Data Dashboard

Teacher and Student Success Plan
2019 - 2020

Overarching Goal

Over a two year time period, 70% of 3rd-5th students will achieve proficiency on RISE Language Arts and Mathematics.

100% of 3rd-5th grade SALTA students will achieve proficient or highly proficient on  RISE Language Arts and Mathematics.

School Community Council and Staff Involvement in the TSSP
School Community Councils play an integral part in the development and monitoring of TSSP goals. Please briefly describe the participation of SCC members in the development process of this TSSP:

Peruvian SCC plays and active role in developing, monitoring, and monitoring the CSIP. 

  • In our August SCC meeting, we discussed the CSIP development and reviewed the data from the previous year. We looked at our 2018-19 CSIP and made adjustments based upon new spring SAGE data.  We reviewed our Land Trust plan and created a report to our community. We reviewed the school climate goal and discussed revisions and implementation of morning meetings and social skills lessons.
  • In our January and February SCC meetings, we reviewed updated winter benchmark data relative to the current CSIP. We reviewed our behavior data and social emotional programs outlined in our plan. The SCC recommended that social emotional supports be included in the upcoming Land Trust plan. The SCC made recommendations for the 2019-20 CSIP and Land Trust plans to be sent to the BLT.  
  • In our March SCC meeting, we reviewed CSIP 2019 - 2020 plan draft that had been reviewed by input and feedback from Peruvian Park teachers. The CSIP and Land Trust plans were approved unanimously at this meeting. 

Not Entered
Not Entered

Not Entered

Not Entered
Academic Goals

Based on reading Acadience benchmark measures, approximately 24% of students are not on track to meet end of year reading proficiency goals. This pattern is most common in 1st and 3rd grades. Approximately 40% of neighborhood 4th-5th grade students are not proficient on SAGE ELA, with a slight decrease in both 3rd and 4th proficiency levels on spring assessments. We believe the problem is not identifying and adequately adjusting instruction for specific academic and behavioral needs. This can be seen in deficiencies in PA and phonics skills, inconsistent rigor, and lack of targeted action plans with adjusted instruction in SBI and core. Strategies for improvement include utilizing PLCs to determine specific deficiencies of identified students and plan/implement targeted action plans, including those students at borderline benchmark levels. Teachers will continue to train in scaffolding complex text and structured classroom discussions and implement consistently using purposeful planning. All teachers will make student learning visible by implementing the most effective engagement tasks that allow for checking understanding and adjusting instruction.

80% of students K-3 will meet benchmark as measured by grade level spring Acadience Reading Assessment, or advance one level toward benchmark.
3rd-5th grade neighborhood students will increase proficiency on RISE Language Arts relative to grade level and cohort trends.

69% of 3rd - 5th grade students will achieve proficient on RISE Language Arts
80% of 1st-2nd SALTA students will achieve advanced level on Reading Inventory
100% of 3rd-5th SALTA students will achieve proficient or highly proficiency on RISE Language Arts.

No Yes

Language Arts

Strategies will include more effective PLCs, assessment of instructional strategies, and implementation of structured classroom discussions -scaffolding complex text. System structures include teacher talk:student talk analysis/modification, effective action planning, and attendance-progress assessment.

Acadience, Reading Inventory, RISE, DWSBA, IPOP

Strategically plan IEP services to maximize core instruction in general education classrooms, coordinate with resource teacher and general education teacher to assess progress of SWD on instructional and grade level progress, include data in PLC

Effectively implement structured classroom discussions, precision partnering, and dyad reading in all classrooms. Monitor ELL student progress in PLC and Coach/Admin meetings. ELL facilitator will assist teachers in developing and implementing ILDP.

PLC-- BLT-- SCC meetings, principal email to parents, data board

Four MTSS Assistants $31,000.00 Land Trust
Coaching Cycle Collaboration $1,500.00 Land Trust
Technology $8,000.00 Land Trust
Academic Goals

Approximately 30% of neighborhood students in 3rd--4th and 48% in 5th are not proficient on SAGE Math, although all grades are nearing 80% proficient on Dibels Composite winter assessment. This data is inconsistent with Math DSWBA data 3rd-5th. We believe the problem is a result of a lack of expected rigor in standards-based engagement tasks, backward design that allow teachers to target standards, checks for understanding and adjustments to instruction. We also believe that meeting the social emotional needs of students promotes academic progress for all students. Strategies for improvement include utilizing PLCs to make adjustments to instruction and curriculum to meet the needs of all students (including backward design), purposefully planning explicit standard-based instruction for CORE and skills groups time, increasing structured classroom discussions, implementing the most effective engagement tasks that allow for checking understanding and adjusting instruction, and meeting the social-emotional needs of students.

85% of students K-5th will meet benchmark as measured by grade level spring Mathematics Composite, or advance one level toward benchmark.
3rd-5th grade neighborhood students will increase proficiency on RISE Mathematics relative to grade level and cohort trends.
*78 % of 3rd-5th grade neighborhood students will achieve proficient on RISE mathematics.
*100% of 3rd-5th SALTA students will achieve proficient or highly proficient on RISE Mathematics.

No Yes

Language Arts

Strategies will include more effective PLCs, assessment of instructional strategies, and implementation of structured classroom discussions -scaffolding complex text. System structures include teacher talk:student talk analysis/modification, effective action planning, and attendance-progress assessment.

DIBELS Computation/Concept-Application, DWSBA, IPOP data

Strategically plan IEP services to maximize core instruction in general education classrooms, coordinate with resource teacher and general education teacher to assess progress of SWD on instructional and grade level progress, include data in PLC

Effectively implement structured classroom discussions, precision partnering, and dyad reading in all classrooms. Monitor ELL student progress in PLC and Coach/Admin meetings. ELL facilitator will assist teachers in developing and implementing ILDP.

Land Trust Report, PLC-- BLT-- SCC meeting data review throughout the year.

Two MTSS Assistants $17,500

Land Trust
Coaching Cycle and Team Collaboration Days $1,500.00 Land Trust
Technology $8,000.00 Land Trust
School Climate Goals

Most of Peruvian Park ODR offenses are aggression. Two students account for 54% of ODRs in the 2018-19 school year. ODRs for other students most frequently occur at recess and in the classrooms. This is consistent across the school with most offenses in third grade. We believe the decrease in number of major and moderate offenses are the result of positive, proactive teaching interactions by teachers and common expectations throughout the school. We also believe that Tier 2 and Tier 3 students need more consistent implementation of support plans and a better adult understanding of best practices. Strategies for improvement will be continuing to refine the processes through which we implement comprehensive behavior plans and restorative practices. This includes providing school wide and individual training and support for identified teachers to ensure implementation of school wide strategies based on behavior instructional priorities.

100% of students and adult can identify Panther Expectations
100% of students will identify the steps in the bullying prevention action steps.
100% of teachers will consistently implement comprehensive plans, track data, and be active participants in plan modification

No Yes

BLT will guide support for grade level teams to ensure consistent implementation of behavioral and social/emotional priorities, strategies, and school wide protocols.

PBIS Walkthrough, ODR/behavior data, Stakeholder Surveys, Panther Pride data, CICO data, SIP data

Winter and Spring Reports, BLT meetings

Panther Pride $1,000.00 PTA
Summary of Expenditures for all Goals
Summary - replace me

Nothing Entered