Data Dashboard

Teacher and Student Success Plan
2020 - 2021

Overarching Goal

To improve student and teacher outcomes through addressing attendance, behavior, and coursework.

School Community Council and Staff Involvement in the TSSP
School Community Councils play an integral part in the development and monitoring of TSSP goals. Please briefly describe the participation of SCC members in the development process of this TSSP:

The BMS SCC meets on a monthly basis to review current data trends and discuss adjustments and ideas for the coming year.  Ideas are presented to the SCC and the BLT in January and February.  In April decisions about how to utilize the LandTrust monies and the adjust the goals were discussed and approved. 



Academic Goals

Course Work READING --Winter 2021 Reading Inventory
73% of our students are proficient or advanced,
29.8% at basic and 7% at below basic

Our SWD and ELLs are most at risk for this indicator.
30% of our SWD students are proficient/advanced
11% of our ELLs are proficient/advanced for RI.

80% of our students will be proficient or advanced on the Spring 2020 Reading Inventory (RI) in each grade level.

5% or less in Below Basic and 15% or less in Basic in each grade level by the end of the school year.

80% of our Students with Disabilities, English Language Learners, and students in the Below Basic level will grow at least 50 points or one level in the January and April testing windows.

No Yes

Language Arts

To improve student use of critical reading strategies and build student skill in reading complex texts, Butler Middle School will improve the quality and intentional use of literacy strategies (i.e. close reading and structured discussions) throughout the school year. To address the needs of our readers in ELL, SWD, and Below Basic, we will intentionally add additional instructional support through Explicit Vocabulary, Read 180, and individual classroom scaffolds.

Tier 1: RI data Fall, Winter, Spring, Tier 2 and 3: Systemic Progress-monitoring each quarter with our Tier 2/3 classes.

We will implement a standard quarterly progress monitoring form and have a progress monitoring meeting with the academic coach and the SWD teachers each quarter with 80% of our SWD meeting expected growth for individual students. Prioritize coaching cycles with the SWD teachers and increase use of effective scaffolds in all classes within structured discussion and literacy strategies.

We will implement a standard quarterly progress monitoring form and have a progress monitoring meeting with the academic coach and the ELL teacher each quarter with 80% of our ELL students meeting expected growth for individual students. Prioritize using visual representations and graphic organizers in all classes within structured discussion strategies.

Quarterly reports with Faculty, BLT, SCC, and PTSA. Data wall, infographic on the website, Bruin Bite.

Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $5,000.00 Bruins Den--weekly homework help--2 teachers, T-W-Th, 3-4 Landtrust
Software 670 $15,000.00 Read 180 licenses (100 licenses) Landtrust
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $9,000.00 August 7th PD--Literacy PD Structured Classroom Discussions/Close Reading Planning (teacher 8 hours) Landtrust
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $6,500.00 Department Data Days--Focus on Data--how to implement more reading strategies Landtrust
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $4,000.00 Faculty Book Study Landtrust
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $3,000.00 Explicit Vocabulary/Literacy Supports for ELL, SWD, and BB range--Quarterly optional PD Landtrust
School Checking $500.00 Supplies for Literacy PD with Provisional Teachers Other
General Supplies 610 $2,000.00 After school snack for Bruins Den TSSP
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $40,000.00 Classroom Aide-- hire an academic intervention aide to assist teachers with students identified based on academic need, ELL needs, and SWD needs Landtrust
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $8,000.00 Structured Discussion Implementation--use subs for teachers and have teachers improved/evaluation the implementation of structured discussion/close reading protocols to improved student engagement and learning. Landtrust
Academic Goals

Course Work MATH -- Winter 2020 Math Inventory
49% of our students are proficient or advanced
32% at basic and 19% at below basic on MI.

Our SWD and ELLs are most at risk for this indicator.
15% of our SWD students are proficient/advanced
15% of our ELLs are proficient/advanced

Course Work MATH
75% of our students will be proficient or advanced on the Spring 2020 Math Inventory (MI).
5% or less in Below Basic and 20% or less in Basic in each grade level by the end of the school year.
75% of our SWD, ELLs, and students in the Below Basic level will grow at least 50 points or one level in the January and April testing windows.

No Yes

Language Arts

To improve student use of critical thinking strategies throughout the problem solving process, Butler Middle School will emphasize teacher clarity strategies including data walls, rigorous assessments, and success criteria/objective trackers. With guidance from the math department, all departments will choose one math practice standard to focus on each month.

Tier 1: MI data Fall, Winter, Spring, Tier 2 and 3: Systemic Progress-monitoring each quarter with our Tier 2/3 classes.

We will implement a standard quarterly progress monitoring form and have a progress monitoring meeting with the academic coach and the SWD teachers each quarter with 75% of our SWD meeting expected growth for individual students. Prioritize coaching cycles with the SWD teachers and increase use of effective scaffolds in all classes related to reading charts and justifying/explaining academic arguments.

We will implement a standard quarterly progress monitoring form and have a progress monitoring meeting with the academic coach and the ELL teacher each quarter with 75% of our ELL students meeting expected growth for individual students. Prioritize using visual representations and graphic organizers in all classes.

Quarterly reports with Faculty, BLT, SCC, and PTSA. Data wall, infographic on the website, Bruin Bite.

Software 670 $10,000.00 Math 180--licenses Landtrust
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $3,000.00 Sp Ed Co-teaching days Landtrust
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $6,500.00 Department Data Days--Collaborative planning and data review to vertically align, address teacher clarity, math practice standards, Rigorous Assessments Landtrust
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $1,000.00 After school math tutoring--USTAR Grant Landtrust
Textbooks 641 $10,000.00 Illustrative Math -- purchasing student workbooks with the Illustrative Math Curriculum Landtrust
Academic Goals

Student Attendance has improved in all categories over last year. As a whole school last year we had 66% on track 1st quarter and 52% on track in 2nd quarter. This year we have 73% and then 64%. The pattern of improvement is in all subgroups. As we look at the various subgroups we are most concerned with SWD attendance and 8th grade.

ATTENDANCE--In the 2020-2021 school year, BMS will aim to have 85% of our students on track each quarter with attendance in all grades and student groups. We define on track as students missing less than 10% (green and yellow).

No Yes

Language Arts

Increase the attendance of students by making attendance expectations more visible and explicit to students and parents systematically throughout the school year and building capacity in student/teacher relationship.

Monitored 2x each quarter (mid and end) through attendance information on Data Dashboard.

The goal is to have 85% of students with disabilities on track with attendance. We will add an attendance discussion and data point to IEP meetings and review SWD attendance monthly in SpEd meetings. We also will explore adjusting attainment of the Golden Bruin award based on compelling individual student progress in relation IEP and ELD goals with grades and/or citizenship.

The goal is to have 85% of students with disabilities on track with attendance. We will add an attendance discussion and data point ELL classes and review attendance monthly in ELL classes. We also will explore adjusting attainment of the Golden Bruin award based on compelling individual student progress/growth in relation ELD goals with grades.

Quarterly through BLT, SCC, PTSA, Faculty meetings and school website, data wall, and Bruin Bite

General Supplies 610 $3,000.00 Golden Bruin Award: 3.8 GPA, 1 absence, all H’s, no office referrals--Students earning the recognition, receive a National Day treat once a month (i.e. National Hot Chocolate Day--hot chocolate bar) We also will explore adjusting attainment of the Golden Bruin award based on compelling individual student progress/growth in relation IEP/504/ELD goals with grades. TSSP
School Checking $6,000.00 $1000 for each team to use as incentives and class rewards/activities (student body activity fees) Other
General Supplies 610 $4,000.00 Build a Bruin--bruin puzzles, spin the wheel rewards TSSP
General Supplies 610 $1,000.00 Quarterly Attendance Postcards--Team, Improved Attendance (SST) TSSP
School Checking $1,000.00 Attendance Skins (advertising, making goal visible), Cell Tower Other
School Climate Goals

Behavior--As we have been more strategic and improved the visibility of rewards, we have seen a 20%-60% drop in monthly referrals. Data indicates that October is a high incident month. Also, we have more office referral in the classroom with disruption and defiance. We want to continue making the reward system more visible and create a Think Time structure that is more restorative.

Behavior - 85% of students will report feeling connected to school on targeted school climate survey. We will average the last 3 data questions related specifically to connectedness from the survey.

No Yes

To build community and connection between students and improve student-teacher relationships through Grade Level Teaming, Social Emotional Learning Lessons, Who Do You Know/2 by 10, Student work groups--counselors/social worker, Team Building activities, Restorative Practices.

School climate survey 3 times during the year.

Communication with staff at beginning of school year. Communication with community and staff in October and January.

General Supplies 610 $4,000.00 Second Step program/student copies--Funded from Responsive Services and a grant Other
General Supplies 610 $2,000.00 GREAT Bruin Post Cards TSSP
General Supplies 610 $5,000.00 GREAT Bruin Cards Store --PTSA supports this as well, drawings, store rewards, lunch time activies TSSP
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $45,000.00 Social Worker--student work groups TSSP
School Checking $1,000.00 Bruin of the Week recognition Other
General Supplies 610 $1,000.00 Ambassador supplies, lunches, T-shirts/lanyards, etc. (2020 summer hours for counselors to expand/develop) TSSP
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $45,000.00 MTSS Specialist--study skills classes, lunch work help, student tracking TSSP
Summary of Expenditures for all Goals
Summary - replace me

Additional Funds will be directed to 

  • Teacher PD that supports skills mentioned in our plan (structured discussions, objective trackers, close reading, etc.)
  • Technology Resources
  • Illustrative Math Texts  
  • Substitutes to support teacher PD
  • Supplies