts

The September 2019 Acadience and Reading Inventory results will be discussed. The quadrant sort will be completed and teachers will plan Skills-based Small Group Instruction (SBI) for the different quadrants and determine which students will be identified for Tier 2 reading support. We will use IPLC notes to keep track of student progress and also progress monitor all students once monthly to support those on benchmark with staying on benchmark. Regular progress monitoring of students below benchmark will also be completed. Student progress will be discussed in weekly IPLC meetings and SST meetings for students who are not progressing with SBI in class and Tier 2 instruction with the reading aides.

Acadience testing for first grade through third grade and the Reading Inventory test for fourth grade and fifth grade.

Willow Canyon has an excellent resource program. The resource program will use a combination of curriculum to improve students growth. In reading we will use the Reading Mastery Program for basic reading skills supplemented with daily review of explicit phonic skills and bi-monthly reading comprehension passages. We also practice fluency with coral reading techniques.

We will continue to make sure we follow our master schedule so ELL students have time to work on Imagine Learning and access to Tier 2 instruction. We will discuss students consistently during IPLC meetings.

Progress will be communicated through SCC meetings and the principal's weekly email. This will be done to coincide with the fall, winter, and spring testing schedules.

Tier 2 Reading Interventionists $29,441.00
Academic Goals

Math instruction is a strength at Willow Canyon. We will continue to focus our efforts on students becoming proficient with knowing math facts. We will focus on students with disabilities making growth and English Language Learners moving from below and well below benchmark to benchmark on the Acadience testing.

Willow Canyon will increase student scores on the Acadience math test to have 95% of students scoring at benchmark in the September 2019 testing remaining at benchmark as reported in the May 2020 testing. We will also have 80% of students advancing from below benchmark to benchmark as reported in the May 2020 testing for all grade levels.

No Yes

Language Arts

The September 2019 Acadience math results will be discussed. Teachers will plan small group instruction and determine which students need to be identified for Tier 2 math support. We will use IPLC notes to keep track of student progress and report assessment information from the classroom to help with keeping 90% of students remaining at the benchmark through the year. Student assessment results will be tracked through IPLC notes. Regular progress monitoring of students below benchmark will be completed. Student progress will be discussed in weekly IPLC meetings and SST meetings for students who are not progressing with classroom and Tier 2 instruction.

Acadience test looking at the composite scores.

Collaboration with the resource program to ensure the current level of growth continues and we are able to get 80% of students showing growth. We will progress monitor growth using Acadience math tool.

We will provide Tier 2 assistance for ELL students needing additional support so they are in small group instruction with both their teacher and a math aide for extra support.

Through the Principal's Monday Minute in September, January, and May and during SCC meetings.

Math Interventionists $15,000.00 LAND Trust
School Climate Goals

Willow Canyon provides all students with monthly grade level lessons focused on teaching the behavior expectations and positive character traits for school success. We also have a Tier 2 process in place for students needing additional behavior support. We function as a team and have been able to make pre-corrections, put contracts in place and have a check in and check out system. We will continue all of these processes and work closely with parents in a positive proactive way. We would like to improve our attendance percentages at each grade level for students who are at risk and advancing to on track at each of the grade levels, kindergarten though fifth grade.

Willow Canyon will increase the percent of students in attendance moving from at risk to on track by two percentage points in all grade levels, kindergarten through fifth grade, by May 2020. Willow Canyon will increase the students on track as measured by ODR data, maintaining 90% of students on track at each trimester; starting in the first trimester, August 2019 and ending in the last Trimester May 2020 with 90% of students on track at each grade level.

No Yes

Willow Canyon works as a team to support students who have behavior needs. We've developed a Tier 2 process with the MTSS behavior aide that the District funds. We also have a process in place that is consistent for notifying parents and working with them to improve student attendance.

EWS data at each grade level through the school year.

Progress will be reported to stakeholders thorough the Principal's Monday Minute and during BLE, faculty meetings and SCC meetings.

Additional hours for the MTSS aide, 3 hours per week. We would like to find another aide to help with behavior for 10 hours per week. If we can find the right person we will fund this person and keep the MTSS aide at 25 hours. $2,000 or $4,250 if we find the right person. LAND Trust
PBIS school wide and in classrooms $2,000.00 Cell Tower
Summary of Expenditures for all Goals
Summary - replace me

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