Data Dashboard

Teacher and Student Success Plan
2020 - 2021

Overarching Goal


  • To see proficiency levels increase to above 80% as measured by the Reading Inventory (RI).
  • To see proficiency levels increase to above 80% as measured by the Math inventory (MI).

AVID: Earn an Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) site of distinction.

Climate: Increase the percentage of students on track on the Canyons Early Warning System(EWS) to over 60%.

School Community Council and Staff Involvement in the TSSP
School Community Councils play an integral part in the development and monitoring of TSSP goals. Please briefly describe the participation of SCC members in the development process of this TSSP:

The School Community Council discussed proposed plans and received a working draft with data on 2/19/20. They voted unanimously to support the working document. They voted to approve the plan on 4/2/2020.



Academic Goals

At Eastmont, 49% of students are scoring proficient or advanced on the winter math inventory

During the 2019-20 school year, 49% of students scored proficient or advanced on the Winter Math Inventory. Over the 2020-21 school year, the numbers of students scoring proficient or advanced will increase by 15%.

No Yes

Language Arts

1. After school tutoring will be held Tuesday – Thursday in teacher classrooms.
2. Para-educator support will be provided for students identified as below benchmark.
3. Implementation of Illustrative Math with fidelity across general education math classes.
4. Provide 5 paid planning days during the summer for developing lesson plans that includes scaffolds necessary to reach all learners.
5. Include strategies learned from AVID Summer Institute into all planning.
5. Continued planning support by achievement coach to enhance Structured Classroom Discussions(SCD) and Focused Note Taking (FNT) strategies throughout the school year.
6. Continue to take staff who haven't been to AVID Summer Institute there.

1. Math inventory 3x/year
2. District Wide School Based Assessment (DWSBA) data
3. Monthly content note submissions for implementation of strategies.

Students with disabilities will be provided scaffolding through strategies such as Structured Classroom Discussions and Focused Note Taking. Additionally, accommodated core classes will implement the Trans Math curriculum.

English Language Learners will be provided scaffolding through strategies such as Structured Classroom Discussions and Focused Note Taking.

Quarterly to staff, BLT, and the SCC.

Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $2,400.00 Provide substitutes for planning and vertical alignment. Landtrust
Admission/Registration 569 $10,200.00 Summer Institute Registration for 12 people TSSP
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $24,000.00 Para Educator Support (8th grade, 6th grade) Landtrust
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $7,000.00 Para Educator Support (ZAP) Landtrust
Academic Goals

Nothing Entered

Nothing Entered

No Yes

Language Arts

Nothing Entered

Nothing Entered

Nothing Entered

Nothing Entered

Nothing Entered

No Dollar Amount Entered
Academic Goals

According to the 2019-2020 Reading Inventory (RI) winter data, it is shown that 31% of students are not proficient in reading comprehension. This trend has continued for the past three years with little variation in student proficiency. We attribute this trend to the need of rigorous reading and writing in all contents as well as utilizing AVID: writing, inquiry, collaboration, organization, and reading (WICOR) daily.

Eastmont Middle School will increase the percentage of students proficient on the Reading Inventory (RI) by at least 15% from fall to spring during the 2020-2021 school year, using data from grade level cohorts as measurement.

No Yes

Language Arts

1.   Administer RI to all students.
2.   Track cohorts of students by grade level to monitor growth
3.   The Achievement Coach will meet with each content team monthly for content notes and planning of instructional and behavioral strategies
4.   Offer reading intervention classes based on RI proficiency scores and group kids according to score.
5.   Provide professional development to teachers during lunch (lunch bunch).
6.   Implement the Read 180 program with fidelity in all reading classes for both general education and special education students.
7.   Purchase Chrome books and cart for use in classrooms teaching the Read 180 curriculum and other core classes.
8.   Provide student recognition for students increasing on their RI test.
9.   Hire a para-educator to support the small group structures in the reading class.
10. Hire an ELA teacher on a one year contract 1.0 FTE to decrease class sizes.

Reading Inventory 3x/year
Progress monitoring in the reading classes
Accountability for teacher content note submission

Resource reading classes will be using the Read 180 program. Students will be taught at their lexile levels. Progress monitoring of students in special education with reading goals will be progress monitored bi-weekly. We will included structured class discussions and the focused note taking process in general ed classes to scaffold for students.

English Language Learners will be placed in classes teaching the Read 180 program. Students will be taught at their lexile levels. Progress monitoring of English Language Learners will be progress monitored bi-weekly. We will included structured class discussions and the focused note taking process in general ed classes to scaffold for these students.

Progress will be communicated quarterly to whole staff, BLT members, and the SCC.

Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $2,400.00 Substitute coverage for vertical teaming and planning Landtrust
Equipment and Technology 730 $24,000.00 Replacement of Technology Landtrust
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $40,000.00 Partial 1.0 FTE for English Teacher TSSP
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $16,000.00 Para Educator Support (Reading, 7th grade) Landtrust
Transportation, airfare, lodging, per diem 583 $13,800.00 AVID Summer Institute TSSP
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $14,083.00 Partial FTE for full time reading teacher Landtrust
School Climate Goals

Based on data from the self-assessment of MTSS (SAM) Eastmont Middle School's lowest indicators for the 2019-2020 are problem solving and the 3 Tiered Model. Therefore, our focus in the 2020-2021 school year is to provide more professional development on whole school problem solving and the 3 tiered model.

Over the 2020-21 school year, teachers at Eastmont Middle School will be taught and implement one specific tier 1 and/or tier 2 interventions monthly. Teachers will report the data collected as well as on the implementation process in faculty meetings.

No Yes

1. Develop a list of intervention (academic and behavioral) strategies that will be taught each month and how to document them in order to measure effectiveness.
2. Reinforce check in/check out as a tier 2 strategy
3. Increase contract hours for our school social worker from half time to full time.
4. Develop social skills groups for the social worker to support.
5. Increase activities for the students to do at lunchtime.
6. Hire 2- 10 hour/week MTSS aides to support lunchtime activities - school store, activity room, gym

Our goal will be monitored by monthly accountability check in's by teachers and their data collected from implementing strategies taught.

Data will be analyzed and communicated each semester during BLT and SCC meetings during the 2019-20 school year as well as presented at faculty meetings.

Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $10,000.00 2- 10 hour MTSS behavioral support aides for lunchtime activities TSSP
General Supplies 610 $2,000.00 Additional games for lunchtime activities TSSP
Summary of Expenditures for all Goals
Summary - replace me

If additional funds are available because planned expenditures were paid by another source or funding was increased, the funds will be allocated towards additional technology upgrades, additional employees attending the AVID Summer Institute, or additional equipment/games for the student activity room for lunchtime activities.  At the time of submission, we don't have an exact amount for TSSA money.  If additional money is allocated over what is  budgeted for we will use the additional money to replace any technology items lost or damaged with distribution during COVID-19.  Also due to COVID-19, our expenditure from the 2019-2020 school year to send teachers to the AVID Summer Institute will be rolled into sending those same identified staff in the 2020-21 school year.