Data Dashboard

Teacher and Student Success Plan
2021 - 2022

Overarching Goal

Overarching Goals:

According to Acadience assessments for K-3, 81% of students are reaching the benchmark in reading (literacy). According to Reading Inventory (RI) assessment for 4th and 5th grade, 68% of students are reaching the benchmark. We believe this success is a result of robust core instruction, explicit instruction, small group instruction, supplemental/Tier II instruction, and resources. We will continue implementing best practices, such as Structured Classroom Discussion and close reading, and provide professional development to maintain success and build teacher capacity.

According to Acadience assessments, 83% of students are reaching benchmark in math. We believe this success is a result of robust core instruction, explicit instruction, small group instruction, supplemental/Tier II instruction, and resources. We will continue implementing best practices and provide professional development to maintain success and build teacher capacity. We will include structured classroom discussions in math lessons and continue to look at vertical alignment among grade levels.

Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Goal: In order to increase preventative measures, teachers will continue to implement circles and/or morning meetings to support the theme presented at SEL monthly grade-level meetings. We continue to streamline the PBIS measures with SEL supports. Implement Restorative practices school-wide; during recess, BB, and lunchroom. Provide community outreach with SEL information.

School Community Council and Staff Involvement in the TSSP
School Community Councils play an integral part in the development and monitoring of TSSP goals. Please briefly describe the participation of SCC members in the development process of this TSSP:

SCC: Granite's SCC meets monthly to review pertinent data, discuss the family night activities, review TSSP and Landtrust goals, and any concerns that are being talked about in the community. With the voice and support of the SCC, we have been able to focus on resilience and GRIT for our students. We will continue to discuss boundaries, kindness, responsibility, restorative justice, and the appropriate use of technology. Our goal is to make sure we support our students not yet reaching benchmark and provide enrichment opportunities for those students exceeding benchmark standards. We keep monthly minutes and often assign action steps for the upcoming month.



Not Entered
Academic Goals

According to Acadience assessments for K-3, 81% of students are reaching the benchmark in reading (literacy). According to Reading Inventory (RI) assessment for 4th and 5th grade, 68%
of students are reaching the benchmark. We believe this success is a result of robust core instruction, explicit instruction, small group instruction, supplemental/Tier II instruction, and resources. We will continue implementing best practices, such as Structured Classroom Discussion and close reading, and provide professional development to maintain success and build teacher capacity.

Specific academic goals: 2021-2022
80% of students in Kindergarten-3rd grade will make at least typical progress according to Acadience Pathways to Progress. 80% of students in 4th and 5th grade will be proficient or higher in Reading Inventory (RI) by the end of year.

No Yes

Language Arts

A master schedule will be created to provide time for Tier II programming along with skills-based groups to support core instruction. We will continue to focus on instructional priorities, evidenced-based practices, and technology integration ($4500). We will hire 2 instructional assistants to push in and pull out for K-2 for progress monitoring ($40,000), small group instruction, and classroom support ($500).

Acadience Pathways to Progress, Acadience progress monitoring, IPOP evaluations, structured IPLC reflections, data meetings to discuss benchmarks, and school wide implementation of professional development.

Students will receive specialized instruction from our resource team, skills-based instruction in the general classroom, and progress monitoring. We will track regular progress with each assessment and IEP goal to show progress and adjust accordingly.

English Language learners are in a class with an ESL certified teacher. There will be a continued focus on structured discussions in the classroom with an online vocabulary structure. Every ELL student is assigned Imagine Learning to improve language acquisition.

Information will be shared with the SCC after each Acadience assessment and included in the SCC minutes.

Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $40,000.00 Salary for two instructional assistants TSSP
General Supplies 610 $500.00 General supplies for our Tier II program TSSP
Technology 731 $4,500.00 technology TSSP
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $38,850.00 Salary for two instructional assistants Landtrust
Equipment and Technology 730 $5,000.00 Landtrust
Academic Goals

According to Acadience assessments, 83% of students are reaching benchmarks in math. We believe this success is a result of robust core instruction, explicit instruction, small group instruction, supplemental/Tier II instruction, and resources. We will continue implementing best practices and provide professional development to maintain success and build teacher capacity. We will include structured classroom discussion in math lessons, professional development in Math Talks and continue to look at vertical alignment among grade levels.

Specific goal: 2021-2022
82% of students are reaching the benchmark according to Acadience math assessment. Our goal is to maintain and/or increase the 2-4% proficiency.

No Yes

Language Arts

A master schedule will be created to provide time for Tier II programming along with skills-based groups to support core instruction. We will continue to focus on instructional priorities, evidenced-based practices, tutoring supports ($2000), and software technology integration ($3000).

Acadience testing, progress monitoring, timed tests, structured IPLC, data meetings to discuss benchmark assessments, daily problem solving tasks, DWSBA, unit assessments, ST Math reports.

Students will receive specialized instruction from our resource team, skills-based instruction in the general classroom, and progress monitoring. We will track regular progress with each assessment and IEP goal to show progress and adjust accordingly.

English Language learners are in a class with an ESL certified teacher. There will be a continued focus on structured discussions in the classroom with an online vocabulary structure. Every ELL student is assigned Imagine Learning to improve language acquisition.

Information will be shared with the SCC after each Acadience assessment and included in the SCC minutes.

Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $2,000.00 tutoring TSSP
Software 670 $3,000.00 software/apps TSSP
Software 670 $2,000.00 Landtrust
General Supplies 610 $5,750.00 Landtrust
School Climate Goals

In order to increase preventative measures, teachers will implement circles and/or morning meetings supporting the theme presented at SEL monthly grade level meetings. Streamline the PBIS measures with the SEL supports. Restorative practices are school-wide; recess, BB and lunch room. Community outreach with SEL information.

Students will identify the qualities needed to have positive social interactions with peers and persevere through difficult tasks. Teachers will report the number of circles and/or morning meetings per month.

No Yes

Systematic social skills training is presented monthly by our Behavior Assistant. Continued focus on school PBIS and the positive teacher-student relationship. Increased professional development and implementation of SEL ($2500). Continued monthly PD on Morning Meetings, Restorative Practice, and how to implement an effective Circle in your classroom ($500).

We will measure the level and systems of support as identified through SST (Student Study Team) referrals. SRSS-IE (Student Risk Screening Scale) evaluations will be reviewed 3 times a year. Students understanding and implementation for positive social interaction and perseverance through difficult tasks will be measured with the year end student survey.

Progress and action steps will be discussed at monthly PTA and SCC meetings.

General Supplies 610 $2,500.00 Supplies, recognition rewards, multi cultural items, etc. to support our Social Emotional Learning program TSSP
Textbooks 641 $500.00 apps and technology links to support social emotional learning program TSSP
Summary of Expenditures for all Goals
Summary - replace me

We will increase the technology support and offer additional tutoring opportunities and /or expand additional supplies and professional development textbooks.