Data Dashboard

Teacher and Student Success Plan
2020 - 2021

Overarching Goal
School Community Council and Staff Involvement in the TSSP
School Community Councils play an integral part in the development and monitoring of TSSP goals. Please briefly describe the participation of SCC members in the development process of this TSSP:
The SCC met on 02/20/2020 and 03/26/2020 to review the current plan that has been in development with principal, external coached, achievement coaches, and the BLT.



Not Entered
Academic Goals

33% of all our students at East Sandy Elementary are not making typical or better progress on Acadience Pathway to Progress. This pattern is consistent across our student population with the exception of third grade. It is even more prevalent with our English Language Learners (EL). We believe this problem is a result of a lack of targeted instruction as well as a lack of scaffolding of core instruction in the classroom. A strategy for improvement is professional development on the implementation of these two specific instructional priorities: scaffolding instruction, and grouping structured classroom instruction.

Kindergarten: By May of 2021, 90% of East Sandy’s Kindergarten students will make typical or above typical growth in PSF (Phoneme Segmentation Fluency) from MOY (Middle of Year) to EOY (End of Year) as measured by Acadience Pathways of Progress.

First: By May of 2021, 60% East Sandy’s first grade students will make typical or above typical growth on Acadience Pathways of Progress for a Composite Score from Fall Benchmark to Spring Benchmark.

Second: By May of 2021, 60% East Sandy’s second grade students will make typical or above typical growth on Acadience Pathways of Progress for a Composite Score from Fall Benchmark to Spring Benchmark.

Third Grade: By May of 2021, 60% East Sandy’s third grade students will make typical or above typical growth on Acadience Pathways of Progress for a Composite Score from Fall Benchmark to Spring Benchmark.

Fourth: By May of 2021, 85% of East Sandy's fourth grade will gain 100 points, at minimum, or maintain a level higher than 770, on the Reading Inventory (RI) from the Fall Benchmark to Spring Benchmark.

Fifth: By May 2021, East Sandy’s fifth grade will improve RI (Reading Inventory) scores from the Fall to Spring Benchmarks in the following groups:
•   80% of students who are at or above benchmark will improve their scores by at least 50 points.
•   80% of the students who are below or well below will make the yearly growth of 75 points.

SPED: All students will make progress on their Individualized goals in reading.

No Yes

Language Arts

Instructional Priorities:
Structured Classroom Discussion
scaffolding instruction
Morning Circles

Land trust -

1.   Maintain our three curriculum interventionists to provide Tier II interventions.

2.   Curriculum interventionists will be supervised and trained by the Achievement Coach on strategies and techniques for successful implementation of district approved Response to Interventions (RtI) curriculum and other supplemental programs.

3.   A new supplemental program (Saxon Phonics) will be purchased for Tier II Reading instruction in the classroom. One set will be purchased.

4.   Teachers will use collaboration time to review student data, identify student needs and plan appropriate RtI instruction. Teacher professional development may also be provided during collaboration time if needed. Substitute teachers will be provided to allow teachers this time.

5.   Technology devices will be used in both the classroom and the Tier II skill-based instruction groups to teach and reinforce literacy skills.

6.   Students will be instructed on identified skills through deeper diagnostic while receiving standardized and contextualized components of the curriculum for Tier I and for Tier II.

7. Purchase general materials and supplies to support instruction related to school literacy goal.

8.   Through the use of the Trust land monies, we hope to see our teachers addressing the needs of all of our students more effectively. We anticipate our general core instruction will continue to improve as teachers, coach and administrator spend time reviewing and discussing our academic goals on a regular basis. We also anticipate that our curriculum interventionists will be able to continue their effective intervention supports that have consistently shown growth with our Tier II students.


1.   Two multi-tier systems of support (MTSS) interventionist will maintain behavioral supports with students receiving tier II intervention daily. MTSS interventionists will work closely with classroom teachers to align supports as needed with academics and attendance.

2.   Extend the .5 FTE (half-time) school counselor that was allotted to us to a 1.0 FTE (full-time counselor) to address the social emotional needs of the students at East Sandy Elementary.

3.   Professional development.

4. Roll-over from the 2019-2020 school year is projected at 3,800.00. If this amount rolls over we will use it to purchase two sets of Second Steps curriculum (estimated cost $4,000). We would take $200.00 from the professional development budget listed above to round the $3,800.00 carry over to $4000.00. If this money does not roll over we will keep the total of $586.00 in the professional development budget.

Acadience Pathways to Progress
Progress Monitoring
Targeted observations
CORE Phonics and Phonemic Awareness assessments
High Quality implementation Assessments
Reading Inventory (RI)

Teachers will instruct the students who are at greatest risk of not making benchmark during small group instruction. They will use the data collected from the benchmark and progress monitoring to adjust their instruction by regrouping for small group instruction during walk-to-Read. They will analyze Common Formative Assessments (CFA's) given during small group instruction daily, and during core instruction at least weekly, and maximize English Language Arts instructional minutes on the master schedule. Progress will be monitored during weekly IPLC meetings with teachers and observations by peers, coach and principal.

Teachers will receive professional development on our focus Instructional priorities: Morning Circles and Structured Classroom Discussion. Teachers will regularly plan and deliver lessons using sentence frames, teacher clarity, and explicit instruction in conjunction with structured classroom discussion. We will focus on coding spelling words for written language production, increased oral responses, and partner talk. Students will have additional opportunities for language production during Morning Circle components.

Progress will be communicated monthly during SCC & PTA meetings. Our plan will also be displayed in the front of our school when parents walk into the building. Attendance will be displayed in the office and updated daily on our attendance bulletin board.

Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $46,392.00 Maintain our three curriculum interventionists to provide Tier II interventions (estimated cost is $44,392.00). Teachers will use collaboration time to review student data, identify student needs and plan appropriate RtI instruction. Teacher professional development may also be provided during collaboration time if needed. Substitute teachers will be provided to allow teachers this time ($2,000). Landtrust
Textbooks 641 $1,000.00 A new supplemental program (Saxon Phonics) will be purchased for Tier II Reading instruction in the classroom ($1,000). One set will be purchased. Landtrust
Equipment and Technology 730 $8,638.00 Technology devices will be used in both the classroom and the Tier II skill-based instruction groups to teach and reinforce literacy skills. Landtrust
General Supplies 610 $2,727.00 Purchase general materials and supplies to support instruction related to school literacy goal. Landtrust
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $42,586.00 Two multi-tier systems of support (MTSS) interventionist will maintain behavioral supports with students receiving tier II intervention daily. MTSS interventionists will work closely with classroom teachers to align supports as needed with academics and attendance (estimated cost is $5,900). Extend the .5 FTE (half-time) school counselor ($42,000) that was allotted to us to a 1.0 FTE (full-time counselor) to address the social emotional needs of the students at East Sandy Elementary. Professional development ($586.00). TSSP
School Climate Goals

During the 2019-2020 school year East Sandy made a significant impact on the number of office referrals. We believe this is due to relationships that were made with students during check-in/check-out, in class social emotional lessons, and through the collection of academic data supports. We would like to continue these efforts.

Decrease office referrals by 5%.

No Yes

Two multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS) interventionist will maintain behavioral supports with students receiving tier II intervention daily. MTSS interventionists will work closely with classroom teachers to align supports as needed with academics and attendance.

Data Dashboard

During SCC and PTA Meetings

Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $5,900.00 Two multi-tier systems of support (MTSS) interventionist will maintain behavioral supports with students receiving tier II intervention daily. MTSS interventionists will work closely with classroom teachers to align supports as needed with academics and attendance. TSSP
Summary of Expenditures for all Goals
Summary - replace me

If additional funds become available in our Land Trust we will purchase additional technology devices, software, and/or interventionist hours to support literacy instruction (Goal #1). We would also provide professional development through the use of substitutes and/or supplies or textbooks to support attainment of Land Trust goals.

If additional funds become available in our TSSP we will purchase additional technology devices, software, and/or substitutes for teachers to participate in planning days, and classroom observations.  We would also purchase supplies and/or textbooks to support our attainment of our TSSP goals.