Data Dashboard

Teacher and Student Success Plan
2020 - 2021

Overarching Goal
School Community Council and Staff Involvement in the TSSP
School Community Councils play an integral part in the development and monitoring of TSSP goals. Please briefly describe the participation of SCC members in the development process of this TSSP:



Not Entered
Academic Goals

70.3% of grade one through three students are making typical or better progress according to Acadience Reading data. Growth data is more impacted in grades one (60%) and three (69.3%) than in grade two (81.6%). One hypothesis for this trend is that grade two teachers utilize IPLC teaming protocols which allow them to effectively use data analysis and plan next steps for student achievement.

80% of 1st-3rd Grade students will make typical or better growth in reading as measured by Acadience Pathways to Progress reports by the end of the 2020-2021 school year.

No Yes

Language Arts

Lone Peak Elementary will use PLC time to analyze student data and develop plans for students in order to impact growth. Teachers will use the Evidence Analysis Action protocol to create plans for students in reading groups.
Professional Development funds will be used for materials to support vertical teaming in order to impact student growth in the area of reading. (ex. additional 95% group kits, reading materials for teachers about research based reading instructional practices.)
Four Tier 2 aides will be utilized to support students in grades K-2 in the area of reading per teacher guidance. Tier 2 aides will be trained by Instructional Coach in reading interventions.
Use of funds to increase counselor salary from half time to full time in order to meet the social emotional needs of students and increase the likelihood of improved academic outcomes,

Student growth will be measured using Acadience Pathways to Progress reports three times a year.
Interim data will be collected using Progress Monitoring through Acadience and/ or 95% group, depending on student need, to determine student growth trajectory.

Students with disabilities will receive targeted small group instruction from both the classroom teacher and the special education teacher.

Teachers will utilize structured classroom discussion techniques in small group as well as whole group lessons.

Progress will be communicated to stakeholders in September, February and May SCC meetings. Meeting minutes will be published on the school website.

Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $18,000.00 Two Tier 2 Aides to Support Small Group Instruction. TSSP
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $45,000.00 Counselor salary TSSP
$27,000.00 Six interventionists (including one Chinese speaking interventionist) to help support small group instruction. Landtrust
Academic Goals

Math and Science scores on RISE have stagnated over the past few years. This trend is seen across grade levels. One hypothesis for this trend is that teachers have focused their IPLCs on English Language Arts and Acadience Reading data rather than on Math or Science.

Grade 3 through Grade 5 students will increase their Math RISE scores 3 percentage points by the end of the 2020-2021 school year.

No Yes

Language Arts

Lone Peak Elementary will use PLC time to analyze student data and develop plans for students in order to impact growth. Teachers will use the Evidence Analysis Action protocol to create plans for students in math groups.
Two Tier 2 aides will be utilized to support students in grades 3-5 in the area of math per teacher guidance. Tier 2 aides will be trained by Instructional Coach in math interventions.
Use of funds to increase counselor salary from half time to full time in order to meet the social emotional needs of students and increase the likelihood of improved academic outcomes,

Progress towards goal will be measured using Acadience benchmark data three times a year. In addition, teams will develop common formative assessment in PLC and Vertical teams to determine student mastery of standards. District Wide Standard Based assessment results will also be used in PLC and Vertical teams using the Evidence Analysis Action protocol to determine action plans for student growth.

Students with disabilities will receive targeted small group instruction from both classroom teacher and special education teacher.

Teachers will utilize structured classroom discussion techniques in small group as well as whole group lessons.

Progress will be communicated to stakeholders in September, February and May SCC meetings. Meeting minutes will be published on the school website.

Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $18,000.00 Two Tier 2 Aides to support Small Group Instruction TSSP
$42,000.00 Landtrust
Academic Goals

Math and Science scores on RISE have stagnated over the past few years. This trend is seen across grade levels. One hypothesis for this trend is that teachers have focused their IPLCs on English Language Arts and Acadience Reading data rather than on Math or Science.

Grade 4 through Grade 5 students will increase their Science RISE scores 3 percentage points by the end of the 2020-2021 school year.

No Yes

Language Arts

Lone Peak Elementary will use PLC time to analyze student data and develop plans for students in order to impact growth. Teachers will use the EAA protocol to create plans for students in science.
Professional Development funds will be used for materials to support vertical teaming in order to impact student growth in the area of science. (ex. reading materials for teachers about science content.
Science Kits will be purchased (McGraw Hill) to support teacher implementation of newly purchased science curriculum.

Student progress will be monitored using common formative assessments developed by grade level and vertical teams.

Structured classroom discussion techniques will be utilized to support student understanding of science content.

Structured classroom discussion techniques will be utilized to support student understanding of science content.

Progress will be communicated to SCC in September, February and May meetings. Meeting will be published on the school website.

General Supplies 610 $5,000.00 McGraw Hill Science Kits TSSP
$17,237.00 Landtrust
Summary of Expenditures for all Goals
Summary - replace me

Additional TSSA funds will be used to provide professional development (cost of substitutes/trainers) and to purchase teacher materials (including technology if appropriate) supporting student achievement and improve Tier I instruction available to all teachers in reading, math and science. By addressing Tier I instruction with additional funds, this would limit our need for as many Tier II interventions. If additional funds were substantial enough, we would hire other instructional assistants to help meet the needs of all students at Lone Peak in reading