Data Dashboard

Teacher and Student Success Plan
2021 - 2022

Overarching Goal

By May of 2022, teachers will demonstrate mastery with cohesive planning through IPLCs for the Tier One English block to have 80% of students, kindergarten through 5th grade, achieve typical to above typical or well above typical growth in reading as measured by the Spring ELA Acadience Pathways of Progress assessment.

School Community Council and Staff Involvement in the TSSP
School Community Councils play an integral part in the development and monitoring of TSSP goals. Please briefly describe the participation of SCC members in the development process of this TSSP:

Our SCC voted to continue Edgemont's TSSP focus on English Language Arts (ELA) instruction. Our BLT proposed to focus instruction on close reading routines and increasing structured classroom discussion routines. Assessments will focus on Acadience measures where students are expected to demonstrate typical reading growth (or above) next year. SCC approved this direction. The SCC heard the proposed goal and plan for ELA and approved it unanimously! They have already begun brainstorming ways to communicate our focus and goals to parents. 



Not Entered
Academic Goals

76% of K-5th grade students at Edgemont Elementary demonstrate below typical growth as measured by 2020 Winter Acadience Pathways of Progress. We believe this challenge results from students needing more opportunities to read and reread text closely with rigorous discussion questions and writing prompts. A strategy for improvement is for students to engage in Canyons School District's (CSD) close reading routine weekly (goal of 3 out of 4 weeks) and structured classroom discussions.

By May of 2022 teachers will demonstrate mastery with cohesive planning through IPLCs for Tier One English Language block to have 80% of students, kindergarten through 5th grade, achieve typical, above typical or well above typical growth in reading as measured by the Spring ELA Acadience Pathways of Progress assessment.

No Yes

Language Arts

1. Teachers will purposefully plan learning experiences that focus on using the CSD close reading and writing framework with structured classroom discussions across content areas (ELA, Math, Science, and Social Studies).

2. Hire and train 3 ELA Instructional Aides to work with Tier Two students using the 95% program with the salary expenditure of $40,000

3. Close Reading-Teachers will purposefully plan learning experiences that focus on using the CSD close reading and writing framework with structured classroom discussions across content areas (ELA, Science, Math and Social Studies)

4. Develop professional development on how to use structured classroom discussions across content areas to engage students in the learning process.

5. Plan for public practice to occur to improve instruction using one of the following two options: a) teachers will videotape a portion of close reading lesson that includes structured classroom discussion that can be viewed individually or with a peer partner or coach b) teachers will observe other teachers having subs cover classrooms while engaging in a close reading lesson that includes structured classroom discussion with the expenditure of $1500 for the cost of subs.

6. Cost of materials for Rewards program to focus on phonics and the make-up of words for 4th and 5th grades with a cost $1500.

By May of 2022 80% or more of our Kindergarten students will demonstrate at least typical growth on Pathways of Progress assessment which includes First Sound Fluency (FSF), Letter Naming Fluency (NMF), Phoneme Segmentation Fluency (PSF), and Correct Letter Sounds (CLS) measures.
By May of 2022 80% or more of our 1st grade students will demonstrate at least typical growth on Pathways of Progress assessment which includes Correct Letter Sounds (CLS), Whole Words Read (WWR) and Oral Reading Fluency (ORF) measures.
By May of 2022 80% or more of our 2nd grade students will demonstrate at least typical growth on Pathways of Progress assessment which includes Oral Reading Fluency (ORF), and Retell measures.
By May of 2022 80% or more of our 3rd - 5th grade students will demonstrate at least typical growth on Pathways of Progress assessment which includes Oral Reading Fluency (ORF), Retell & Comprehension (MAZE) measures.

Instruction in ELA, Math, Science and Social Studies will include Close Reading tasks. IPLCs reflect on student progress monitoring data (K-1= Acadience Whole Words Read, 2nd-5th= Acadience Oral Reading Fluency Accuracy) to identify scaffolds that allow all reading proficiency levels to engage in Close Reading. Coaching cycles will include scaffolding Text Dependent Questions (TDQ) strategically to meet IEP goals.

Instruction in ELA, Math, Science and Social Studies will include Close Reading tasks. IPLCs reflect on student WIDA data and progress monitoring data (K-1= Acadience Whole Words Read, 2nd-5th= Acadience Oral Reading Fluency Accuracy) to identify scaffolds that allow all proficiency levels of English Language Acquisition to engage in Close Reading. Coaching cycles will include scaffolding Text Dependent Questions (TDQ) strategically for English Learners.

Our Building Leadership Team will analyze Pathways of Progress data in the Winter and Spring terms. Data Analysis will be presented to staff and School Community Council members during scheduled meetings in February and May.

Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $41,500.00 Assistants and Subs Landtrust
Textbooks 641 Landtrust
General Supplies 610 $1,000.00 Landtrust
School Climate Goals

32% of students exhibit moderate to high risk internalizing behavior and 23.5% of students exhibit moderate to high risk externalizing behavior according to Student Risk Screening Scale - Internalizing & Externalizing (SSRS-IE) data. We believe the problem is a result of lack of self regulation, coping strategies, and social skills. A strategy for improvement is implementing Morning Meetings with fidelity.

By May of 2022, less than 20% of Edgemont students will exhibit moderate to high risk of internalizing and externalizing behaviors as measured by the Spring SSRS-IE data.

No Yes

1. Cover the salary to have a full-time school counselor support social/emotional needs of students with the cost being $44,000.

2. Teachers will purposefully plan Morning Meetings through the curriculum map provided by Responsive Services.

3. Develop professional developments on how to build successful communication with parents to build a team of support for student needs.

4. Plan for public practice to have teachers observe and/or video their Morning Meeting and include structured classroom discussions to be viewed through IPLCs or by the coach and teacher to reflect on practices.

5. Observe other teachers delivering a Morning Meeting lesson and debrief with coach and/or administrator.

We will conduct fidelity checks using the Morning Meeting High Quality Implementation Checklist provided by Instructional Supports Department (ISD) at least 3 times a year.
By May of 2022, less than 20% of Edgemont students will exhibit moderate to high risk of internalizing and externalizing behaviors as measured by the Spring SSRS-IE data.

Our Building Leadership Team will analyze the Morning Meeting HQIC data, along with Fall and Winter SRSS-IE data, to evaluate the progress of implementation. Data Analysis will be presented to staff in grade IPLCs and to our School Community Council members during scheduled meetings in February and May.

Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $44,000.00 TSSP
General Supplies 610 $500.00 TSSP
Summary of Expenditures for all Goals
Summary - replace me

Any additional money will be spent on: technology, text books, decodable readers, book sets, phonics materials (Rewards consumables, magnetic chips, magnetic wands, elkonin boxes activities, letters, letter trays, picture cards, phonics games) reading and writing supplies (whiteboards, whiteboard markers, whiteboard erasers, paper, pencils, markers highlighters), carts for push-in reading support model, subscriptions for supplemental readers, science materials that encompass reading and writing, social and emotional supplements (mindfulness activities, kindness campaigns, calming objects such as but not limited to stress balls, weighted blankets, timers, calming music).