Data Dashboard

Teacher and Student Success Plan
2021 - 2022

Overarching Goal

Intensify/increase instructional delivery across the content areas of reading, writing, and math (through teacher clarity, Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports -PBIS, positive relationships, and embedded English Language Development practices, particularly structured academic discussions) with teams using data.  This goal will be supported with professional learning and ongoing coaching cycles as outlined in the action steps.

School Community Council and Staff Involvement in the TSSP
School Community Councils play an integral part in the development and monitoring of TSSP goals. Please briefly describe the participation of SCC members in the development process of this TSSP:

The Copperview SCC has been involved in an ongoing way with the development of the TSSP for the 2021-22 school year.  In addition, the SCC has focused on monitoring the progress of the 2020-21 TSSP, ensuring that the implementation has been accomplished as planned.  During SCC meetings, the progress of current year's plan has been reviewed, and the data have been shared frequently.  Discussions focused on the areas of success and possible areas of needed adjustments based on the data.  Given the significant impact of COVID-19 in the school setting, we wanted to be certain that there was still solid implementation of the goals.  The ongoing discussions also included the 90-Day Plans that are developed as part of our TSI designation.  

The SCC members expressed appreciation for the implementation of the TSSP,  noting that the areas of focus and resource allocations were clearly evident in the day-to-day work at Copperview.  They also noted their appreciation for the vigilance of the staff and students in maintaining intentional focus during the challenging times of the pandemic.  Many of the SCC members also participate in the Family Learning Center (FLC) at Copperview, so they are more aware of the daily efforts in the school.

The Land Trust budget is primarily allocated for interventionists to provide support during skills-based instruction (SBI) in reading.  The SCC members wanted this emphasis to continue in the 2021-22 TSSP.  In addition to the focus on reading, we determined that additional emphasis was also needed in math.  Consequently, it was determined that the TSSP should also include interventionists to support math SBI.  This will be an area identified in the TSSP for 2021-22.  

The TSSA budget in 2020-21 was allocated for a variety of purposes, including behavior assistants, supplies, materials, technology, textbooks (Saxon Phonics) and parent engagement.  Given the impact of the pandemic, there was a need to reallocate some of the funding toward more technology purchases.  There had been a portion of the funds for technology, but more was needed given the level of online learning for some students as well as the need to support the participants in the Family Learning Center (FLC).  The increased use of technology has been evident in the students, families, and communities as a whole - and the SCC members have been very grateful for the consistent support and resources provided as part of the TSSP implementation at Copperview.  We've also increased the emphasis of our social emotional learning (SEL) at Copperview.  The need in this area has been critical given the difficulties experienced from the pandemic.  The SCC members have seen the evidence of the work happening in Morning Meetings, as well as the overall messaging and supports evident at Copperview.  During one of the SCC meetings, two students were in attendance and referenced the experiences they were having with the Morning Meeting lessons, noting that the classroom environment was more positive because of the intention focus on SEL supports, community building, and positive behavior supports.  

Throughout the discussions, we discussed the areas of focus, reviewed the data, and considered what specific components of the TSSP might be maintained, enhanced or altered.  It was determined that the majority of the components present in the 90-Day plans (and TSSP) should be maintained, with additional focus on math.  The plan moving forward will continue to have an emphasis on behavior, English Language Arts and math with English Language Development (ELD) practices, use of the data throughout the process, and increasing the effectiveness of the the teaming structures.  There will also continue to be a strong focus on teacher clarity and structured academic discussion.  During the 2020-21 school year, Copperview teachers have received numerous professional development (PD) sessions with follow up coaching, which will continue throughout the 2021-22 school year.  This intentional PD with ongoing coaching has made a significant difference in increasing teacher skills and thereby positively impacting the students.  



Academic Goals

Based on the most recent Acadience Reading benchmark data (January, 2021), not all students are achieving desired outcomes based on benchmark measurement for kindergarten and first grade, and on Pathways of Progress for grades 2-5. Data reflect kindergarten students have 50% on the winter benchmark on Phoneme Segmentation Fluency (PSF), and first grade students have 35% on the winter benchmark for Whole Words Read (WWR). For fluency on Acadience, as measured by Pathways of Progress, 2nd grade students have 38%, 3rd grade has 61%, 4th grade has 71%, and 5th has 75%.

We believe the challenge is a result of teachers needing more skills in teacher clarity, increasing intensity of instruction in the literacy block, planning and implementing the use of English Language Development (ELD) practices, checking for understanding/mastery, working with teams and adjusting instruction based on the data. It is also determined that additional instruction and supports need to be provided during skills-based instruction (SBI) groups, which involves providing training and support both teachers and interventionists.

English Language Arts: By May 26, 2022, at least 90% of Copperview students will attain expected levels of growth in fluency on Acadience assessments, as measured by Pathways of Progress for grades `1-5, and other Acadience measures for kindergarten students. .

No Yes

Language Arts

Collaborative teams at various levels (school-wide Building Leadership Team - BLT, grade-level teams, IPLCs, etc.) will work together with the goal of intensifying instructional delivery across content areas. The teams will develop and implement plans that integrate English Language Development (ELD) practices, focus on increased teacher clarity (including learning intentions and success criteria), follow instructional routines of the identified curriculum, teach content to mastery and adjust as needed based on student data. Differentiated professional development with ongoing coaching will be in place, and will include timely feedback, practice opportunities, video taping of lessons and review with colleagues and coach, and walkthrough observations with checklists for data gathering and analysis. The master schedule includes dedicated time to ensure solid implementation of the teaming structures and the opportunity for in-depth planning. Interventionist that are working with the students during math SBI, will also receive the needed training, materials, and follow up supports to ensure fidelity of implementation of the identified programs and instructional practices. The cost of six interventionists for ELA will be approximately $54.000.00. The cost for a portion of a teacher salary and benefits to increase FTE will be approximately $20,000.00.

Copperview students will attain expected levels of growth in fluency on Acadience assessments, as measured by Pathways of Progress, for grades 1-5. Pathways of Progress is a tool for interpreting Acadience Reading scores that provides an evaluation of individual student growth or improvement over time, compared to other students with the same level of initial skills. Baseline data will be collected in the fall of 2021, and the Pathways of Progress measures will be used throughout the year, with final measures occurring in the spring of 2022. Pathways of Progress is in place for grades 1-5. Kindergarten has different measures aside from Pathways of Progress. In kindergarten, First Sound Fluency (FSF) is tested in fall and winter, and Phoneme Segmentation (PS) and Nonsense Word Fluency (NWF) are tested winter to spring. These measures will be used to determine growth for kindergarten students.
Teacher practices will be monitored through three implementation walkthroughs during the year. Measurement protocols will include identified target areas, and will be used during each walkthrough. In addition, the videotaped lessons can be reviewed with the coach, teacher and grade-level teams an analyzed for improvement of the identified teaching practices.
Interventionists trained to work in SBI groups will continue to be trained and observed by achievement coaches, who will provide feedback on performance and additional training as needed to ensure fidelity of program implementation.

There will be an intentional focus on aligning the services provided to students with disabilities with the grade-level programming. The special education teachers and assistants will receive training and coaching supports on programs and instructional strategies that are intensified and aligned (e.g. 95% group, teacher clarity). Fidelity of program implementation will also be an expectation, and appropriate supports will be provided in this regard. In addition, we will continue to collaborate with District Office Staff, including those from the Special Education Department, to ensure that our PD and coaching are aligned with best practice. There will also be an increased focus on teacher clarity, instructional routines, structured academic discussions, and use of data throughout the process.

There will be an intentional focus on integrating English Language Development (ELD) practices across content areas. We will utilize the practices outline in the ELD Essential Practices document, as well as strategies and practices identified in the CSD Curriculum Map that are shown to have a strong effect size. In addition, we will continue to collaborate with District Office Staff, including those from the Student Advocacy and Access and the ISD, to ensure that our PD and coaching are aligned with best practice. There will also be an increased focus on teacher clarity, structured academic discussions, and use of data throughout the process.

Teachers will receive feedback following each observation/walkthrough cycle, which will occur at least three times during the year. In addition, teachers will receive emails reviewing the data from the observation protocols, as well as coaching and differentiated PD based on the data. The data are also reviewed during BLT meetings, Faculty Meetings, and during grade-level IPLCs. Interventionists will receive emails and direct training/feedback in person. The BLT will also review the school-wide data and associated supports and training. Other stakeholders, such as the SCC and district support staff will also have information communicated through meetings and/or other interactions relevant to the given stakeholder group.

Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $54,000.00 We will hire, train and supervise eight 17-20 hour interventionists that will provide Tier 2 interventions for students scoring below benchmark in reading and math. We will progress monitor students and make necessary adjustments based on the data. Six interventionists will focus on reading and will be paid from Land Trust, and two interventionists will focus on math and be paid from TSSP funds. Landtrust
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $20,000.00 Allocation for a portion of teacher salary and benefits to increase FTE. TSSP
Academic Goals

Based on the recent Acadience math benchmark data (January, 2021) not all students are achieving desired outcomes. Acadience data reflect kindergarten at 53%, first grade at 29%, 2nd grade at 25%, 3rd grade at 20%, 4th grade at 10%, and 5th grade at 14%.

We believe the challenge is a result of teachers needing more skills in teacher clarity, increasing intensity of instruction in the math block, planning and implementing the use of English Language Development (ELD) practices, checking for understanding/mastery, working with teams and adjusting instruction based on the data.

Math: By May 26, 2022, at least 90% of Copperview students will either maintain or increase proficiency levels, based on math composite score.

No Yes

Language Arts

Collaborative teams at various levels (school-wide BLT, grade-level teams, IPLCs, etc.) will work together to focus on the goal of intensifying instructional delivery across content areas. The teams develop and implement plans that integrate ELD practices, focus on increased teacher clarity, follow daily structures and routines of identified curriculum, and are adjusted as needed based on student data. Differentiated professional development with ongoing coaching will be in place, and will include timely feedback, practice opportunities, and walkthrough components. The master schedule includes dedicated time to ensure solid implementation (e.g. specific content areas, SBI, collaborative planning, etc.). Interventionist that are working with the students during math SBI, will also receive the needed training, materials, and follow up supports to ensure fidelity of implementation of the identified programs and instructional practices. The cost of two interventionists working with students in math will be approximately $18.000.00.

Copperview students will maintain or increase proficiency in their Acadience Math Composite score. Benchmark data will be collected in the fall of 2021, grade level CFAs, and informal assessments from teachers will be used throughout the year, along with Winter Benchmark scores with final Benchmark Composite score occurring in the spring of 2022.
Identified instructional practices will be monitored through implementation walkthroughs during the year. Measurement protocols will include identified target areas, and will be used during each walkthrough.
Interventionists trained to work in SBI groups will continue to be trained and observed by achievement coaches, who will provide feedback on performance and additional training as needed to ensure fidelity of program implementation.

There will be an intentional focus on aligning the services provided to students with disabilities with the grade-level programming and instruction. The special education teachers and assistants will receive training and coaching supports on programs and instructional strategies that are intensified and aligned (e.g. concrete, representational, abstract - CRA math instruction). Fidelity of program implementation will also be an expectation, and appropriate supports will be provided in this regard. In addition, we will continue to collaborate with District Office Staff, including those from the Special Education Department, to ensure that our PD and coaching are aligned with best practice. There will also be an increased focus on teacher clarity, explicit instruction, and use of data throughout the process.

There will be an intentional focus on integrating ELD practices across content areas. We will utilize the practices outline in the ELD Essential Practices document, as well as strategies and practices identified in the CSD Curriculum Map that are shown to have a strong effect size. In addition, we will continue to collaborate with District Office Staff, including those from the Student Advocacy and Access and the ISD, to ensure that our PD and coaching are aligned with best practice. There will also be an increased focus on teacher clarity, explicit instruction, and use of data throughout the process.

Teachers will receive feedback following each observation/walkthrough cycle, which will occur at least two times during the year. In addition, teachers will receive emails reviewing the data from the observation protocols, as well as coaching and differentiated PD based on the data. The data are also reviewed during BLT meetings, Faculty Meetings, and during grade-level IPLCs. Interventionists will also receive emails and direct training/feedback in person. The BLT will also review the school-wide data and associated supports and training. Other stakeholders, such as the SCC and district support staff will also have information communicated through meetings and/or other interactions relevant to the given stakeholder group.

Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $18,000.00 We will hire, train and supervise eight 17-20 hour interventionists that will provide Tier 2 interventions for students scoring below benchmark in reading and math. We will progress monitor students and make necessary adjustments based on the data. Six interventionists will focus on reading and will be paid from Land Trust, and two interventionists will focus on math and be paid from TSSP funds. TSSP
School Climate Goals

Based on most recent Morning Meeting implementation walkthrough data (February, 2021), teachers are not consistently exhibiting the use of the four observed Morning Meeting components (greeting, sharing, activity, message). Data reflect 88% of the teachers demonstrated greeting, 76% demonstrated sharing, 70% demonstrated activity, and 70% demonstrated message.

We believe the challenge is a result of a need for more professional development and planning, having clarity regarding the components and rationale of the Morning Meeting for building community and positive relationships, as well as ongoing coaching support. A strategy for improvement is providing a more intentional focus on Morning Meeting during collaborative planning, additional PD with ongoing coaching, followed by implementation walkthroughs, sharing of the data, and additional differentiated support for teachers.

Building Positive Relationships: By May 26, 2022, 100% of Copperview teachers will demonstrate implementation of the “Greeting,” "Sharing," "Activity" and “Message,” components within Morning Meetings. Teachers will also have clearly established classroom PBIS as demonstrated by 100% of all teachers having specific and measurable classrooms rules that are aligned with school-wide goals, and associated What If Charts.

No Yes

Professional development will be provided at the beginning of the year (Fall, 2021) and throughout the year, with an intentional focus on the various components of the Morning Meeting as well as the expectations for PBIS, including established classroom rules and associated What If Charts. Ongoing coaching will also be provided to the teachers, as well as opportunities to have Social Emotional Learning (SEL) staff (school social worker, school psychologist) model Morning Meeting Lessons as needed for teachers. Administrative expectations and associated coaching supports will also be in place throughout the year. The expenses associated with this goal include approximately $17,500.00 for the benefits and salary of a full-time behavior assistant, $2,000.00 for supplies, and $1,000.00 for books.

Implementation Walkthroughs will be scheduled at least three times throughout the year. During the walkthroughs, the measurement protocol will be used and data collected on the identified components of the Morning Meeting and/or the classroom rules and What If Charts.

Teachers will receive in-person feedback from the observer regarding the data from Morning Meetings, which will include the review of the data. Teachers will also receive emails outlining the data from the measurement protocols. Modeling of lessons, coaching and differentiated PD will be provided based on the data. The BLT will also review the school-wide data and associated supports and training. Other stakeholders, such as the SCC and district support staff will also have information communicated through meetings and/or other interactions relevant to the given stakeholder group.

Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $17,500.00 Additional salary and benefits to increase one 25 hour behavior assistant to 35 hours. TSSP
General Supplies 610 $2,000.00 Materials/supplies for behavioral and/or academic strategies/interventions TSSP
Textbooks 641 $1,000.00 Textbooks/resources associated with Morning Meeting. May include Morning Meeting handbooks, etc. TSSP
Summary of Expenditures for all Goals
Summary - replace me

If there is a larger distribution of money, we will increase the hours for Tier 2 intervention services (Skills-Based Instruction - SBI), thereby serving additional students. We may also use additional funds to purchase materials/resources to support SBI groups or behavior (resources may include supplies, textbook, software and technology, etc).