Data Dashboard

Teacher and Student Success Plan
2020 - 2021

Overarching Goal

Increase proficiency in the area of mathematics in all classrooms and grade levels.

School Community Council and Staff Involvement in the TSSP
School Community Councils play an integral part in the development and monitoring of TSSP goals. Please briefly describe the participation of SCC members in the development process of this TSSP:

The School Community Council (SCC) was originally invited to provide input on our January 9th SCC meeting.  After looking through data, the SCC members agreed that math was a good future focus.  We included the SCC in the process again on March 12th where they weighed in and agreed upon the proposed school goals.  



Not Entered
Academic Goals

We are increasingly concerned about student’s lack of proficiency and growth in the area of mathematics. Only 65% of students are at or above benchmark according to the Acadience math composite score. This pattern is common in all classes. Our concern is a result of lack of successful whole group and small group focused math instruction. A strategy for improvement is to refocus on teaching each standardized component of the math block daily.

80% of Kindergarten mainstream students will be at or above the math composite benchmark as measured by Acadience.
Mainstream students in grades 1-5 will demonstrate proficiency at a 5% higher rate than the district average at all grade levels, as measured by the Spring math District-Wide Standards Based Assessments (DWSBA).
Students in our Accommodated Core Classroom (ACC) will achieve 5% growth from Fall to Winter on the math composite benchmark test as measured by Acadience.

No Yes

Language Arts

Our action plan consists of steps to build teachers' capacity to enhance learning by learning ourselves. We will utilize a book study on Visible Learning for Mathematics, utilize structured classroom discussions, and close reading routines and strategies in mathematics to advance student comprehension and understanding of the math core concepts and applications. We will unpack standards during Instructional Professional Learning Community (IPLC) times, and focus on the district Instructional Priorities. Additionally, we hope to incentivize further teacher learning by providing public practice and incentivizing opportunities for additional professional development. Finally, we will utilize progress monitoring and hire aides to assist students during skill-based instructional time.

We will use the math Acadience composite scores, as well as school and district math DWSBA data.

We will incorporate more opportunities for speaking, listening, and facilitate better understanding of mathematical reasoning by using structured classroom discussions in both our mainstreamed general education settings, as well as our self-contained special education settings. We will use monitoring during observations and IPLC planning to look for a focus on mastery of grade level standards; embedded structured classroom discussions to assess their understanding of the standards; planning of scaffolds and adjusting practice opportunities as indicated by daily data; utilizing all math block components for whole group and skill based instruction. All teachers will be observed and given feedback on math instruction.

The use and teaching of explicit vocabulary routine for math daily structured classroom discussion using the targeted academic vocabulary with precision partnering for math will help increase language scaffolds for our EL students.

Progress will be communicated three times a year after data is collected on the assessments with grade level teams during IPLC meetings, the Building Leadership Team (BLT) during regular meetings, communicated to faculty members during staff meetings, and communicated to the community through the School Community Council (SCC) and Parent Teacher Association (PTA) as well as a bulletin board in the school and shared with stakeholders through the Acadience Middle of Year (MOY) composite data and monthly progress monitoring.

Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $28,000.00 This money will be used to provide ideally four Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) Interventionist to to work directly with students during Skills-Based Instruction (SBI) math time on targeted skills instruction. TSSP
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $16,000.00 This money will be used to increase the hours for, and provide additional support to students through our MTSS behavior aide. TSSP
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $1,000.00 This money will be available to provide stipends to teachers who may tutor after school, provided a math tutoring lab, or for other teacher stipends in accordance with the TSSA stipend point distribution. TSSP
General Supplies 610 $1,000.00 This money will be used to purchase additional mathematic manipulatives, or additional materials or supplies to enhance math instruction in the classroom or during SBI time. TSSP
School Climate Goals

To increase academic performance, we will focus on our students' Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) as well by utilizing Canyons Behavioral Instructional Priorities including providing teachers with professional development on school-wide and classroom Restorative Practices, behavioral Instructional Priorities, restorative circles, and Second Step curriculum. Additionally, provisional educators will have coaching cycles focused on classroom management.

By May of 2021, school Student Risk Screening Scale - Internalizing and Externalizing (SRSS-IE) data will show a 5% increase in the number of students at low risk for internalizing and/or externalizing behaviors compared to fall SRSS-IE data.

No Yes

To meet this goal we will provide teachers with professional development on school-wide and classroom Restorative Practices, behavioral instructional priorities , and the Second Step curriculum. Also, provisional educators will have coaching cycles focused on classroom management.

SRSS-IE data will be used to identify trends in student needs and measure changes in student internalizing and/or externalizing behaviors.

Progress will be communicated to BLT during regular meetings, communicated to faculty members during staff meetings, and shared with PTA and SCC.

General Supplies 610 $700.00 School-wide incentives to support Morning Meetings and Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports throughout the school (not to exceed $2.00 per student). Landtrust
Summary of Expenditures for all Goals
Summary - replace me

If additional TSSA money is provided, or if money is left over due to hiring challenges or other unforeseen circumstances, we propose that the money be used to support the TSSP action items via one or multiple of the following:

    ·      Further increasing MTSS aide supports by hiring additional staff or increasing hours.
    ·      Support teacher and MTSS professional development through covering professional development costs as well as substitutes for teachers to attend.
    ·      Paying for books or other professional development materials.
    ·      Purchasing additional technology (hardware) or programs (software)for student use during interventions.