Data Dashboard

Teacher and Student Success Plan
2020 - 2021

Overarching Goal

Increase graduation rate to 88%.   

School Community Council and Staff Involvement in the TSSP
School Community Councils play an integral part in the development and monitoring of TSSP goals. Please briefly describe the participation of SCC members in the development process of this TSSP:

School Community Council reviews all school-wide data and helps develop and approves all TSSP and Trust Land goals.



Academic Goals

We believe the problem is that the proficiency percentages as referenced in the 2019 State Accountability Report for math, science, ELA, ACT, and readiness coursework are lower than the achievable capacity for the students at Hillcrest High School. This is perpetuated by a need for strengthening collective efficacy school-wide.

-Every teacher/ professional learning community will create and administer 1 Common Summative Assessment per quarter.
-Every teacher/PLC will create and administer 3 Common Formative Assessment per quarter with a pass rate of 80% (after retakes).
-We will increase our school readiness (currently at 74.3%) to meet or exceed State average (currently at 81%).
*Advanced Placement/International Baccalaureate/Concurrent Enrollment participation/enrollment leads to a higher predictability for graduation.
-Meet or exceed District average in ACT 18+ Readiness Score (currently district is 71%)

No Yes

Language Arts

Teachers will use...
1) Continuing effective IPLC data-driven teams
a. Teacher Clarity: learning intentions and success criteria (ie. “I Can” statements)
b. Backward Design: summative assessments will create the daily learning intentions/CFAs
c. Teachers should limit the standards of focus to priority standards when creating assessments and related learning intentions.
d. Teachers will use the 2020-2021 TSSP Assessment Criteria
2) Structured Classroom Discussions
3) Using data to identify and implement re-teaching groups
a. Teachers and students will use Academic Preparation Period (APP) as a Tier 2 strategy for reteaching content knowledge and skill building beyond Tier 1 instruction.
4) Comprehensive Close Reading of Informational/ Literary Text
5) Interactive Note-Taking: Focusing on relevant instructional standards with a clearly student written stated objective, capturing, questioning, summarizing, and reviewing and applying.
6) Hillcrest High School will establish a Readiness Coursework committee to increase enrollment in AP/IB/CE courses.
a. The committee will focus on department presentations, communicating program benefits and opportunities to the Hillcrest community.
b. Offer ACT review courses for 11th graders

Measured by:
-Equal to or greater than State average on ASPIRE test in 9th & 10th
-Equal to or exceed District average in ACT
-Yearly increase in AP/IB/CE participation

Offer co-taught content classes, as well as math every day for Freshman. We will monitor with Fall, Winter, Spring Math Inventory (MI) and Reading Inventory (RI) scores.

Offer co-taught content classes, as well as math every day for Freshman, and a newcomer course in Math & ELA for World-class Instructional Design and Assessment (WIDA) 1 students. We will monitor with Fall, Winter, Spring MI and RI scores. Furthermore, as students improve within their current levels, they will advance to next level of math and ELA.

Quarterly reporting of MI/ RI/ WIDA Progress/ previous year's ASPIRE data to BLT and content teachers/ dept heads

Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $5,000.00 Training teachers on authentic assessments, Growth Mindset, teacher clarity, and school readiness. TSSP
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $200,000.00 Teachers hired beyond 0050 FTE for ELL Math and restorative practices TSSP
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $285,000.00 Teachers hired beyond 0050 FTE for ELL Math and restorative practices Landtrust
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $20,000.00 ACT review periods and team stipends for instructional support TSSP
School Climate Goals

We believe a student’s uninformed desire to be anonymous creates a culture of academic failure and a lack of care for their social and emotional wellbeing. The data shows that the students want to be successful, but they are stressed and overwhelmed with school. This is perpetuated by the lack of time and planning necessary for accomplishing the “Every Husky, Every Day” reality.

School Climate Performance Goals
-Achieve a 90% average quarterly attendance rate.
-Achieve a 90% quarterly Academic Preparation Period (APP) attendance rate among students needing Tier 2 support.
-Measured by the CTESS Teacher/ Student Surveys, we will increase our performance yearly on the following survey questions:
*My teacher knows when I do not understand (school 3.19/4, district 3.23/4).
*My school is a place where I feel safe (school 3.02/4, district 3.2/4).
-Keep students in school using a 0% student suspension philosophy.

No Yes

Teachers Will Use:
-Academic Planning Period (APP)
-Reteaching Groups
-Electronic Hall Pass
-APP incentives (PBIS stamps, Husky Cards)
-Counselor-initiated Husky Huddles
-Husky Recognitions
-Husky Grams
-Attendance Incentives
-School-wide Attendance Plan
-Effective Student Support Teams (SST) Coordination
-Effective Care Team Coordination
-Effective school-wide committees that address students’ social-emotional needs
-Hopeful Beginnings support for social-emotional needs
-Student Restoration Under Facilitation (RUF)
-Effective BLT Leadership
-Facilitating community and school relationships

Weekly attendance report, CTESS teacher/ student surveys/ suspension reports

Attendance is reported to teachers weekly. CTESS survey data is available and communicated Nov/ Dec 2020. Suspension reports are analyzed monthly.

School Checking $40,000.00 Student awards and survey costs Other
Summary of Expenditures for all Goals
Summary - replace me

Purchase more sections of needed classes, pay for substitutes, purchase additional supplies, technology, software, textbooks, additional equipment, items for Professional Development, and/ or use for additional stipends.