Data Dashboard

Teacher and Student Success Plan
2021 - 2022

Overarching Goal

Students at Jordan Valley will make progress towards a functional skills goal for grades 8-PH.

School Community Council and Staff Involvement in the TSSP
School Community Councils play an integral part in the development and monitoring of TSSP goals. Please briefly describe the participation of SCC members in the development process of this TSSP:

As a School Community Council, we have been discussing the needs of Jordan Valley students year after year. Currently, the council is recognizing the need for students to gain or improve functional skills that will allow them to be more independent at home, obtain work related skills and/or educational/training preparations for when they complete their time at JVS. Each council member attends our monthly meetings and has offered additional input into items needed to prepare students with appropriate functional skills.



Not Entered
Academic Goals

Jordan Valley programming teaches students 14 years and older skills that will help them once their education is completed at the age of 22. These are called transition goals. This can be in any of the areas including independent living or employment skills.

100% of 8th-Post High students will make progress on their individual transition goal.

No Yes

Language Arts

In order to facilitate growth on each student's transition goals on their IEP, we will increase instructional opportunities in the Vocational Ed. Lab, Daily Living Lab, and Home Ec room where they can practice functional skills in the areas of independent living and employment. We anticipate spending $13,300 on necessary supplies in these locations.

Student growth at Jordan Valley is measured against their IEP goal with expected outcome. Each student has weekly data points taken on their goals to show progress toward the expected percentage of mastery. Every student has an individualized goal based on their present levels, so baselines are varied. Official progress reports are prepared and shared with guardians 3 times a year to show “sufficient progress”, “insufficient progress”, or “goal met”. As these goals are based on individual student ability and need, we will track the overall growth as a result of teaching best practices, providing students with instructional opportunities for independent living and pre-employment skills.

The adult to student ratio, combined with research-based instructional priorities, will support all of our students as they all have a disability.

All of our transition areas will have a visual task analysis of each skill that will support all students.

We will communicate with stakeholders through the school website and newsletter.

General Supplies 610 $13,300.00 Items needed to set up spaces for independent living (similar to a studio apartment with cooking options) and employment skills include: bedroom furniture, peer activities like games, restaurant materials (menus, silverware, napkins, etc) and cooking supplies. TSSP
Summary of Expenditures for all Goals
Summary - replace me

If there are funds still available, we will add additional kitchen items, peer activities (games), and small tasks to work on in the voc. ed. lab.