Data Dashboard

Teacher and Student Success Plan
2020 - 2021

Overarching Goal

Continue to focus on reading efforts in order to make typical or above typical growth on Pathways to Progress for reading. Also, continue efforts toward solid core math instruction by improving Concepts & Applications by progress monitoring Concepts and Applications throughout all grades. Strengthening close reading math problems and structured classroom discussions during the math block. Assign word problems during independent math practice & expose students to a variety of problems and know how to approach and solve them successfully.

Social Emotional Learning: We want teachers to begin implementing 2nd Steps Lessons effectively. Our goal will be to improve and modify the lessons already created and make them more meaningful and support teachers in better planning for morning meetings.


By June 2021, 60% of Midvale students in each grade will have made typical or above typical growth in reading fluency and math computation as measured by Acadience benchmark assessments and progress monitoring. 

School Community Council and Staff Involvement in the TSSP
School Community Councils play an integral part in the development and monitoring of TSSP goals. Please briefly describe the participation of SCC members in the development process of this TSSP:

Plan is to take the TSSP to SCC on February 10th and March 12th for approval.



Academic Goals

Continue working on all of the components of the Close Reading routine. As a school we have been focusing on this routine and we have seen teachers making solid progress on the routine and have seen proficiency scores improve in reading across grade levels. Our walkthrough data indicates that the targeted coaching has had an impact on what teachers do during core instruction in ELA. School-wide data also indicates that we still need to focus on student annotation and discussion within the routine. In addition to close reading in the lower grades we would also like to focus more on early reading skills. Revisit foundations and phonics instruction in grades K, 1 and 2.

By May 2021, 60% of Midvale Elementary School students in each grade will achieve their expected level of growth in reading fluency and math computation as measured by curriculum-based measurements (CBM) assessments.

No Yes

Language Arts

1. Ensure that all students receive quality Tier 1 reading instruction in ELA and Math classes every day, planned using the Utah State Core Standards.
2. Ensure that all students receive instruction in small groups to meet individual skills needs.
3. Employ the use of adaptive technological resources such as Imagine Learning in skills-based interventions (SBI) and English language development (ELD) instruction, and Dreambox during math instruction.
4. Identify students below benchmark and progress monitor their growth.
5. Hire Reading Interventionists to provide small group skills based instruction in regular and Dual Immersion classrooms.
6. Train Reading Interventionists to utilize research-based resources during Skills Based Instruction time to have the greatest impact on student learning. The following CSD approved programs will be used: RTI (Response To Intervention) Kit, 95% Group.
7. ELA and Math Teachers, along with Reading Interventionists will participate in regular professional development to refine and improve their teaching skills.
8. To facilitate collaboration among teachers and provide space for quality content planning, we will hire an art Brain Booster Technician with TSSP funds. This technician will also allow us to implement our 6 week Brain Booster Rotations. This model will allow students to attend boosters in significant blocks of time that will allow them to have a deeper learning experience and make connections with curriculum in their regular classes.

We will measure progress through progress monitoring and Acadience Benchmarks.

We will increase performance of our resource teachers by including them in all of the professional learning that is provided to general education teachers, better aligning schedules to make sure that students are not pulled from core instruction for special education services, and increasing collaboration time between special education and general education teachers. We believe that this alignment and collaboration will result in more focused and better targeted educational opportunities for our special education students.

English language development will be supported through highly effective implementation of phonics and phonemic awareness routines, explicit vocabulary instruction, highly effective implementation of close reading and writing routines, scaffolding through sentence and conversation frames, and the use of adaptive technological resources such as Imagine Learning. Our English Learner data is on the rise this year, and we are confident that continued use of these routines and resources will result in greater gains next year.

Progress will be communicated through school newsletters, social media and website posts, and specific communication to be sent home with students at regular intervals. We will also communicate about individual student progress by using weekly home notes, at parent teacher conferences and through report cards.

Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $52,000.00 Salary and benefits for reading interventionists. TSSP
Textbooks 641 $15,000.00 Saxon Phonics and 95% Group Materials TSSP
Software 670 $8,000.00 Dreambox Subscription TSSP
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $88,000.00 Salary and Benefits for Interventionists Landtrust
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $15,000.00 Brain Booster Art Technician TSSP
Summary of Expenditures for all Goals
Summary - replace me

Additional funds would be used to 1) pay for substitutes for teacher professional learning days, 2) purchase additional technology hardware, classroom supplies, textbooks, or 3) hire aides that may be needed in critical grade levels/areas.