School Community Council and Staff Involvement in the TSSP
School Community Councils play an integral part in the development and monitoring of TSSP goals. Please briefly describe the participation of SCC members in the development process of this TSSP:  
1. The community council was kept abreast of school achievement data throughout the 18-19 school year.
2. Discussions were held during the year with opportunities for SCC to provide suggestions.
3. They approved a development process wherein the BLT would be tasked to provide a draft CSIP plan for them to view and provide input for clarification, additions and deletions. This is scheduled for March 13th.
Not Entered
Not Entered
Not Entered
Not Entered
Academic Goals
According to mid-year data, 64% of students in 1st grade, 59% of students in 2nd grade, 64% of students in 3rd grade are making typical or better progress in pathways of progress. 70% of students in 4th grade and 77% of students in 5th grade are proficient or advanced on reading inventory. Based on additional benchmark measures, 2nd and 3rd grade scores are most concerning. We believe the problem is a result of the following: • Saxon - not familiar with the program, perhaps more training needed. • Lack of fidelity to approved programs in SPED • Students do very little sustained reading.
A strategy for improvement is additional training/coaching cycles for Saxon Phonics, implementation of Dyad Reading, review-refresh-retrain Reading Mastery in SPED.
By May 2020: A. 75% of students K-3 will be in the pathway of progress Kindergarten: Phonemic Segmentation 1st Grade: Nonsense Word Fluency Correct Letter Sounds & Whole Words Read 2nd Grade: Oral Reading Fluency 3rd Grade: Oral Reading Fluency B. 80% of 4th & 5th grade students will be proficient on the reading inventory
Language Arts
1. Provide additional PD for teachers on Saxon Phonics. 2. Schedule walkthroughs to validate Saxon interventions and check for fidelity. 3. Seek support from our district specialist in SPED to provide refresher training and coaching cycle in the use of Reading Mastery in our resource room. 4. Provide PD for teachers on Dyad Reading. 5. Schedule walkthroughs to validate Dyad Reading practices and check for fidelity. 6. Ensure that classroom teachers provide interventions to students with critical needs using Saxon Phonics 7. Use LandTrust funds to hire instructional assistants to provide skill-based instruction and interventions for students on-level, below-level and above-level. 8. Review and expand upon Structured Classroom Discussion PD from 2018-19.
We will progress monitor students in Kindergarten: Phonemic Segmentation 1st Grade: Nonsense Word Fluency Correct Letter Sounds & Whole Words Read 2nd Grade: Oral Reading Fluency 3rd Grade: Oral Reading Fluency 4th Grade: Oral Reading Fluency & DAZE 5th Grade: Oral Reading Fluency & DAZE
1. Seek support from our district specialist in SPED to provide refresher training and coaching cycle in the use of Mastery Reading in our resource room. 2. Validate with walkthroughs
1. Ensure all ELs get appropriate access to Imagine Learning. 2. Teachers monitor progress on Imagine Learning. • PD from district specialist
New for 2019-20 • Hire a second ELO aide $6200 • Hire a volunteer coordinator to run reading tutoring program. Goal is to have them supervise at least 10 volunteers who will volunteer one hour per day, two days per week. During each hour, they will tutor two students. The focus will be on actually reading for the majority of that thirty minutes. $6200
Land Trust
Provide two half-day trainings for aides
Land Trust
Fund seven half-day BLT meetings - Subs
Land Trust
Fund sub days for observations. walk-throughs and curriculum evaluation/design
Land Trust
Purchase and/or replace instructional materials and texts.
Land Trust
School Climate Goals
With limited data we have determined that a significant portion of our students may not feel safe at school (especially on the playground). We do not feel prepared with adequate data to fully assess our students’ sense of belonging and connectedness at school and believe that this is an area worthy of further exploration. To this end, we will create more detailed surveys for students to determine: • What percent of students feel like they belong at your school? • What percent of students have a meaningful connection with at least one adult in the building? • What percent of students feel safe at your school?
By May 2020, 90% of students surveyed will feel like they belong at school, have a meaningful connection with at least one adult in the building and feel safe at school.
1. Create surveys 2. Administer surveys 3. Analyze data from surveys 4. Determine how students define belonging, meaningful connections and feeling safe at school 5. Address any issues that can be solved by tighter definitions and/or better communication 6. Develop plans to address other issues that are discovered through the survey 7. Execute plans
Student surveys in Spring 2019, Winter 2020 and Spring 2020