Data Dashboard

Teacher and Student Success Plan
2022 - 2023

Overarching Goal

Students are advancing into new grade level classes without having mastered current grade level skills. This is creating a skill gap that makes them ill-prepared for the increasing difficulty of the new grade level tasks and the higher expectations for mastery of skills and strategies. We are striving for coherence among our grade levels and we are creating a contiguous process with similar, if not the same, interventions. School-wide, we will focus on tailoring our classroom instruction to grade level standards and not just teaching straight through the book. We will anchor our planning and assessments to the standards, and make adjustments to instruction based on the data.

School Community Council and Staff Involvement in the TSSP
School Community Councils play an integral part in the development and monitoring of TSSP goals. Please briefly describe the participation of SCC members in the development process of this TSSP:

We will share reading and Core 5 data with School Community Council. Our goal is to have all students at or above grade level by the time they start their 4th grade year.

We will share benchmarks and interim goals on Acadience Reading K-6 Pathways to Progress reports.

We will celebrate student growth when they meet their interim goals.



Not Entered
Academic Goals

64% of all of our students at Crescent Elementary are making typical or better progress on Acadience Pathways to Progress. Our school goal is 80% for students in Kindergarten - 5th grades.
We believe the challenge is a result of underestimating the power of solid core instruction. One reason this may be occurring is incomplete understanding of solid core instruction including: standards, curriculum, assessment, coherence, maximizing instructional minutes, and public practice. A strategy for improvement is planning through backward design of standards, including structured classroom discussion and planned sentence frames.

By May 2023, 80% of all students in Kindergarten - 5th grades will show typical or above typical growth (3 to 5 stars) from fall to spring as measured by Acadience Reading K-6 Pathways to Progress reports.

No Yes

Language Arts

Standards for Instruction:
Instructional content aligned with the Utah Core Standards
Standards-based instruction and reporting

Instructional Priorities Focus:

Teacher Clarity

Structured Classroom Discussion

Morning Meeting

1. Tier 1 & Tier 2 Explicit Instruction during the ELA block.

2. All grade levels will adhere to the Master Schedule and maximize ELA instructional time.

3. Salaries and Benefits of $59,800 to include hiring 4 full time and 1 part time instructional mentors that will push in daily during small group instruction in grades K-5.

4. Grades K-2: PA, phonics,the District PA routines, Foundations Observations Checklist, and Structured Classroom Discussions using sentence frames and serve and return to strengthen all learners but especially English Language Learners (EL) and Special Education Students (SpEd) students.

5. Grades 3-5: PA, phonics, and spelling instruction using multi-syllabic routines, the District Foundations Block routines, Foundations Observations Checklist, and Structured Classroom Discussions using sentence frames and serve and return to strengthen all learners but especially English Language Learners (EL) and Special Education Students (SpEd) students.

6. System Structure for All Teachers:

7. August/September - Beginning-of-Year Benchmark Assessments. Teachers will set Pathways to Progress goals. Teachers will review Benchmark Assessment Data and set Pathways of Progress student goals. Teachers create Skill based instruction groups for Walk to Read. Teams will create their Student Growth Goal by September 30.

8. October 14 - Interim check-in, begin progress monitoring.

9. November 14 - Interim check-in using progress monitoring.

10. December 14 - Interim check-in using progress monitoring.

11. January - Mid-Year Benchmark Assessments. Teachers will analyze Pathways to Progress goals and adjust paths for individual students on Pathways to Progress, and complete their mid-year Reflection on Student Growth Goal by January 30.

12. February 14 - Interim check-in using progress monitoring. Teachers will participate in Learning Walk-throughs based on the Foundations Observation Checklist and meet with the principal, coach, and team and share celebrations, a-ha moments, and choose one area for improvement.

13. March 14 - Interim check-in using progress monitoring.

14. April 14 - Interim check-in using progress monitoring. After Foundations Observations Checklist is completed the teacher will meet with the principal, coach, and team and write a personal goal based on their own observation and adjust instruction.

15. May - End-of-Year Benchmark Assessments. Teachers will analyze Pathways to Progress goals and share successes.

People and Professional Development • Salaries and Benefits of $59,800.00 to include hiring 28 hour part time instructional mentors that will push in daily during small group instruction in grades K-5. With targeted intervention programs specific to the needs of each child.

Salaries and Benefits (teachers, aides, specialists, productivity, substitutes)   

Land trust goal:
Salaries and Benefits of ($25,000) for a full time teacher ($31,500) for instructional mentors. Include hiring part time instructional mentors that will push in daily during small group instruction in grades K-5.

TSSP goal:
ALS Coordinator
Substitutes for All-Day BLT Meetings
Additional Hours up to 28 for Instructional Aides including ESP-4 Intervention Mentor for student support
Pay a part time teacher to full time status to lower class sizes to facilitate better learning outcomes

Student Interim Goals:
August/September - Beginning-of-Year Benchmark Assessments, Data Analysis and set paths for individual students on Pathways to Progress
October 14 - Interim check-in begin progress monitoring
November 14 - Interim check-in using progress monitoring
December 14 - Interim check-in using progress monitoring
January - Mid-Year Benchmark Assessments
February 14 - Data Analysis and adjust paths for individual students on Pathways to Progress
March 14 - Interim check-in using progress monitoring
April 14 - Interim check-in using progress monitoring
May - End-of-Year Benchmark Assessments

Teachers will analyze Pathways to Progress data and set goals that include making more than one year's growth. They will adjust paths for individual students on Pathways to Progress based on the data. They will also use the data collected from the benchmark and interim check-ins to adjust their instruction. They will analyze Common Formative Assessments (CFAs) given during small group instruction daily, and during core instruction at least weekly, and maximize ELA instructional minutes on the Master Schedule. Progress will be monitored during weekly IPLC meetings with teachers and observations by peers, coach and principal.
We will offer incentives to meet their Core 5 goals if the students participate outside of their SBI time.

Teachers will receive Professional Development on our focus Instructional Priorities: Morning Circle, Teacher Clarity, Explicit Instruction and Structured Classroom Discussion. Teachers will regularly plan and deliver lessons using teacher clarity, explicit instruction, and sentence frames in conjunction with structured classroom discussion.
We will focus on written language production, increased oral responses, and partner talk. Students will have additional opportunities for language production during Morning Circle components.
Students will complete their required minutes on Image Learning/Lexia English, and be incentivized to complete minutes on their Core 5 goals if the students participate outside of their SBI time.

Progress will be communicated monthly during SCC and PTA Meetings, to parents monthly in the Principal's Message in the school newsletter, to BLT monthly in meetings, and announced to the school as goals are met during daily Morning Announcements.

Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $59,800.00 ALS Coordinator
Substitutes for All-Day BLT Meetings
Additional Hours up to 28 for Instructional Aides including ESP-4 Intervention Mentor for student support
Pay a part time teacher to full time status to lower class sizes to facilitate better learning outcomes
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $56,500.00 Additional Hours up to 28 for Instructional Aides including ESP-4 Intervention Mentor for student support
Pay a part time teacher to full time status to lower class sizes to facilitate better learning outcomes
School Climate Goals

We feel the primary concern impacting our School Climate is lack of strong student-teacher relationships.
One reason this may be occurring is more attention is needed to focus on long-lasting inter personal relationships. Social Emotional gaps that have widened due to Covid.
Strategies for improvement are continuing to build relationships by greeting students at the door daily, saying goodbye to them daily, and holding meaningful morning circles. We feel using morning circle we will be able to arm our students and teachers with knowledge they need to address these issues in social and emotionally appropriate ways.

By May 2023, Crescent Elementary will build strong, positive student-teacher relationships by greeting students at the door and saying goodbye to them at the door daily, and holding daily meaningful 15-minute Morning Circles that include a greeting, sharing, activity, and Morning Message.

Professional Development on Morning Circles and building positive teacher-student relationships will be delivered in August before school begins and reiterated monthly in faculty meeting and grade level IPLCs.

No Yes

100% of classroom teachers will build strong student-teacher relationships by greeting students at the door and saying goodbye to them at the door daily, and by holding daily meaningful 15-minute Morning Circles that include a greeting, sharing, activity, and Morning Message. $3,000 to be spent upon student incentives.

Teachers greeting and dismissing students at the door will be tracked monthly by principal, coach, staff, and peer observations.
Meaningful Morning Circles will be tracked weekly by principal, coach, staff, and peer observations.

Data will be shared monthly in SCC, PTA, BLT, Faculty Meetings, and in the School's newsletter.

General Supplies 610 $3,000.00 PBIS rewards and incentives for students following school-wide rules and academic and climate plans. TSSP
Summary of Expenditures for all Goals
Summary - replace me

If we have additional funds we would like to use the money for continued Professional Development for our staff including additional PD regarding the Four Lenses training. We would also like to use it for teacher and staff incentives, and to continue to update our technology, including headsets, as needed for all staff and supporting students.