Data Dashboard

Teacher and Student Success Plan
2021 - 2022

Overarching Goal

Maintain at least 30% of students meeting all four college readiness benchmarks on the ACT (5 year goal)

School Community Council and Staff Involvement in the TSSP
School Community Councils play an integral part in the development and monitoring of TSSP goals. Please briefly describe the participation of SCC members in the development process of this TSSP:

An ACT Data analysis report and a College and Career Goal summary (of state report card measurements) were both presented in February and March of 2021 for input, edits, and feedback showing progress and areas of needed improvement to our SCC, PTSA, and faculty.



Academic Goals

College and Career Readiness is a district wide goal and is utilized in the annual school report card grading. Students who graduate from high school with having taken the necessary preparatory coursework are more likely to persist and graduate from college. Alta has recently seen a significant shift in student demographics, particularly in student groups who typically need greater levels of support. While Alta grows in size and diversity, we are emphasizing providing needed supports for students, while also encouraging a greater percentage of students to challenge themselves by taking a higher level of coursework.

College and Career Readiness: Sustain at least a 90% graduation rate, maintain at least 60% of all students either earning the Honors or Advanced Diploma, and keep a high level of active engagement of all students through sustaining at least 20% of all students meeting the criteria for the Hawk Medallion Award (which assesses both co-and extra-curricular engagement). TSSA funds will also be used to establish and support an additional Step2TheU cohort of 40 students, an early college pathway in partnership with the University of Utah. Maintain post-secondary enrollment percentage of students pursuing higher education and assess and participation in H, AP, CE and Step2TheU courses and conducting equity audits to ensure minority and other underrepresented students are doing such at the same rate as their Caucasian peers.

No Yes

Language Arts

Utilize TSSA funds to offer a summer university Step2TheU semester block for 40 students, which includes $60,000 in faculty salary to support the summer program.

Number of applicants and assessing persistent and completion rates, alongside GPA earned within program. Graduation rates, differentiated diploma data, and course enrollment data.

Students in SPED and on an IEP are allowed open access to apply for Step2TheU and will be assigned a peer mentor as part of the summer program. These identified students and their parents receive information and are encouraged to apply through their individual IEP's and through a school wide assembly presentation (which was done via video this past year).

Students who are designated as an ELD learners will be provided with a special seminar encouraging them to apply to Step2TheU (offered for parents in English and Spanish).

SCC, Newsletter, and Website

Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $60,000.00 Required costs and supports for Step2TheU TSSP
Academic Goals

For the last two school years, we do not yet have data showing progress for students on the Reading Inventory from fall to spring. Previous to last school year, the average growth from fall to spring was 5%.
The Aspire nor any other state assessment was given in the spring of 2020 due to the school closure. The Aspire was given for the first time in 2019 and is considered baseline data.
Reading Aspire - 52.7% of 9th grade students were proficient in 2019.
English Aspire - 51.4% of 9th grade students were proficient in 2019.
Reading Aspire - 48.2% of 10th grade students were proficient in 2019
English Asprire - 56.8% of 10th grade students were proficient in 2019.

Literacy: Raise all RI scores across all levels (9-12) by 5% (67% to 72%) from fall to spring (three assessments, fall, winter, and spring) and evaluate for our underrepresented students (with a strong emphasis on our students who are currently below basic and our Multi-lingual learners, as such is accounted for in the annual school report card). On the Aspire Reading and English sections, students will maintain or exceed the baseline proficiency scores collected in the Spring of 2019. The goal for MLL students is also 5% increase in proficiency, and students will be provided with extra support through an assigned MLL Coordinator. These data points are included in the uploaded TSSP mid-year analysis report in this portal.

No Yes

Language Arts

Implement Read 180 software, curriculum, and assessments in all sections of our Reading Intervention classes, Special Education (when and where applicable, i.e., ELA), and for our MLL (Multi Language Learner) students via our ESL classes to increase fluency, comprehension, writing, and overall communication with each student. Utilize funding to lower class sizes in core ELA classes and funding extra 7th period sections to further reduce class sizes for optimal student learning and teacher to student ratios. $80,00
ELL Coordinator, Social Studies Colloquium, Teacher Professional Development specific to Literacy

RI Testing, Aspire testing, ACT

Read 180 in resource classes

Through implementation of Read 180, combined with other teacher scaffolding measures in our ESL identified classes (as summarized above). This additional support is intended to raise growth and proficiency scores with our MLL students and will be measured through the RI assessment (three times a year).

Shared with SCC, PTSA, and faculty at each RI benchmark (fall, winter, and spring), and a mid-year analysis and end-of-year analysis summary report detailing disaggregated data.

Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $30,000.00 ELL Coordinator Landtrust
Textbooks 641 $5,000.00 Read 180 Curriculum Landtrust
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $35,000.00 Reading Intervention Specialist Landtrust
Transportation, airfare, lodging, per diem 583 $25,000.00 Professional Development Landtrust
Professional Contracted Services 334 $5,000.00 Social Studies Colloquium Landtrust
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $80,000.00 Utilize funding to lower class sizes in core ELA classes and funding extra 7th period sections to further reduce class sizes for optimal student learning and teacher to student ratios. TSSP
Academic Goals

Reduce class sizes through adding additional sections of ELA, Math, Science, and Social Studies for regular ed sections to allow for more one-on-one opportunity for scaffolding, learning, and for teachers to be able to have a more manageable classroom load. We would also like to expand our Medical and Health Sciences course offerings, as we are currently turning down requested sections each year. We would optimize this by hiring another teacher in the Medical / Health Sciences area. On average over the past four years, an average of 30% of Alta's 11th graders have met all four benchmarks on the ACT. This percentage outcome is directly correlated with a 90% success rate of completion of a Bachelor's Degree.

ACT Exam and STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math) Supports: Sustain a 30% or higher of Alta juniors scoring the benchmark level on all four categories of the statewide ACT exam. Expand the number of Medical and Health Science Offerings in the area of STEAM, and support current STEM programs (namely, HOSA and Robotics) with funding for competitions.

No Yes

Language Arts

Hire sections of additional teaching periods (including an expansion of our Health Science program), provide training and support for our 11th grade Advisory ACT Prep lessons during 2nd and 3rd term, and assess and progress monitor our students annually on the ACT outcomes. This entails hiring a Health Sciences teacher at $80,000 (with benefits), competition fees for HOSA @ $5,000, and competition fees for two competitions for our Robotics' Team @ $10,000.

ACT Exam - looking specifically at students meeting the college readiness benchmark. Course enrollment in CTE courses in the areas of Medical and Health Sciences and Engineering.

We will be providing para's in Special Education for provide additional one on one support for students focused on increasing their overall achievement in class, grades, and by monitoring their progress individual and aggregately on the ACT Exam. We will also ensure that parents of SPED students are pulled in to review prospective testing accommodations and required paperwork for the ACT.

Hiring a para-professional for our ELD students specifically to provide additional supports in and out of the classroom and coordinate home with parents. We are also using the Read180 platform in our classes.

Through SCC, BLT, and SAC, as well as, post annual results to the Alta Website.

Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $10,000.00 Supplemental academic tutoring after school for Math, Science, and ACT, and track data on proficiency and growth progress year to year. Landtrust
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $80,000.00 1.00 FTE for a Science Teacher to fulfill the demand for additional Medical and Health Science course offerings TSSP
Admission/Registration 569 $5,000.00 HOSA (Health Sciences) annual competition fees TSSP
Admission/Registration 569 $10,000.00 Robotic's annual competition fees (2 @ $5,000) TSSP
School Climate Goals

Due to COVID-19 restrictions and frequent changes in the school schedule throughout the 2020-2021, teachers have had less opportunity to meet face-to-face in their content teams (PLCs). For the 2021-2022 school year, we see a need to reemphasize giving teachers time in their PLCs to work with one another to plan curriculum, analyze data and better support students.
So far this school year, IPOPs have been conducted on most provisional teachers and a few career teachers. Of that data, 94% of these observations resulted in a highly effective positive to corrective feedback ratio, and 81% resulted in a highly effective level of feedback loops.
The CTESS student survey data has shown that Alta High scores higher than the district average in almost every indicator. The two highest indicators for the past two school years state that our students feel that teachers treat all students with respect and that their teachers do a very good job in communicating the learning intention and tying past learning to the current lesson.

Teacher Effectiveness: Teachers will meet with PLCs at least twice per month, during which they analyze student data with an emphasis on preplanning for units of study and determining the prerequisite knowledge needed. On their annual evaluations (2 or more formal IPOPs per year) 90% of all IPOPs will be highly effective in the area of positive to corrective feedback, and 80% of all IPOPs will show at least three full feedback loops.

No Yes

Create a Professional Development Calendar that sets aside at least two one-hour time slots for PLCs twice per month. Provide Professional Development to support teachers in increasing their effectiveness in the classroom. We intend to allocate $10,000 for professional development.

PLC notes, IPOP data

Monthly SCC and BLT meetings

Transportation, airfare, lodging, per diem 583 $10,000.00 Teacher Professional Development TSSP
School Climate Goals

Each year, Alta has experienced an increased number of reports of struggling students to the SafeUT system. Alongside this SST referrals have risen, as well as the caseloads of our Social Workers & Check and Connect Mentors. This indicates a continued need to provide additional social and emotional supports to students through providing additional personnel in counseling, social work and check and connect mentors.
In typical school years, Alta's EWS Data shows that approximately 25% of students are "off track" in terms of grades, attendance and progress toward graduation. This nearly doubled in the 2020-2021 school year. While this is typical across the district and state, it indicates a need to continue to provide individual and small group Tier 2 and Tier 3 supports for students.

Sustain our current MTSS (Multi-Tiered Systems of Support) at Alta High School. This includes reducing student to counselor ratios to bring our numbers in line with the state recommendations. We will also provide an additional .5 LCSW (Licensed Clinical Social Worker) for mental health and other social emotional support services, and continue to provide Check and Connect Mentors to support Tier-II and Tier-III academic, behavioral, and attendance interventions for students.

No Yes

Hire an additional counselor and a half (1.5 FTE @ $150,000) and a .50 Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW @ $40,000) to support student's guidance, mental health, and social emotional learning supports. We also intend to support the overall culture and climate of our school by providing some financial support for LinkCrew ($15,000) training and activities that lend itself to upperclassmen reaching out to and mentoring our underclassmen here at Alta through ongoing relationship building.

Counselor ratios being within state recommended ratios (350 to 1), progress monitoring for grades, attendance, and behavior (discipline referrals) on students assigned to a Check and Connect Mentor, SAM indicators. Early Warning Systems data.

Monthly SCC, BLT and Faculty meetings

Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $150,000.00 FTE for 1.5 Counselors (with benefits), and Check and Connect Mentor Aides Landtrust
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $40,000.00 .5 FTE for LCSW (Licensed Clinical Social Worker) with benefits TSSP
Transportation, airfare, lodging, per diem 583 $15,000.00 Link Crew (student mentoring/leadership) and Hope Squad (suicide prevention) TSSP
Summary of Expenditures for all Goals
Summary - replace me

Any projected excess funds (from either receiving a higher estimated TSSA amount or a change/adjustment in expenditures) will be allocated to upgrading and replacing teacher computers (a three-year rotation), cameras for online enhancements and supports for instruction, other technology supports to enhance teacher's capabilities and access to Canvas and other technology related elements to increase student learning, and professional development.