Data Dashboard

Teacher and Student Success Plan
2019 - 2020

Overarching Goal

88% of students grades 1-3 are achieving at or above typical growth at 18.19 EOY as measured by Pathways compared to 75% of students in 2017-18.   While we have made significant progress, we believe every student has the potential to achieve a year of typical growth. Our multi-year goal is to increase the number of students achieving at or above typical growth to 95%.

School Community Council and Staff Involvement in the TSSP
School Community Councils play an integral part in the development and monitoring of TSSP goals. Please briefly describe the participation of SCC members in the development process of this TSSP:

Reviewed 2018-2019 data with SCC in both fall and winter.  The Council supports the plan to continue our focus on efforts to increase the percentage of students achieving at or above typical growth in reading as measured by Pathways to Progress. They also understand our desire to improve upon our Morning Meeting focus of creating classroom communities that foster open dialogue and effective problem solving strategies. 

Not Entered
Not Entered

Not Entered

Not Entered
Academic Goals

85.2% of students grades 1-5 are reaching proficiency as measured by Acadience Math Composite. We believe the problem is a result of a lack of focus on skill based instruction. A strategy for improvement is implementing a "walk-to-math" model during the 30 minute daily SBI block. We also need to review data bi-weekly in IPLCs for students receiving pull-out intervention using the Envision RTI materials.

87% of students in grades 1-5 will reach proficiency as measured by Acadience Math Composite given in spring 2020.

No Yes

Language Arts

1. Develop a push-in schedule (hire 1 additional interventionist) - "walk to math"
2. Train teachers on creating individual student goals through Pathways of Progress (if available through Acadience).
3. Review progress monitoring monthly.
4. IPLC data review for students receiving intervention on a bi-weekly basis.
5. Train para-educators on the Intervention Activity in Envision
6. Find resources and train teachers on Enrichment activities (Prodigy, etc.)
7. Develop better understanding of how to use ST Math to coordinate with Envision curriculum, hold all accountable for meeting the minimum weekly minute requirement (60,90)
8. Implement coaching cycles to support tier I math instruction

Teachers will set achievement goals using BOY data. Students will be progress monitored monthly whole class on both MCAP and MCOMP.

SWD's will receive targeted instruction during SBI time and will be progress monitored weekly.

ELL's will receive targeted instruction as outlined in the ILDP. Teacher resources to include the English Language Learners section in Envision.

BOY and MOY data is shared during Fall and Winter SCC meetings. Data shared with teachers through BLT on a monthly basis. Parents will receive progress reports during SEP conferences.

2 para-educators hired to provide push-in intervention $10,500.00 TSSA funds TSSP
Academic Goals

88% of 1-3 students are achieving at or above typical growth from BOY to EOY as measured by Acadience Reading assessment. We believe the problem is a result of a lack of focus on data analysis for students in groups 1 and 4. A strategy for improvement is implementing coaching cycles supporting SBI groups 1 and 4. We also need to review data bi-weekly in IPLCs for students receiving pull-out intervention through the Great Leaps program.

90% of students in grades 1-3 will achieve at or above typical growth from BOY to EOY as measured by Acadience Reading assessment given in spring 2020.

No Yes

Language Arts

1. Review IPLC process with faculty - revise agenda

2. Train teachers on creating individual student goals through Pathways of Progress. Ongoing PD throughout the year. (This link leads to the drive that houses DIBELS_NET_PATHWAYS)

3. Review all progress monitoring based on Pathways to Progress monthly.

4. Implement coaching cycles to support interventionists working with SBI groups, to include professional development (group management, engagement, basic instructional routines)
para training September 3rd - 6th. Push-in to begin September 9th.

Teachers will set Pathways of Progress goals using BOY data. Students who are below proficient (yellow/red) will be progress monitored weekly. Students on the proficiency bubble (low green) will be monitored monthly.

SWD's will receive targeted instruction during SBI time and will be progress monitored weekly.

ELL's will receive targeted instruction during SBI time to address ILDP goals. They will be progress monitored weekly.

BOY and MOY data is shared during Fall and Winter SCC meetings. Data shared with teachers through BLT on a monthly basis. Parents will receive progress reports during SEP conferences.

Substitutes for 1/2 day BLT meetings up to $4000 Cell Tower
School Climate Goals

In the 2017-2018 school year, Morning Meetings were implemented at Brookwood. We feel the need to readdress the importance of holding consistent Morning Meetings. This will require us to go back to basics and have teachers share their success model for implementation. We know great meetings are happening at Brookwood, we need to highlight the positives and support where needed to get everyone at full implementation.

By the end of the 2020 school year, 100% of faculty/staff will hold Morning Meetings at least 3 times per week. The purpose of the meeting is to promote positive social/emotional relationships between students that will benefit them in both academic and recreational arenas. Additionally, students will develop positive relationships with teachers.

No Yes

The faculty will receive continued professional development training in Fall of 2019. Teachers will have a list of specific elements of an effective Morning Meeting. They will be provided implementation supports as needed throughout the school year by the principal, achievement coach and school counselor. In the month of October, February and May we will collect data through the Morning Meeting Checklist. Members of the BLT will report MM data in subsequent faculty meetings.

Implementation will be measured by the revised Morning Meeting Checklist. The BLT will conduct observations and complete the checklist during scheduled walk-throughs.

BOY and MOY data is shared during Fall and Winter SCC meetings. Data shared with teachers through BLT on a monthly basis.

Morning Meeting Professional Development Materials $450.00 Cell Tower
Full-time school counselor $38,000.00 TSSA funds
Summary of Expenditures for all Goals
Summary - replace me

Nothing Entered