Data Dashboard

Teacher and Student Success Plan
2021 - 2022

Overarching Goal

Willow Canyon's goal is for every student to be successful. Each student should make the most growth possible during the school year. To reach this goal  teachers need to be valued and supported with respect, professional learning opportunities and collaboration. Creating a culture of caring and acceptance with high expectations for everyone is our overarching goal.

School Community Council and Staff Involvement in the TSSP
School Community Councils play an integral part in the development and monitoring of TSSP goals. Please briefly describe the participation of SCC members in the development process of this TSSP:

The SCC worked during meetings in January and February to develop a TSSP plan to meet student learning needs. We discussed resources and how to best use the funding to improve student results. The funding is used to support our ability to differentiate instruction and meet individual student needs through Tier 2 for struggling students, enrichment activities for all students, and behavior supports for students. Our data over the past few years indicate that the system we have set up using LAND Trust and TSSP funding is benefiting students. We will continue to consider data for all students and narrow our focus so we monitor the progress of special education students and our English language learners.



Not Entered
Academic Goals

The last trimester of last school year was completed online due to the COVID-19 pandemic soft closure. The spring testing was not completed. This school year we have had the fall and winter Acadience Reading tests and have shown good growth overall. When we break down the data, there were some students who made less growth, didn't advance from below benchmark to being at the benchmark. We identify these students and form a plan for their success in IPLC meetings following our school improvement plan.

The percent of students in first grade through third grade scoring at or above the benchmark will increase by four percentage points on the Acadience Reading test between the September 2021 testing and the May 2022 testing. The percent of students in fourth grade and fifth grade scoring at or above proficiency will increase by four percentage points on the Acadience Reading test between the September 2021 testing and the May 2022 testing.

No Yes

Language Arts

1. We organize our timeline around the three times the Acadience reading and Reading Inventory assessments are given through the school year. We meet and plan after the beginning, middle, and end of year testing cycles. We use this data to determine which students need increased support for reading. Land Trust funds four reading aides (35,313.30) who provide additional instruction in Tier 2 for reading. They will be trained through the school year as they continue to implement the 95% Group program for struggling readers. They also help with progress monitoring students ($2,000). We have also allocated funding for the technology needs in our resource and extended core classes for meeting student needs with technology (6,000).
2. We plan enrichment activities for all students to help them extend their learning and participate in Battle of the Books, Story Weavers, Chess Club, and Debate. Carry over funding will be used for these programs ($1,600). Land Trust carry over funding will also be used for teachers with purchasing Apple TV for all classrooms to support instruction ($5,400). Technology items needed for the reading aides in Tier 2 will also be purchased ($3,000).
3. We need additional aide support in classes with large numbers of students to assist with small group instruction, an aide will be funded out of TSSP funding ($12,852) to assist teachers.
4. We have half day BLT meetings to monitor our progress on our school goals. We will use carry over funding to pay for substitute teachers for the BLT team ($2,000).
5.Through our Instructional Professional Learning Community (IPLC) collaboration meetings we follow student data and determine what help they need through the school year so they are successful readers. We will implement the close reading strategy and integrate math and science lessons within reading to assist students with developing the reading skills needed for these subjects, additional technology needs for teachers ($9,545).

Acadience Reading Test in first through third grade. The Reading Inventory test for fourth and fifth grades. We will also look at the RISE language arts test.

We will continue to follow our master schedule so students are pulled for services at a time when they won't miss instruction. Also, our resource program is aligned with the core concepts at each grade level. Our special education teachers attend professional development for teacher clarity and structured classroom discussion with the rest of the faculty. They also attend professional development provided by the district. Our special education students are making good progress due to these efforts. We are including funding for the technology items needed in our special education programs ($6,000).

Learn more about using the World-Class Instructional Design and Assessment (WIDA) testing to inform instruction during collaboration meetings. Implement structured classroom instruction to provide scaffolding for ELL students.

Progress will be reported in the principal's weekly email three times during the school year following benchmarking testing.

Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $35,313.30 Funding for four reading aides (step 1). Landtrust
General Supplies 610 $1,600.00 Funding for the enrichment programs, Battle of the Books, Story Weavers, debate, and chess club. Carry over (step 2). Landtrust
Equipment and Technology 730 $3,000.00 Funding for technology needs for Tier 2. Carry over (step 2) Landtrust
Equipment and Technology 730 $5,400.00 Technology for teachers for teaching language arts, Apple TV. (step 2) Carry over. Landtrust
Technology 731 $6,000.00 Technology items for our resource program and extended core classrooms for student instruction. TSSP
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $2,000.00 This funding is for substitutes for teachers on the BLT team. We have two half day meetings per school year. This is carry over funding. TSSP
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $2,000.00 Additional aide time for progress monitoring and/or professional development. TSSP
Equipment and Technology 730 $8,500.00 This is for technology needs of all teachers in the building. TSSP
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $12,852.00 An additional instructional aide to assist in grade levels with a high student count. TSSP
General Supplies 610 $500.00 Curriculum needs of all teachers TSSP
Textbooks 641 $500.00 Curriculum needs of all teachers TSSP
Academic Goals

The last trimester of last school year was completed online due to the COVID-19 pandemic soft closure. The spring testing was not completed. This school year we have had the fall and winter Acadience math tests and have shown good growth overall. When we break down the data, there were some students who made less growth, didn't advance from below benchmark to being at the benchmark. We identify these students and form a plan for their success in IPLC meetings following our school improvement plan.

The percent of students in first grade through fifth grade scoring at or above the benchmark will increase by four percentage points on the Acadience Math tests between the September 2021 testing and the May 2022 testing.

No Yes

Language Arts

1.Our action plan follows the timeline for benchmark testing through the school year. We look at the math scores after fall, winter, and spring testing to determine which students need additional instruction in Tier 2 for math.
2.We provide the additional instruction and regularly progress monitor students. There are three math aides ($17,052) who provide Tier 2 instruction. We progress monitor students through the school year to ensure they are making good growth, this will provide additional aide time to complete this process ($2,000). This is a fluid process, students receive the additional instruction in the concepts they need more support for learning.
3.The math aides collaborate with teachers during the school year to ensure students are provided this additional support. We will use carry over funding in the TSSA budget to provide additional time for the math aides ($2,000).
4. We have had Reflex Math in the past and determined it was an important program for learning math facts. We would like to purchase Reflex Math ($4,000).

Acadience Math testing

We will continue to follow our master schedule so students are pulled for services at a time when they won't miss instruction. Also, our resource program is aligned with the core concepts at each grade level. Our special education teachers attend professional development for teacher clarity and structured classroom discussion with the rest of the faculty. They also attend professional development provided by the district.

We will focus our efforts on helping ELL students with the supports they need including strategies like structured classroom discussion to provide students with more opportunities and practice with both language and reading.

Progress will be reported to the community in the principal's weekly email three times during the school year following benchmarking testing.

Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $17,052.00 Funds math aides,( step 2). Landtrust
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $2,000.00 Additional hours for math aides. Carry over,( step 3). TSSP
Software 670 $4,000.00 Reflex Math program. Carry over, (step 4) TSSP
School Climate Goals

As a school, we are continually working on having a positive climate. As indicated in the survey data stakeholders feel like we are respectful toward them and their children. This will continue to be a focus. We are continually working on our school-wide implementation of Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS). We monitor the Early Warning System (EWS) data through the year and will work to improve attendance and student behavior.

Willow Canyon will decrease by four percentage points the overall Early Warning System (EWS) indicator that measures attendance, office discipline referrals, and suspensions between September 2021 and May of 2022.

No Yes

1. We look at EWS data in BLT meetings through the school year and discuss behavior data and solutions. We also discuss the rate of absenteeism, this is generally a few students school-wide and plan strategies to improve attendance. This is a monthly process. We discuss SRSS-IE data in IPLC meetings. We are working with SEL staff to understand the best ways to interpret and use this data.
2. We teach the school-wide and classroom expectations in August, January, and March and provide student incentives ($2,000).
3. We have the 25 hour MTSS aide funded by the district and another behavior aide paid for by our TSSP funds ($10,000) to assist with student behaviors. They do check in and check out and assistance with student behaviors through out the day.
4. We also decide as a Building Leadership Team what additional instruction is necessary through the school year if we identify specific issues that need to be addressed. Playground aides ($16,000) and the P.E. technician attend Playworks training during the school year and work to organize the playground to best facilitate play and promote safety. They collaborate during the school year. The P.E Technician works with teachers to select Junior Playworks Coaches. These students help during recess.

Canyons District dashboard data for Early Warning System (EWS).

Progress will be communicated in the principal's weekly email three times a year.

Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $10,000.00 Funding for an additional behavior aide to work with our MTSS aide working with students needing behavior support, (step 3). TSSP
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $16,000.00 Two additional recess aides to assist with implementing Playworks and decreasing injuries, (step 4). TSSP
School Checking $2,000.00 Cell tower funding for the PBIS classroom and school-wide rewards, (step 2) Other
Summary of Expenditures for all Goals
Summary - replace me

Increased funds will be used to purchase additional technology for teachers and Tier 2 interventionists. We will also use this funding to purchase additional teaching material needed for teachers to keep up with the changes in the standards and curriculum. These funds will be used to fund any further purchases we need to make for our Tier 2 reading program, using the 95% Group curriculum and other curriculum needs in grade level classrooms.