Data Dashboard

Teacher and Student Success Plan
2022 - 2023

Overarching Goal

Oak Hollow's average benchmark proficiency for Reading and Math has been 80%-85% for the past several years. We have noticed that our above benchmark and below benchmark students have not been making progress. Last year, with input from the BLT (building leadership team) and the SCC (school community council), we set a growth goal for all students in reading. We missed the benchmark as a school but several grades made the school goal. Our goal this year is that 75% of all students will make typical or above typical growth on the Spring Acadience as measured by the Pathways of Progress. We are short of this goal at the winter benchmark. The BLT and SCC would like us to continue with the same growth goal for this year. We dedicated one IPLC to data so teachers can regularly evaluate student progress and ensure growth.

Year:                          Average school growth

2022-2023                        75%

2023-2024                        80%

2024-2025                        85%

School Community Council and Staff Involvement in the TSSP
School Community Councils play an integral part in the development and monitoring of TSSP goals. Please briefly describe the participation of SCC members in the development process of this TSSP:

At our January SCC meeting, we reviewed our progress on our TSSP goals. Our SCC was happy with the growth and would like us to continue looking at growth. At our February meeting,I shared a growth goal for both reading and math with the SCC. The SCC would like us to continue with Lexia, Dreambox and providing professional development for teachers to evaluate data.



Not Entered
Academic Goals

Our goal for the 2020-2021 scholl year was that 70% of all student will make typical or above typical growth in ELA. As a school we missed this by 3%. Our school average was 67% with several grades making the goal. We realized we did not provide enough support for teachers to examine data and make instructional changes, so we added an IPLC (instructional professional learning community) meeting just for data. We added two planning days during the year after each benchmark, so that we could support teachers with their data and help them create appropriate goals. Our goal should be met with these supports in place.

75% of all students will make typical growth or above by Spring 2021 according to the Acadience Pathways to Progress ELA report.

No Yes

Language Arts

Since our goals are based on growth,teachers will receive training on Pathways to Progress for both reading and math. Seven trained interventionists will use 95% intervention program with students four days a week for thirty minutes. All students will be take the Acadience assessment for their grade level. Any student who is below or well below grade level will be identified for Tier two support in reading. The interventionists will work with students who are below or well below the Acadience or Reading Inventory (RI) benchmark to teach any skill gaps. These will be fluid groups based on student need. Students in intervention groups will be grouped by skill deficit. These students will be progress monitored to ensure that the intervention is working. We will ensure that the interventions being taught in Tier two will match the skill based group in the classroom.

We will use Instructional professional learning community (IPLC) meetings to regularly review data to ensure all students are making both growth and proficiency.
Teachers in grades K-3 will receive feedback from observations on their implementation of LETRS, state directed professional development for English language arts. We will purchase MyOn (4000), a digital library, for use in skill based groups. This license helps to increase students' reading comprehension.

We will use funding to hire seven reading interventionist (69,000). We apply for a state grant to continue with Lexia, an online digital language arts program that is individualized to the student and will support reading. Lexia will be used in skill based instruction time. We will use Landtrust funds to purchase this if we do not receive the state grant.
We will purchase books (6889.82) for our library that align with Wonders, our new basal reading program. Teachers will be able to use these books in conjunction with their instruction. Every teacher will receive a copy of the book; ABC's and All Their Tricks (405), which is a reference book for spelling.

Acadience benchmark and progress monitoring for Reading, Reading inventory

After the first benchmark, teachers will set a growth goal for each student. Our special education teacher will monitor special education students with Acadience so both teachers can readily view progress. Special education students will receive lessons during their reading skill based time so no instructional time in the general education class is missed.

Teachers will align the students' instructional language development plan (ILDP) goals with growth the student needs to make to be proficient. Students will use Imagine Learning for English Language learners during SBI time.

During monthly faculty meetings, SCC meetings and during IPLC. During faculty meetings and SCC we will share our progress on reading benchmarks. Once a month in IPLC, teachers will monitor their progress towards their reading goal.

Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $69,000.00 Seven reading interventionists Landtrust
Library Books 644 $6,889.82 Purchase books that align with Wonders Landtrust
Textbooks 641 $405.00 Purchase reference book for every teacher- ABC's and All Their Tricks Landtrust
Software 670 $4,000.00 license for MyOn Landtrust
Academic Goals

67% of students are making typical or above typical growth as measured by the Pathways to Progress report in Acadience. Our highest growth is in fifth grade while our lowest growth is in third grade. We believe by strengthening tier one instruction and using an intervention that aligns with the core standards we will see growth in all classes. We added two planning days to better support teachers in creating appropriate goals. We added an additional IPLC (instructional professional learning community) that is dedicated to data.

   75% of all students will make typical growth or above by Spring 2021 according to the Acadience Pathways to Progress math report.

No Yes

Language Arts

Three times a year, all students in grades K-5 will take the Acadience math benchmark. Students who score below or well below benchmark will be identified for Tier Two intervention. Tier Two intervention will take place during math skill based instruction. Twice a week for thirty minutes, students will work on individualized lessons on Dreambox (14,000) math program. A trained interventionist (7,000) will support students in their work and will provide progress reports to the classroom teacher. These students will be progress monitored twice a month, one by the interventionist and one by the classroom teacher. All students will use Dreambox.
Three trained interventionists (21,000) will work with teachers to support students who need additional support in computation. Each teacher will receive an adapter and remote clicker(1,000) to use with their I-pad for class instruction.
Twice a year, after the Acadience benchmark, grade level teams will meet for a day to review data, review the Pathways to Progress and make adjustments to each student's goal to ensure they are making growth. We will use funding to cover the cost of substitutes. (4,000)
Once a month in IPLC meetings, teachers will plan math lessons for the next month and will adjust math skill based groups.
Once a month in IPLC meetings, teachers will review the Dreambox data and the intervention data for their students to ensure they are making progress.
After the Fall benchmark, teachers will set the Pathway of Progress in math for each student in their class. After the Winter benchmark, teachers will review the Pathway of Progress for each student to ensure that they are making progress. Adjustments will be made to the pathway or intervention group if the student is not making progress.

Acadience math measures for progress monitoring and benchmarks based on the grade level.

After the first benchmark, teachers will set a growth goal for each student. Our special education teacher will monitor special education students with Acadience so both teachers can readily view progress. Special education students will receive lessons during their reading skill based time so no instructional time in the general education class is missed.

Teachers will align the students' instructional language development plan (ILDP) goals with growth the student needs to make to be proficient.

During monthly faculty meetings, SCC meetings and during IPLC. During faculty meetings and SCC we will share our progress on reading benchmarks. Once a month in IPLC, teachers will monitor their progress towards their reading goal.

Software 670 $14,000.00 Dreambox licenses TSSP
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $28,000.00 Four MTSS aides to support math( Dreambox aide, and three aides for math) TSSP
Technology 731 $1,000.00 Adapters and remote clickers for all teacher I-pads TSSP
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $4,000.00 Cost of substitutes for data days TSSP
School Climate Goals

Our office referrals indicate aggression is an issue on the playground. Students name bullies, as the reason for the aggression. Student definitions of bullies vary and this is a hard label for any child. Our students react so positively with Kindness Week and our Skill of the Month, but we feel that we need to address bully behavior directly. We want to define bully behavior and give students some strategies to deal with it.

By Spring 2023, 80% of students will be able to define bully behavior and state at least one strategy to deal with bully behavior. We will survey students in the Fall and Spring. We will ask students to define bully behavior and state a way to deal with it.

No Yes

1.   By the end of September 2022, our counselor ( $45,000) will visit every classroom and teach the lesson that identifies bully behavior. We will define aggressive behavior as “rude, mean or bully".
Rude- When someone says or does something unintentionally hurtful and they do it once.
Mean- When someone says or does something intentionally hurtful and they do it once.
Bully- When someone says or does something intentionally hurtful and they keep doing it, even when you’ve asked them to stop or shown them you’re upset.
2.   Each classroom will have a poster defining the behaviors above ($1,000)
3. By the end of September, we will survey students and ask them to define bully behavior and state a strategy to deal with it.
3.   By the end of October 2022, our counselor will visit every classroom and teach a lesson an anti-bully strategy called, “Stop, Talk and Walk” (
4.   All teachers will be trained on Anti bully lessons from the site, ‘Learn to Give”. These are three lessons which will be taught once a month. Each lesson includes a story book. ($1,000).
5.   The PTA will purchase two Buddy Benches for the school playground. Every student will be trained on the Buddy Bench and how to use it.
6. Once a month the counselor and principal will talk to with students at recess and see if they can remember the lessons.
7. By the end of April, we will survey students and ask them to define bully behavior and state a strategy to deal with it. We will compare the results to the September survey.

Our measurement will be multi-step. First, we will check that the counselor and teachers have taught the anti bully lesson each month. Second, we will survey all students in the Fall and ask them to define bully behavior and a strategy to deal with it. Next, we will survey students in the Spring with the same questions. Our goal is that by Spring, 80%of students will be able to define bully behavior based on the definitions that we will provide and be able to state a strategy to deal with bully behavior based on the lessons that will be taught.

During monthly faculty meetings, SCC meetings and during IPLC. During faculty meetings and SCC we will share our progress on reading benchmarks. Once a month in IPLC, teachers will monitor their progress towards the social-emotional goal.

Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $45,000.00 .5 FTE for a counselor TSSP
General Supplies 610 $2,000.00 copies, posters and books for anti-bully lessons TSSP
Summary of Expenditures for all Goals
Summary - replace me

If additional funds are available, we would like to use the funds additional funds to purchase books for our book vending machine and for the library.If our ELA grant with the state is not funded, we will use some of the money to purchase software license for Lexia. Finally, any additional funds will be for teacher technology needs, materials for social-emotional lesson needs and math manipulatives.