School Community Council and Staff Involvement in the TSSP
School Community Councils play an integral part in the development and monitoring of TSSP goals. Please briefly describe the participation of SCC members in the development process of this TSSP:  
The SCC received school wide data updates during the year and participated in discussions on
A.) Value of using funds for instructional assistants
B.) Challenges of hiring aides to fill open positions and the alternative of increasing hours for aides
C.) PD initiatives: Teacher Clarity, Structured Classroom Discussions, Number Talks, CRA Model
D.) Providing substitutes for peer-to-peer observations
Not Entered
Academic Goals
According to mid-year data: 53% of students in grades Kindergarten-5th, moved from below benchmark to at or above benchmark on grade-level MATH CBM.
Only 57% of 1st graders are proficient or above in Advanced Quantity Discrimination while only 53% of 2nd graders are proficient or above in Math Composite CBM. We expect that these younger grades suffered most from the effects of instructional constraints during the pandemic.
A strategy for improvement is expanding proficiency in number talks (Structured Classroom Discussions) and ongoing use of concrete, representational, and abstract (CRA). In addition, focusing on Teacher Clarity and increasing consistent use of Daily Common Core review.
Strategies for addressing the results of instructional constraint during the pandemic include, prioritizing content and learning, maintaining the inclusion of each and every learner and identifying and addressing gaps in learning through instruction while avoiding the misuse of standardized testing to place kids into high or low ability groups or providing low levels of instructional rigor to lower performing students.
Math Goal By May 2022: A. Increase the number of students at or above benchmark on Acadience Math Composite Scores from 70% (January 2021) to 80%. B. Increase the number of students moving from below benchmark on Acadience Math Composite Scores to at or above benchmark from 53% (January 2021) to 75%. C. Raise overall school proficiency on RISE Math scores in grades 3-5 from the 75th percentile (May 2019) to at or above the 80th percentile of demographically similar schools.
Language Arts
1. Ongoing professional development for expanding proficiency in number talks 2. Ongoing professional development for expanding proficiency in structured classroom discussions 3. Ongoing professional development for expanding proficiency in the continuation of the Concrete, Representational, and Abstract (CRA) Model 4. Focus on Teacher Clarity by conducting staff book study of The Teacher Clarity Playbook ($600) 5. Maintaining consistent use of Daily Common Core review. 6. Public practice using peer walkthroughs and video observation and reflection 7. Increase math fact fluency by providing software in DLI target language ($3300) 8. Enhance building leadership by providing more time for data analysis, instructional planning and problem-solving for the Building Leadership Team ($3600)
1. CBM Math Composite scores grades K-5 2. RISE Math Scores grades 3-5
Prioritizing content and learning, maintaining the inclusion of each and every learner and identifying and addressing gaps in learning through instruction while avoiding the misuse of standardized testing to place kids into high or low ability groups or providing low levels of instructional rigor to lower performing students.
Prioritizing content and learning, maintaining the inclusion of each and every learner and identifying and addressing gaps in learning through instruction while avoiding the misuse of standardized testing to place kids into high or low ability groups or providing low levels of instructional rigor to lower performing students.
School Website School Newsletter
Textbooks 641
30 copies of The Teacher Clarity Playbook
Software 670
Reflex Math: math practice in target language for DLI students
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200
Subs for half-day BLT meetings
Academic Goals
According to mid-year data: 39% of students in Kindergarten-5th Grade moved from below benchmark to at or above benchmark on grade-level READING CBM.
Only 66% of 1st graders are proficient or above in Nonsense Word Fluency, Whole Words Read. We expect that these younger grades suffered most from the effects of instructional constraints during the pandemic.
A strategy for improvement is focusing on Teacher Clarity and Reading Foundation Block (K-2) and Close Reading as part of Structured Classroom Discussions.
Strategies for addressing the results of instructional constraint during the pandemic include, prioritizing content and learning, maintaining the inclusion of each and every learner and identifying and addressing gaps in learning through instruction while avoiding the misuse of standardized testing to place kids into high or low ability groups or providing low levels of instructional rigor to lower performing students.
ELA Goals By May 2022: A. Increase the number of students in the pathways of progress on Acadience Reading Composite Scores from 66% (January 2021) to 75%. B. Increase the number of students moving from below benchmark on Acadience Reading Composite Scores to at or above benchmark from 39% (January 2021) to 60%. C. Increase the number of students at or above proficient on Reading Inventory scores from 66% (January 2021) to 80%. D. Raise overall school proficiency on RISE ELA scores in grades 3-5 from the 80th percentile (May 2019) to at or above the 85th percentile of demographically similar schools.
Language Arts
1. Fund Tier 2 interventionists to provide evidence-based interventions to students achieving below benchmark or otherwise lacking specific identified skills in reading. (7 instructional aides from LandTrust $78,600 and 2 instructional aides from TSSP $26,000) 2. Ongoing professional development for expanding proficiency in structured classroom discussions 3. Focus on Teacher Clarity by conducting staff book study of The Teacher Clarity Playbook 4. Include time in PLCs for grade-level professional development 5. Public practice using peer walkthroughs and video observation and reflection
1. CBM Reading Composite scores grades K-3 2. RI Scores grades 4-5 3. RISE ELA Scores grades 3-5
Prioritizing content and learning, maintaining the inclusion of each and every learner and identifying and addressing gaps in learning through instruction while avoiding the misuse of standardized testing to place kids into high or low ability groups or providing low levels of instructional rigor to lower performing students.
Prioritizing content and learning, maintaining the inclusion of each and every learner and identifying and addressing gaps in learning through instruction while avoiding the misuse of standardized testing to place kids into high or low ability groups or providing low levels of instructional rigor to lower performing students.
School Website School Newsletter
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200
7 Interventionists
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200
2 Interventionists
Academic Goals
In 4th grade 60% of students are proficient or above on RISE Science from 2018-2019 school year. In 5th grade 76% of students are proficient or above on RISE Science from 2018-19 school year. A strategy for improvement is to continue the use of structured classroom discussions, interactive notebooks, and systematic vocabulary routines and systematic review.
Science Goals By May 2022: A. 4th Grade: 65% of student proficient on RISE B. 5th Grade: 78% of student proficient on RISE C. RISE Science scores in grades 4-5 will be at or above the 70th percentile of demographically similar schools.
Language Arts
1. Create/utilize/refine grade level assessments 2. Utilize interactive notebooks across all grade-levels 3. Utilize systematic vocabulary routines 4. Implement a plan for systematic review and plan collaboration opportunities to reflect and improve. 5. Ongoing professional development for expanding proficiency in structured classroom discussions 6. Focus on Teacher Clarity by conducting staff book study of The Teacher Clarity Playbook 7. Include time in PLCs for grade-level professional development
4th and 5th grade RISE Science scores
Prioritizing content and learning, maintaining the inclusion of each and every learner and identifying and addressing gaps in learning through instruction while avoiding the misuse of standardized testing to place kids into high or low ability groups or providing low levels of instructional rigor to lower performing students.
Prioritizing content and learning, maintaining the inclusion of each and every learner and identifying and addressing gaps in learning through instruction while avoiding the misuse of standardized testing to place kids into high or low ability groups or providing low levels of instructional rigor to lower performing students.
School Website School Newsletter
No Dollar Amount Entered
School Climate Goals
We know all students benefit from character education and social skills instruction. We believe that by explicitly teaching character education and social skills to our students we can provide students with the knowledge and skills to make better choices, negotiate conflict and other challenging situations.
From January 2022 through May 2022, all teachers will teach weekly character education instruction. In addition, teachers will facilitate at least three classroom circles weekly.
By May 2022, teachers will successfully integrate weekly character education lessons as demonstrated by: Teaching weekly character education lessons, including bullying preventions lessons. Facilitating at least three classroom circle activities weekly. Documenting completion of lessons and circles in PLC notes Provide support for implementation and intervention by supplementing salary of Social Worker and Behavior Interventionist to bring to full-time hours. ($51,000)
1. Number of lessons completed 2. Number of circles facilitated weekly 3. Feedback from informal walkthroughs.
School Website School Newsletter
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200
Additional salary and benefits to make Social Worker and Behavior Assistant full-time employees
Summary of Expenditures for all Goals
Summary - replace me
• Hire additional interventionists • Increase hours of existing interventionists • Increase opportunities for public practice (additional sub days for peer observations) • Purchase technology hardware and/or software to support academic goals • Purchase new materials or replace current materials to support academic goals