Data Dashboard

Teacher and Student Success Plan
2020 - 2021

Overarching Goal

60% of all students will have typical or above typical growth as measured by Pathways of Progress in Acadience by end of 2021-22

School Community Council and Staff Involvement in the TSSP
School Community Councils play an integral part in the development and monitoring of TSSP goals. Please briefly describe the participation of SCC members in the development process of this TSSP:

Our SCC members are updated monthly about our school's progress. We reviewed our Targeted School Improvement (TSI) trimester reports with the SCC, ongoing Land Trust and TSSP budget balances, amendment proposals, student achievement data, discussed school needs and opportunities and BLT notes and discussions.



Not Entered
Academic Goals

Our analysis shows that 54% of our students are making typical or above typical growth on Pathways to Progress as measured by Acadience (reading).

60% of all students will have typical or above typical growth as measured by Pathways of Progress in Acadience

No Yes

Language Arts

We will use our Land Trust paraprofessionals to support 95% instruction during Skill Based Instruction (SBI) in reading. We will provide more opportunities for the students to build background by providing field trips into the community, using Scholastic News to bridge science and social studies content into reading, use Impact Teaming strategies to go deeper into teacher understanding of the standards, provide before and after school enrichment classes, and purchase technology for our new STEM room in the new building to provide a maker space for student projects.

60% of all students will have typical or above typical growth as measured by Pathways of Progress in Acadience

Pathways of Progress were established for every student by teachers in their iPLCs (Impact Teams). Students With Disabilities (SWD) Acadience data was reviewed by the Special Education (SPED) team and grade level teams. English Language Learners (EL) and SWD data has been established as a cohort that can be reviewed weekly in team meetings. (We have some students who have both designations and are also monitored.) Our Resource Teacher is continuing to develop a “classroom” for her students on an electronic platform to better collect assessment data for her students that can be shared with the student’s general education teacher to assess progress to grade level and off-grade level standards. This should help create better communication pathways about progress in the resource room to inform instruction in the general education classroom and vice versa. We will continue to utilize the Data Dashboard to mine SWD and ELL data by rule to track our current cohort of students. We will be able to better triangulate the current cohort with early warning attendance and assessment data. This will help us strengthen how teams are using data, including our Special Education Team. SWD are also receiving small group instruction which parallels the instruction in their general education classroom with 95% Group programing and pre-teaching Reading Street key concepts and vocabulary the week before for students who need that scaffold of support.

All students receive 150 minutes of core instruction in ELA following the outlined of each component of the ELA block which includes phonemic awareness, phonics, foundational skills, reading standards, vocabulary development, language, speaking and listening and writing. All students within the targeted groups, along with peers, who are also not making typical growth, are receiving 95 Percent Group instruction for 40 minutes per day which includes speaking, reading, listening, and writing components. EL students with WIDA Consortium scores (the District/State assessement) identifying need are also receiving 20 minutes of Imagine Learning technology support. These students also receive appropriate computer program minutes assigned daily with District approved software.

Achievement has been impacted by increase in students requiring EL and SWD additional services across all grade levels. The number of students qualifying as EL has more than doubled. Students new to the school have come in mostly below benchmark based Acadience data. Midwinter data shows we still have 41 students well below benchmark, 11 below, with 25 students at or above benchmark. SWD we have 34 well below, 2 below and 11 at or above benchmark. (Acadience: all reading composite). Teacher teams, when looking at Quadrant sorts after progress monitoring have seen more students move out of Quadrant 4 this year mid-year than in previous years. They believe this is due to using 95% with their most impacted readers as a complement to core instruction which includes several intensified routines, Think Discuss Write Read Share, close reading (reading and math), dyad reading, structured classroom discussion, decodable text, multisyllable word routine, and spelling dictation routine.
Winter Benchmarking Data was used to identify and regroup students in quadrants for intensified instruction. We are one of the last school tested, but were able to analyze outcomes before the end of February. Teachers are prepared to talk to parents about the students progress at parent conferences in terms of grows and glows. This was implemented through our work in Impact Teams through our consultant, Barb Pitchford who is funded through the District. Glows are a way to celebrate what the student knows based on a rubric. Grows are the areas that need continued support. (See Impact Teams, by Barb Pitchford) We will continue having teachers unpack standards and focus on outcomes related to instruction.

We believe that adding a two-way Dual Language Immersion school will support our Hispanic, EL students who choose to join our cohort.

Through our SCC meeting and minutes. We also utilize our popular social media and regular skylark messaging to the parents.

Technology 731 $20,000.00 Technology for STEM Room TSSP
Transportation, buses 599 $8,000.00 Field Trips-buses and admission TSSP
General Supplies 610 $3,000.00 School wide Scholastic News TSSP
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $5,000.00 Substitutes to cover teachers for quarterly collaboration for Impact Teams, Year 2 implementation for Standards and Impact Team
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $13,000.00 Salaries for teachers to provide before/after school enrichment clubs (sports, music/art/dance, books, etc. TSSP
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $55, 816 Paraprofessionals for skill based instruction and to support advanced learner supports and program needs Landtrust
School Climate Goals

30% of all teachers are using 4:1 positive to corrective feedback as per our 2020 winter PBIS walkthrough.

Our goal is for 80% of our teachers to be using 4:1 positive to corrective feedback by 2021 spring Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS) walkthrough.

No Yes

Implement a revised PBIS school wide matrix and restructure for new building.

80% of our teachers to be using 4:1 positive to corrective feedback by 2021 spring PBIS walkthrough.

Through our School Community Council (SCC) discussions and minutes, parent communication through social media, newsletters, skylert messaging and website.

General Supplies 610 $3,000.00 Social Emotional Learning team (counselor and psychologist) will use these funds to purchase student incentives/materials to implement the school wide matrix, which will be reinforced in the classroom and in common areas in the school. TSSP
Summary of Expenditures for all Goals
Summary - replace me

If additional funds are available, or if we are unable to spend funds as planned due to unforeseen reasons, we will use the extra funds for technology purchases, or we will use the funds to support the other areas identified as budget items and goals already established in this plan.