Data Dashboard

Teacher and Student Success Plan
2021 - 2022

Overarching Goal


  • To see proficiency levels increase to above 80% as measured by the Reading Inventory (RI).
  • To see proficiency levels increase to above 80% as measured by the Math inventory (MI).

AVID: Earn an Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) site of distinction.

Climate: Increase school wide positive to corrective feedback for every teacher to over 6:1 and specific feedback to over 5 per class observation.

School Community Council and Staff Involvement in the TSSP
School Community Councils play an integral part in the development and monitoring of TSSP goals. Please briefly describe the participation of SCC members in the development process of this TSSP:

The school community council discussed data for developing the TSSP in the January 2021 meeting and examined and had input for the draft goals and spending shared in the February 2021 meeting.  



Academic Goals

Data collected in the 2020-21 winter Math Inventory (MI) is as follows:
42% of Eastmont students are proficient or advanced.
9% of students with disabilities are proficient or advanced.
26% of students identified as multi-lingual learners are proficient or advanced.
6th grade has 34% of students scoring in the below basic range.
7th grade has 20% of students scoring in the below basic range.
8th grade has 24% of students scoring in the below basic range.

When given the 2021-22 Spring Math Inventory (MI):
1) 60% of Eastmont students will be proficient or advanced.
2) The percent of students in below basic range will reduce to 10% or less in each grade.
3) 80% of our students with disabilities and multi-lingual learners will grow at least 50 points in both the January and April testing window.

No Yes

Language Arts

1. Math intervention classes will be created and appropriate students will be identified.
2. The Math 180 program will be used in the math intervention classes and as a supplemental program for students with disabilities. ($14,214 Textbook, TSSP)
3. An after-school program will be created for student support and extensions in core subject areas. ($17,377 Salaries, TSSP)
4. Hire or maintain 1 Para-educator to support the after-school program. ($14,918 Salaries, TSSP)
5. Make a list and purchase enrichment opportunities and materials needed.
6. Hire or maintain two para-educators to support the math. ($23,696.64 Salaries, Land Trust/TSSP)
7. Teacher summer professional development on small group instruction ($7,700 Salaries, TSSP)

There is a document linked below with more specific detail.

Three times per year, all students will take the Math Inventory.
Students in the math intervention class will be progress monitored using the Math 180 program.

Students with disabilities needing support in math will be given an additional period for math instruction and remediation using the Math 180 program. Progress monitoring using the Math 180 probes will track growth. Students with disabilities will also be invited to attend the after-school program for additional support.

Multi-lingual learners needing additional support in math will be given an additional period for math instruction and remediation using the Math 180 program. Progress monitoring using the Math 180 probes will track growth. Multi-lingual learners will also be invited to attend the after-school program for additional support.

Progress towards goals will be shared 3 times per year with stakeholders via faculty meetings, School Community Council meetings, school web page, and posted at school.

Textbooks 641 $13,785.00 Purchase the license to the Math 180 program TSSP
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $11,848.32 salary for one para-educator for math support Landtrust
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $17,377.00 Hourly rate for 4 teachers daily for the after school program TSSP
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $7,700.00 Hourly wage for teachers for summer professional development on small group instruction TSSP
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $14,918.00 salaries for one para-educator for the after school program TSSP
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $11,848.00 salary for one para-educator for math support TSSP
Academic Goals

Data collected from the 2020-21 winter Reading Inventory (RI) is as follows:
70% of Eastmont students are proficient or advanced.
27% of students with disabilities are proficient or advanced.
24% of students identified as multi-lingual learners are proficient or advanced.
6th grade has 11% of students scoring in the below basic range and 28% in the basic range.
7th grade has 8% of students scoring in the below basic range and 22% in the basic range.
8th grade has 6% of students scoring in the below basic range and 16% in the basic range.

When given the 2021-22 Spring Reading Inventory (RI):
•   80% of our students will be proficient or advanced in each grade level.
•   The percent of students in the below basic range will reduce to 5% or less and 15% or less in Basic in each grade level by the end of the school year.
•   80% of our students with disabilities, multi-lingual learners, and students in the Below Basic level will grow at least 75 points or one level in both the January and April testing windows.

No Yes

Language Arts

1. Hire, rehire 4- paraeducators for classroom support ($49,351, Salaries Land Trust)
2. Provide a stipend for 2 coordinators for the after school program ($4,000, Salaries, Land Trust)
3. Provide substitutes for teachers to collaborate and plan by department ($6,500, Salaries, Land Trust)
4. Transportation and Lodging for AVID Summer Institute for 12 teachers ($13,800, Transportation, TSSP)
5. Registration for the AVID Summer Institute for 12 teachers ($10,200, Registration, TSSP)

All students at Eastmont will be administered the Reading Inventory three times each year. Students in the reading intervention class will be progress monitored using reading probes at least every 2 weeks.

Students with disabilities needing reading interventions will be provided the opportunity for a reading intervention class. They will also be invited to attend the after school program to obtain additional support.

Multi-lingual learners needing reading interventions will be provided the opportunity for a reading intervention class. They will also be invited to attend the after school program to obtain additional support.

Progress towards goals will be shared 3 times per year with stakeholders via faculty meetings, School Community Council meetings, school web page, and posted at school.

Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $49,351.00 4-Para-educators for student classroom support Landtrust
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $4,000.00 2 Coordinators for the after school program, 1 for academics, 1 for enrichment Landtrust
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $6,500.00 Substitutes for Department Data Days Landtrust
Transportation, airfare, lodging, per diem 583 $13,800.00 Transportation and lodging for the AVID Summer Institute for 12 teachers TSSP
Admission/Registration 569 $10,200.00 Registration for the AVID Summer Institute for 12 teachers TSSP
School Climate Goals

Based on a student climate survey given to students in February 2021, students responded as indicated in the table below with the following responses to the questions asked.
Survey given February 2021
My Teachers know my name and something about me: 73% positive
Strongly agree 29%, Agree 44%, Neutral 22%, Disagree 2% Strongly Disagree 2%

I know which adult at school I can talk with if I need help: 68% positive
Strongly agree 32%, Agree 36%, Neutral 18%, Disagree 6%, Strongly Disagree 8%

I have opportunities to participate in something I enjoy at school: 63% positive
Strongly agree 20%, Agree 43%, Neutral 25%, Disagree 8%, Strongly Disagree 3%

I like school. 41% positive
Strongly agree 11%, Agree 30%, Neutral 38%, Disagree 6%, Strongly Disagree 13%

Also based on the student survey there was an open-ended question about how to make Eastmont better. Many of the students recommended more clubs or activities.

During the 2021-22 school year, Eastmont will show a 10% increase in students' connection to school as measured by a student survey given at the beginning and end of the school year.

No Yes

Creating connections
Teacher Advisory (TA) class will be held 2 days per week. Teachers will loop from year to year with the same students throughout their time at Eastmont to develop deeper relationships with them.
The TA teacher will become the “case manager” for the student. This will allow for them to dig into interventions necessary, follow up on items with the student and/or parents, and help create a point of contact for each student within the school.
Social skills will continue to be taught in the TA class on Mondays.
Students will be advised on the benefits of our counseling center Serenity Space. They will be taught about the space and the benefits of identifying when you need to reduce your stress and anxiety levels.
In addition to academic help with the after-school program, we will have extracurricular activities that students can participate in. These will range from, but not limited to, lego clubs, debate, coding, art, technological activities. ($5,000 Supplies, TSSP) . Students will be provided a snack in the after-school program ($2,000 Supplies, TSSP)

As measured by student survey given two times per year.

Progress towards goals will be shared 3 times per year with stakeholders via faculty meetings, School Community Council meetings, school web page, and posted at school.

General Supplies 610 $5,000.00 Supplies for extension activities for the after school program TSSP
General Supplies 610 $2,000.00 snacks for the students in the after school program TSSP
School Climate Goals

In order to increase a student connection in school, teachers will work on behavioral and academic feedback to students. School-wide feedback observations in every classroom in the 2020-21 school year created the following data:

Feedback Observation Data 2020-21
Average feedback frequency 101/hour
Average overall feedback ratio 7:1
Average specific feedback 4
Average behavioral ratio 3:1
Average Feedback Sequences 2

In the 2021-22 school year, Eastmont teachers will increase academic and behavioral feedback to students.
Specific feedback will increase to 8 minimum per observation.
Academic feedback ratio will increase to 5:1
Behavioral feedback will increase to 5:1
Teachers will engage in at least 3 academic feedback cycles, during an observation.

No Yes

Teachers will participate in coaching cycles with achievement coaches, peers, and/or administrators.
Teachers will work to develop lesson plans with specific lines of questioning planned into each lesson. This will help them remember to include the feedback required for feedback cycles.
Small group instruction professional development
Hire/rehire 2 - Para-Educators to provide support for small group instruction. ($15,227, Salaries, Land Trust)

As measured by the Classroom Observation Feedback Form twice a year per teacher.

Progress towards goals will be shared 3 times per year with stakeholders via faculty meetings, School Community Council meetings, school web page, and posted at school.

Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $15,227.00 Two para educators to support small group instruction in the classrooms Landtrust
Summary of Expenditures for all Goals
Summary - replace me

If additional funds are available we will:

  • hire additional interventionists or allow them to work more hours
  • provide teacher stipends or hire substitutes to allow teachers time to collaborate 
  • purchase additional materials to support math and STEM
  • purchase additional technology to support STEM and enrichment
  • pay additional teachers their hourly rate to work with students after contract hours
  • allow more teachers to attend conferences.
  • pay teachers to work through their prep period to reduce class sizes