Data Dashboard

Teacher and Student Success Plan
2020 - 2021

Overarching Goal

The goal for Midvale Middle School is for all students to show growth in literacy and math by ensuring that students have access to high quality instruction in a safe, positive learning environment that focuses on the overall wellness of students.

School Community Council and Staff Involvement in the TSSP
School Community Councils play an integral part in the development and monitoring of TSSP goals. Please briefly describe the participation of SCC members in the development process of this TSSP:

Midvale Middle's School Community Council (SCC) members spent months discussing and simplifying our goals to focus on growth and school climate.  The SCC reviewed data and provided feedback about goals and expenditures tied to School Trust Lands. The SCC played an integral part of the development of the Teacher Student Success Plan (TSSP).



Academic Goals

29% of students are meeting expected growth on the Math Inventory (MI). English Language Learners (ELL) and Hispanic students have the lowest percentage of students making expected growth. Strategies for improvement are implementing a school-wide focus on graphing, increasing structured classroom discussion based on standards, increasing active engagement, math tutoring, and professional development for teachers to implement these strategies systemically.

60% of students will meet or exceed expected growth rates on the Mathematics Inventory (MI) in the 2020-2021 school year.

No Yes

Language Arts

#1: Create a unified math focus on understanding and using graphs
1st Quarter: Create goals and create graphs for Reading Inventory (RI) and Mathematics Inventory (MI)
2nd Quarter: Focus on Interpreting and Analyzing Graphs
3rd Quarter: Graphing details on curriculum map
#2: Increase Structured Classroom Discussion based on standards.
#3: Math Tutoring
#4: Increase Active Engagement
#5: Implement Math Intervention, using Math 180
#6: Implement after school programing with chances for enrichment and review/intervention

The Math Inventory (MI) assessment will be given in the Fall of 2020 to create baseline data. It will be given again in Winter of 2020 to track progress. The final administration of the MI will occur in Spring.

Students will disabilities will be provided a learning environment that focuses on their individual needs, while ensuring that the priority standards are being taught. District-wide late starts will also focus on implementing math with students in disabilities. Progress will be monitored through the MI and teacher created assessments.

English Language Learners will be provided a learning environment that focuses on their individual needs, while ensuring that the priority standards are being taught. When available, additional staff will support students in their math classes. Progress will be monitored through MI and district and teacher created assessments.

Progress will be communicated through announcements sent to parents and at School Community Council meetings. Teachers will receive communication during professional development and by accessing data dashboard

Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $30,000.00 Interventionists to support classroom instruction, small group instruction, and individualized supports in math. Landtrust
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $11,000.00 Professional development on graphing, structured classroom discussion, and increasing active engagement. Landtrust
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $2,500.00 Substitutes to support teacher professional development and observations. Landtrust
Textbooks 641 $10,000.00 Purchase curriculum materials to support high quality math instruction. Landtrust
Transportation, buses 599 $4,000.00 Busses to provide transportation to field trips that supports interdisciplinary connections in mathematics. Landtrust
Admission/Registration 569 $2,000.00 Funding for registration/admission to field trips to support interdisciplinary connections in mathematics. Landtrust
Equipment and Technology 730 $6,000.00 Funding for technology that supports the implementation of math curriculum. Landtrust
General Supplies 610 $2,450.00 Math manipulatives to support the implementation of Illustrative. Landtrust
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $12,500.00 Paying a teacher to work during their prep for math intervention. TSSP
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $7,500.00 Paying teachers their hourly rate to work with students after school. TSSP
Admission/Registration 569 $2,000.00 Pay for conference admission to professional development aligned with our goals. TSSP
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $7,500.00 Interventionists to provide students additional support to help them achieve growth academically and emotionally. TSSP
Academic Goals

51% of students are meeting expected growth on the Reading Inventory. English Language Learners and students with disabilities have the lowest percentage of students making expected growth. We believe the problem is a result of not embedding literacy skills in all content areas, specifically systemic access to text and academic vocabulary. Strategies for improvement are reading intervention classes, scaffolds for literacy skills to increase students' access to text, increase structured classroom discussion based on standards, increasing active engagement, and professional development for teachers to implement these strategies systemically.

75% of students will meet or exceed expected growth on the Reading Inventory (RI) during the 2020-2021 school year.

No Yes

Language Arts

#1 Continue school-wide focus on literacy strategies that promote active engagement strategies through speaking, listening, reading, and writing.
#2 Continue implementing Read 180 in our reading intervention classes, Special Education (SpEd) reading classes, and English Language Development (ELD).
#3 Continue school-wide focus on close reading with continued implementation of structured classroom discussion.
#4 Implement after school program to supplement reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills.
#5 Hire co-teachers to provide additional ELD support.

The Reading Inventory assessment will be given in the fall of 2020 to create baseline data. It will be given again in December of 2020 to track progress. The final administration of the Reading Inventory will occur in April of 2021.

See action plan summary while ensuring that IEP (Individualized Education Plan) goals are met.

See action plan summary while ensuring Read180 is having maximum student impact.

Progress will be communicated through announcements sent to parents and at School Community Council meetings. Teachers will receive communication during professional development and by accessing data dashboard.

Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $25,000.00 Interventionists to support classroom instruction, small group instruction and individualized supports for Reading. Landtrust
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $11,000.00 Professional Development on Active Engagement Strategies focused specifically on literacy Landtrust
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $7,500.00 Pay teachers their hourly rate to work with students after school. TSSP
Textbooks 641 $5,000.00 Purchase textbooks to support literacy Landtrust
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $2,500.00 Pay for substitutes to allow teachers an opportunity to observe one another and collaborate. Landtrust
Transportation, buses 599 $4,000.00 Provide bussing for interdisciplinary field trips connected to our literacy goal. Landtrust
Admission/Registration 569 $2,000.00 Provide students an opportunity to attend interdisciplinary field trips. Landtrust
Equipment and Technology 730 $6,000.00 Provide students and teachers technology to enhance instruction. Landtrust
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $12,500.00 Reduce class sizes by paying teachers to teach during their preparation period. TSSP
Admission/Registration 569 $2,000.00 Pay for conference admission to professional development aligned with our literacy goal. TSSP
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $7,500.00 Provide interventionists to provide additional supports to help students meet our literacy goal. TSSP
School Climate Goals

30% of students are reporting that they do not receive recognition for following school rules in a survey of all students. We believe the problem is a result of missing implementation of PBIS procedures for following school rules. A strategy for improvement is increasing the teacher to student positive to corrective feedback ratio.

During informal and formal observations, 80% of the positive to corrective feedback will be at least a 3:1 ratio by May of 2021.

No Yes

#1: Provide professional development on restorative practices to build positive student to teacher relationships, during Friday late start meetings.
#2: Conduct informal observations on all teachers and provide feedback .

This goal will be measured through formal and informal teachers evaluations (IPOP.) Baseline data will be collected on the positive to corrective ratio in fall and then in May of 2021.

Beginning of the year and throughout the year as needed through PD, BLT, IPLCs, and Faculty Meeting.

No Dollar Amount Entered
School Climate Goals

In 2019-2020, Term 1 had 69% on track with attendance on the Early Warning System, Term 2 had 60%, and Term 3 had 53%. In 2018-19 for Term 4, we had 50% on track.

By May of 2021, student connectivity and wellness will increase as measured by improved scores from the pre and post wellness survey through the implementation of the after-school program, counseling supports, and lessons in Trojan Time on trauma-informed practices.

No Yes

Action Plan Summary:
1. Administer the wellness survey to students (fall and spring) at no cost.
2. Social-Emotional staff will review the survey and follow up with any concerns at no cost.
3. Pay to maintain a third full-time counselor at the cost of $40,000.
4. Provide professional development on facilitating restorative circles at a cost of $2,500.
5. Continue the after-school program to support social, emotional, and physical wellness at no cost (funding is provided by the School Board.)

By May of 2021, student connectivity will increase as measured by the pre and post wellness survey.

Quarterly at BLT and faculty meetings

Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $40,000.00 In place of an intern counselor, hire a consistent full-time counselor to better meet the needs of the students. TSSP
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $2,500.00 Provide teachers a stipend to prepare curricular supports for the implementation of the Social Emotional Curriculum, Second Step. TSSP
Summary of Expenditures for all Goals
Summary - replace me

If additional funds are available, we will:

  • hire additional interventionists or allow them more hours to work,
  • provide teacher stipends for collaboration on the social emotional curriculum,
  • provide additional substitutes for teacher collaboration,
  • purchase additional textbooks,
  • allow students to attend additional field trips,
  • purchase technology to support our goals,
  • purchase additional supplies that support our goals,
  • pay additional teachers their hourly rate to work with students after school, and
  • allow more teachers to attend conferences.