Data Dashboard

Teacher and Student Success Plan
2020 - 2021

Overarching Goal

Increase the reading and math proficiency levels for all of Bell View's students. 

School Community Council and Staff Involvement in the TSSP
School Community Councils play an integral part in the development and monitoring of TSSP goals. Please briefly describe the participation of SCC members in the development process of this TSSP:



Not Entered
Academic Goals

46% of students are making below typical progress as indicated by Acadience Math cut scores. This pattern is most common in second and third grades. We believe the problem is a result of less effective core (tier 1) instruction and inconsistent attendance. A strategy for improvement is increasing the effectiveness of tier 1 core instruction using explicit instruction.

75% of Kindergarten through Fifth grade students will make typical progress on the Acadience Math Composite Score from Fall to Spring Assessment.

No Yes

Language Arts

Explicit Instruction focusing on the following:
- Establishing, presenting, and referring to meaningful learning objectives and success criterion.
- Utilizing effective academic classroom discussions.
- Planning engaging opportunities to respond (OTRs) to promote greater depth of knowledge.
- Utilizing instructional agility to purposely pace lessons to maintain attention and engagement.
- Providing feedback that is positive, corrects, expands, or challenges student thinking (utilizing feedback cycles).
Professional development will be provided as needed.
Administrator observations and coaching cycles for core instruction and skilled based instruction (at least 1 coaching cycle per teacher by January 30).
Instructional Professional Learning Communities will focus on: formative process, unpacking standards, collaboration, analysis of student work, strategy implementation, micro teaching, and grade level professional development.
Public practice ie. video, observations, lesson study, and co-teaching to be completed by December 18.

Instructional Priorities Observation Protocols (formal & informal)
Progress Monitoring (monthly for students receiving strategic interventions). Students will track progress and set goals following each benchmark.
Curriculum Based Measure data (Math Computations, Concepts and Applications)
Digital Supports (ST-Spatial-temporal Math & Pearson Realize Digital Platform)

Teams, including the special education team, will plan specific lessons using structured classroom discussions in core math incorporating social-emotional components (Second Step), that will help students with disabilities access the content using scaffolds, including sentence frames and strategic partnering.

Teams will plan specific lessons using structured classroom discussions in core math incorporating language acquisition and development in order to access the content using scaffolds, including sentence frames, explicit vocabulary instruction, and strategic partnering.

Building Leadership Team
Faculty Meetings
School Community Council
Public Practice Data Wall
School Newsletters

No Dollar Amount Entered
Academic Goals

As indicated by academic data, 39% of students are making below typical growth in literacy. This pattern is most common in 1st & 2nd grade. We believe the problem is a result of less effective core (tier 1) instruction and inconsistent attendance. A strategy for improvement is increasing the effectiveness of tier 1 core instruction using explicit instruction.

75% of Kindergarten through Third grade students will make Typical Progress or better on the Acadience Reading Composite Score, from fall to spring on Pathways of Progress.
75% of Fourth and Fifth grade students will be on track for expected growth on the Reading Inventory from fall to spring.

No Yes

Language Arts

Explicit Instruction focusing on the following:
- Establishing, presenting, and referring to meaningful learning objectives and success criterion.
- Utilizing effective academic classroom discussions.
- Planning engaging opportunities to respond (OTRs) to promote greater depth of knowledge.
- Utilizing instructional agility to purposely pace lessons to maintain attention and engagement.
- Providing feedback that is positive, corrects, expands, or challenges student thinking (utilizing feedback cycles).
Professional development will be provided monthly.
Administrator observations and coaching cycles for core instruction and skilled based instruction (at least 1 coaching cycle per teacher by April 30).
Instructional Professional Learning Communities will focus on: formative process, unpacking standards, collaboration, analysis of student work, strategy implementation, micro teaching, and grade level professional development.
Public practice ie. video observations, lesson study, and co-teaching to be completed by March 30.

Instructional Priorities Observation Protocols (formal & informal)
Progress Monitoring (bi-monthly for students receiving strategic interventions)
Curriculum Based Measure data (Acadience grade level specific measures)
Digital Supports (Lexia)

Teams, including the special education team, will plan specific lessons using structured classroom discussions in English Language Arts incorporating social-emotional components (Second Step), that will help students with disabilities access the content using scaffolds, including sentence frames and strategic partnering.

Teams will plan specific lessons using structured classroom discussions in English Language Arts incorporating language acquisition and development in order to access the content using scaffolds, including sentence frames, explicit vocabulary instruction, and strategic partnering.

Building Leadership Team
Faculty Meetings
School Community Council
Public Practice Data Wall
School Newsletters

Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $36,857.00 Landtrust
Equipment and Technology 730 $2,000.00 Landtrust
School Climate Goals

After reviewing behavior data it seems as though there are 2 main challenges: 1) aggressive and disrespectful behavior and 2) attendance issues. Most behaviors are happening less structured areas like the playground, and are occurring due to lack of appropriate social skills. Behaviors in the classroom also consist of aggression and disrespect. A large portion of students also have attendance issues. 11% of students are designated severe for attendance issues, and 31% are offtrack.

100% of students will receive Second Step instruction and participate in Morning Meetings daily in every classroom.

No Yes

Explicit Instruction focusing on the following:
- Second Step Lessons & Skills.
- Utilizing effective academic classroom discussions.
- Planning engaging opportunities to respond (OTRs) to promote greater depth of knowledge.
- Providing feedback that is positive, corrects, expands, or challenges student thinking (utilizing feedback cycles).
Weekly "lunch learning" opportunities will be provided for students to attend "refresher" classes on particular social skills.
Professional development will be provided as needed with an emphasis on attendance, Second Step, circles and other Restorative Practices.
Administrator observations and coaching cycles for Morning Meeting, Second Step Implementation and or PBIS (at least 1 coaching cycle per teacher by October 31)
Instructional Professional Learning Communities will focus on: formative process, unpacking standards, collaboration, analysis of student work, strategy implementation, micro teaching, and grade level professional development.
Public practice ie. video, observations, lesson study, and co-teaching to be completed by September 31.
Focus on Tier 1 PBIS as a school. Train and retrain staff & students with our school-wide behavior matrix.

Discipline Referral data
Instructional Priorities Observation Protocols (formal & informal)
Student Risk Screening Scale for Internalizing and Externalizing Behaviors (SRSS-IE)
Self Assessment of MTSS Implementation (SAM)
Stakeholder Surveys

Monthly during Building Leadership Meetings
Once per trimester School Community Council will be informed.
We professionally develop the staff in de-escalation techniques, Second Step curriculum and Morning Meetings.

Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $31,600.00 TSSP
Summary of Expenditures for all Goals
Summary - replace me

If we receive additional funds we will extend hours for assistants so we are able to provide service for more students. We will also purchase needed substitutes, supplies, textbooks, materials, technology, and resources to support intervention.