Data Dashboard

Teacher and Student Success Plan
2020 - 2021

Overarching Goal

School Community Council and Staff Involvement in the TSSP
School Community Councils play an integral part in the development and monitoring of TSSP goals. Please briefly describe the participation of SCC members in the development process of this TSSP:

Reviewed academic proficiency and growth data with SCC in November 2019 and January 2020.  The Council supports the plan to continue our focus on efforts to increase math proficiency as measured by the Acadience Math Composite. The council also supports our plan to implement elements of restorative practice beginning with a school-wide focus on creating classroom communities that foster open dialogue and effective problem solving strategies.



Not Entered
Academic Goals

Across the 2017-2018 school year we saw a 23% increase in proficiency from fall to spring as measured by the Math Acadience Composite. In contrast, across the 2018-2019 school year, Acadience Math Composite data indicates a 13% increase in proficiency from fall to spring. We believe the difference in growth rates possibly could be related to a dip in implementation of our tier I and tier II intervention programs and supports. A strategy for improvement is refocusing on highly effective instructional priorities and implementing math language routines across grades.

By May of 2021, grades K-5 will see an increase of at least 17% in proficiency as measured by Acadience Math Composite data from fall to spring.

No Yes

Language Arts

1. Train teachers on creating individual student goals through Pathways of Progress (if available through Acadience)
2. Review progress monitoring monthly
3. Train teachers on lesson embedded enrichment.
4. Promote structured academic discussion through math language routines.
5. Restructure our walk-to math program
6. Continue school-wide Spatial/Temporal Math implementation including ongoing professional development and data analysis.
7. Purchase Number Talks Book for each teacher ($800)
8. ST Math site license ($1300)

Monthly Acadience progress monitoring for math computation and math concepts/application.
Growth on Math Composite from Beginning of Year to End of Year.

Instruction in math will include math language routines. Grade level Instructional Professional Learning Community meetings will focus on implementation of structured academic instruction.
Targeting specific skills in Walk to Math groups.
Ensure accommodations are being provided in daily instruction and on assessments.

Instruction in math will include math language routines. Grade level Instructional Professional Learning Community meetings will focus on implementation of structured academic instruction.
Targeting specific skills in Walk to math groups.
Ensure accommodations are being provided in daily instruction and on assessments.

We will share our Math Composite Growth in January and again in May 2021. This data will be shared with Building Leadership Team, School Community Council, Parent Teacher Association and school staff.

Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $8,000.00 The money will be allocated to continue our Walk-to-Math program which requires a math interventionist. TSSP
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $12,000.00 2 aides to assist with math intervention Landtrust
School Climate Goals

88% of our teachers are currently holding Morning Circles at least 3 times a week. We believe the remaining 12% of teachers are not holding morning circles consistently due to time and scheduling barriers and lack of resources. A strategy for improvement is to build morning circle time into the master schedule and provide readily available resources for every teacher.

By the end of the 2021 school year, 100% of teachers will hold Morning Circles a minimum of 4 times per week. The purpose is to promote positive social/emotional relationships between students that will benefit them in both academic and recreational arenas. Additionally, students will develop positive relationships with teachers.

No Yes

Provide readily available resources to teachers to use for Morning Circles (hands on resources - not digital).
Create a survey for the students related to Morning Circle implementation.
Create Morning Circle modeling opportunities for teachers through coaching cycles from the school counselor and/or achievement coach and observations of other teachers.
Build Morning Circle time into the Master Schedule.
Conduct Circle Checklist in November and February.
Provide Biweekly Social Emotional Lessons using the Second Steps curriculum for all grade levels.
Incorporate monthly social emotional topic in Morning Circles at least once a month.
Counselor will conduct specialized group counseling to address anxiety, anger management, time management, grief, etc.
Counselor will provide ongoing teacher professional development related to social and emotional health
Purchase two K-5 Second Step Bundles for $2300 a piece

Morning Circle survey data from teachers
Morning Circle survey data from students
Morning Circle Checklist data from morning circle walkthroughs.
Counselor logs

The data that will be shared will be our morning circle checklist data, teacher survey data, student survey data. We will collect survey and walkthrough data in November of 2020 and February of 2021. This data will be shared in BLT, SCC, PTA and faculty meetings.

Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $42,000.00 We will utilize TSSP funds to hire a full time School Counselor to support social/emotional learning and curriculum. TSSP
Summary of Expenditures for all Goals
Summary - replace me

Additional funds will be used to hire math interventionists and purchase supplies, textbooks, technology and software to support our goals.