Data Dashboard

Teacher and Student Success Plan
2020 - 2021

Overarching Goal

The overarching goal is to focus on skill based instruction and to increase student engagement using Structured Classroom Discussion techniques (which include precision partnering, discussion stems, word walls, explicit vocabulary instruction and Close Reading protocol), increase robustness of core instruction, and focus on specific skill deficits.  The Foundations block will be a strong focus this year with teachers using the district protocols for spelling and phonics practice. 

School Community Council and Staff Involvement in the TSSP
School Community Councils play an integral part in the development and monitoring of TSSP goals. Please briefly describe the participation of SCC members in the development process of this TSSP:

We have discussed data and student growth at each meeting. We have discussed parents concerns and commendations at each meeting. As a team we decided to continue our focus on reading to keep our upward trend moving up. 



Not Entered
Academic Goals

36% of students are not making sufficient progress to advance to the next levels of proficiency. This pattern is most common in below and well below students based on Acadience reading composite and below basic and basic students based on Reading Inventory. We believe the problem is a result of deficits in phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, and comprehension. A strategy for improvement is ensuring that every teacher implements the district protocols for foundations and small group instruction. Another strategy for improvement is continuing to have interventionists working with students in small groups every day.

By spring 2021 Willow Springs will increase the percentage of kindergarten students who are proficient in Nonsense Word Fluency/Correct Letter Sounds by 4%, from Middle Of Year to End Of Year

By spring of 2021 Willow Springs will increase the percentage of 1st grade students who are proficient in Nonsense Word Fluency/Whole Words Read by 22%, from Beginning Of Year to End Of Year

By spring 2021, 82% of students in grades 1, 2, and 3 will achieve typical or better progress as measured by the Pathways to Progress in Acadience.

By spring 2021, 70% of all 4th and 5th grade students will meet or surpass their expected growth goal as measured by Reading Inventory in the Expected Growth Goals report.

No Yes

Language Arts

TSSP - we will hire 4 reading interventionists to work with students during small group instruction providing teachers the opportunity to work with the lowest students, and 3 aides to work in our kindergarten classes for $79,796.

Land Trust - We will hire 5 reading interventionists to work with students during small group instruction providing teachers the opportunity to work with the lowest students for $71,000.
We will purchase Chromebooks and/or iPads or other equipment for students to use for Reading Plus and Lexia usage for $14,610.

We will provide Professional Development on the district protocols for each quad in skills based reading groups and the foundations block. We will review protocols for 95% Group and Saxon Phonics.

We will provide Professional Development on Structured Classroom Discussion techniques (which include precision partnering, discussion stems, word walls, explicit vocabulary instruction and close reading protocol). Technology implementation will be through Reading Plus and Lexia. We will increase public practice to be two video reflections per year, or targeted observations to be reviewed with achievement coach or principal.

We will assess students in the fall using Reading Inventory for 4th and 5th grades and look at each student's Expected Growth Goal. Fall testing will include Acadience Benchmark Testing for kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grades. Midyear check for 4th and 5th grades will be measured by the winter Reading Inventory and student progress toward the Expected Growth Goal. Midyear check for kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grades will be measured by the winter Acadience Benchmark tests and Acadience Pathways to Progress reports. Reading Plus usage will be also be monitored monthly. Lexia usage will be monitored monthly. Implementation of foundations block, Saxon in 1st and 2nd, and 95% Group in 3rd, 4th, 5th will be monitored through checklists, walkthroughs, targeted observations, and coaching cycles.

Students with disabilities will be in class during the foundation block and comprehension strategies, so they will receive this robust instruction. They will also receive small group instruction from their homeroom teacher, tier 2 or tier 3 instruction from an aide or the resource teacher, time on Reading Plus or Lexia. Implementation will be monitored through checklists, walkthroughs, and coaching cycles.

Language production will be increased through training in and implementation of Structured Classroom Discussion techniques (which include precision partnering, discussion stems, word walls, explicit vocabulary instruction and close reading protocol). Implementation will be monitored through checklists, walkthroughs, and coaching cycles. English Learners will use Imagine Learning to increase basic language skills.

Teachers will share data with parents during Parent teacher conferences.
Data will be discussed quarterly in School Community Council.
Data will be discussed in Building Leadership Team (BLT) monthly.
Data will be discussed in Instructional Professional Learning Communities (IPLCs) weekly.

Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $79,796.00 We will hire 4 reading interventionists to work with students during small group instruction providing teachers the opportunity to work with the lowest students, and 3 aides to work in our kindergarten classes. TSSP
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $71,000.00 We will hire 5 reading interventionists to work with students during small group instruction providing teachers the opportunity to work with the lowest students. Landtrust
Equipment and Technology 730 $14,610.00 We will purchase Chromebooks and/or iPads or other equipment for students to use for Reading Plus and Lexia usage. Landtrust
School Climate Goals

20 -30% of students and teachers are lacking the knowledge of how to express and deal with emotions and support appropriately. This pattern is most common in all grades among teachers and students. We believe the problem for teachers is a result of lack of knowledge and experience with students who are struggling (behaviorally, emotionally, socially). We believe the problem for students is a result of possible trauma or lack of knowledge of social skills and how to express their emotions appropriately.
A strategy for improvement is filling the gaps of teacher knowledge about students who are struggling (behaviorally, emotionally, socially), and helping students learn appropriate social skills through incorporating restorative practices and restorative circles.

By spring 2021, 90% of Willow Springs teachers will be implementing Restorative Circles in their classrooms.

No Yes

Teachers will receive Professional Development on how to correctly implement Restorative Circles.

Principal, achievement coach, and/or external coach will conduct walkthroughs during Restorative Circle time to ensure correct implementation.

Teachers will share data with parents during Parent teacher conferences.
Data will be discussed quarterly in School Community Council.
Data will be discussed in Building Leadership Team (BLT) monthly.
Data will be discussed in Instructional Professional Learning Communities (IPLCs) weekly.

No Dollar Amount Entered
Summary of Expenditures for all Goals
Summary - replace me

If we are allocated additional funds we may use the funds to provide professional development for our teachers to support them in reaching these goals. We may use the funds to pay for substitute teachers to allow our teachers to attend outside professional development. We may use the funds to hire additional aides or teachers for the classrooms, or brain boosters. We may use the funds to purchase technology and equipment to upgrade and enhance current computer labs and iPad labs to allow students to have more access to Reading Plus, Lexia, and Imagine Learning. We may use the funds to purchase additional online software for academic programs.