Data Dashboard

Teacher and Student Success Plan
2019 - 2020

Overarching Goal

By 2021-22 school year, 80% of all students will show typical or above typical progress in mathematics and ELA as measured by Acadience (DIBELS) Pathways to Progress or student makes at least 100 point increase by Lexile (RI). 

School Community Council and Staff Involvement in the TSSP
School Community Councils play an integral part in the development and monitoring of TSSP goals. Please briefly describe the participation of SCC members in the development process of this TSSP:

SCC members reviewed current and trend data for mathematics, English Language Arts, and behavior, including attendance rates. Members are updated quarterly on data and LAND Trust plan budgets.

SCC members approved plans as written.

Not Entered
Not Entered

Not Entered

Not Entered
Academic Goals

By mid year, 58% of all students had met their pathways goals. We were not able to assess students at the end of the year due to COVID school closure in March.

BY 2020-21, 60% of all students will have typical or above typical growth as measured by pathways of progress in acadience including subgroups of special education, English learners and Hispanics (as identified in TSI)

No Yes

Language Arts

What specific scaffolds/supports are currently in place for these populations? How effective are those supports/scaffolds? How universal are those supports/scaffolds being applied?
to see what instructional, data, and implementation supports.
LETRS training for 2nd, 5th, and SPED teacher to deepen understanding of foundations for reading and how to help struggling readers
National PD on MTSS and how to support all learners through universal design, problem solving, and effective instruction for BLT members in October 2019
Supports from Principal and Coach weekly at IPLC’s for each grade level weekly to help problem solve instruction, and student growth.
Backwards Design for each grade level to support teachers in understanding the standards, collaborating with the team to lesson plan, and take a deep dive into the data and feedback from students. Along with monthly PD’s during IPLC’s for teachers given by principal or coach depending on the needs of the team in alignment with the school, district, and state goals.

Year 3 of structured classroom discussion - public practice - for all teacher - coaching cycles - feedback on implementation based on district checklist of effective SCD in Tier I on grade level instruction. Continued teacher goals and growth with peer coaching, video reflection, and coaching cycles.
Intensified Routines - public practice - teacher directed goals in implementation of intensified routines to support all learners. Public practice of peer coaching, coaching cycles, or video reflection with feedback.
95% for students who are below benchmark - for all students below benchmark teachers along with para teach based on diagnostic information for 40 min. 5X a week
coaching cycles with fidelity of 95% implementation of effective instruction
IPLC’s weekly - data dive and reflection on instruction, supports for EL, SWD, and SES .
Professional Development utilizing the strategies and approach of Impact Teams. National coaching supports from Barb Pitchford. Supports 2 grade levels this year with unpacking standards, assessing data, effective instruction for meeting all learners. Hoping to continue this support next year.
Weekly IPLC supports for SPED teacher with the coach

Students are on target measured by midwinter benchmarks to meet their pathways of progress goal of 60% by the end of the year.

All special education students receive preteaching of the reading material the week before to support their learning for vocabulary the next week, 95% group skill instruction, and Number Worlds math instruction which aligns with the general education math curriculum. Weekly monitoring of progress is done to adjust instruction.

Language goals are imbedded along with content goals. Structured classroom instruction and intensified routines in English Language Arts classes are used in all grades. Students are supported by our ALS technician in a push in model. Language Central is assigned as indicated. Student progress is monitored weekly.

The School Community Council is involved in all actions. Information is shared through our website and social media.

Total TSSP
No Dollar Amount Entered
Academic Goals

Nothing Entered

Nothing Entered

No Yes

Language Arts

Nothing Entered

Nothing Entered

Nothing Entered

Nothing Entered

Nothing Entered

No Dollar Amount Entered
Academic Goals

Nothing Entered

Nothing Entered

No Yes

Language Arts

Nothing Entered

Nothing Entered

Nothing Entered

Nothing Entered

Nothing Entered

No Dollar Amount Entered
Academic Goals

SWD are our most at-risk population.
ELs in 3rd and 4th grade made progress last year, however, we must continue to support them with structured classroom discussion and quality SBI in small groups. Our students who are both SWD and EL are making the least amount of progress. Continued implementation of structured classroom discussion, intensified routines, program alignment in SWD classrooms and general education classrooms, monitoring data in SBI to inform instruction with 95% program are making an impact on student growth. The analysis also shows that the teaching staff needs to continue to identify student academic needs through weekly progress monitoring to inform instruction in both the general education classroom and the SWD support class.

By 2021-22 school year, 80% of all students will show typical or above typical progress in mathematics and ELA as measured by Acadience (DIBELS) Pathways to Progress or student makes at least 100 point increase by Lexile (RI).

No Yes

Language Arts

1)   Monitoring/progress monitoring all students, disaggregate SWD and EL student achievement data weekly-in iPLCs
2)   Use data weekly in iPLC to problem solve team and teacher gaps-in iPLCs
3)   Adjust instruction on the growth or gaps in whole group and small group instruction-in classrooms, supported by coaching cycles
4)   Continue to strengthen communication pathways between general education and SWD instructors-at SPED weekly meetings and iPLCs
5)   Assess and adjust instruction based on data feedback and student skill gap and growth-BLT analysis and goal setting
6) Professional development plan implementation (See BLT shared file.)ALL staff
7) Continue to strengthen structured classroom discussion to support EL and SWD. ALL staff

By 2021-22 school year, 80% of all students will show typical or above typical progress in mathematics and ELA as measured by Acadience (DIBELS) Pathways to Progress or student makes at least 100 point increase by Lexile (RI).

See above.

See above.

Through monthly SCC updates and

No Dollar Amount Entered
School Climate Goals

We have made significant progress with our K-4 grade students. We have significantly less office referrals for behavior. Teachers are using the Dashboard to log minors this year. Teams have improved at problem solving student behavior issues for minors and using precorrection for predictable failures. Schoolwide PAWS are visible in student behavior. Positive reinforcement is widespread. Restorative practices (reteach, scaffolds as needed, including CICO, counseling, family wrap-around services, etc.) have been strengthened. Tier I behavior supports firmly in place, however, our teachers need more trauma informed school practices for our 2-5% severe student support needs, especially those without IEP services.

Reduce average ODRs from 10 per month to 5 per month.

No Yes

SEL social skills classes, fifth grade academy, CICO, behavior contracts, as needed by individual student need.

We will reduce average ODR rates from 10 per month to 5 per month.

Through SCC monthly data reviews.

No Dollar Amount Entered
Summary of Expenditures for all Goals
Summary - replace me

Nothing Entered