Data Dashboard

Teacher and Student Success Plan
2022 - 2023

Overarching Goal

By the end of the 2022-2023 School Year, the number of students receiving tier 2 instruction will decrease by 5% as measured by Reading Inventory (4th and 5th Grade) and Acadience Math and Reading Benchmarks (Grades K-5).

School Community Council and Staff Involvement in the TSSP
School Community Councils play an integral part in the development and monitoring of TSSP goals. Please briefly describe the participation of SCC members in the development process of this TSSP:

SCC met in February and March of 2022 to review current goals and expenditures, discuss priorities and give feedback for upcoming school plans.



Not Entered
Academic Goals

Inconsistent student attendance, teacher attendance and aide attendance over the course of the past two years due to COVID and other related factors has decreased the number of students we typically see reaching benchmark or above by midyear. This disruption occurred in tier one instruction as well as tier two instruction. In order to positively impact students, adjustments need to be made to tier 1 instruction through use of reading instruction based on the science of reading as well as providing students with complex reading and writing tasks. In addition, we will need to provide tier 2 support for some readers, needing more intense instruction.
Current Data: Acadience 75% typical or better progress
4th Grade:
47% those Basic or Below have moved one level (12 students who were basic are now proficient and 6 below basic are now basic.
5th Grade: 24% of those Basic or Below moved one level (3 students moved 2 levels and 7 moved one level)

By the end of the 2022-2023 school year, 80% or more of Lone Peak Students in grades K-3 will make typical or better progress as measured by Acadience Pathways to Progress. In addition 80% of grade 4-5 students who score Basic or Below Basic will advance at least one level on the Reading Inventory by the end of the 2021-2022 School year.

No Yes

Language Arts

1. Using funds for substitutes or stipends, teachers will collaborate and plan for systematic and high quality tier 1 instruction. ($5,000 Land Trust)
2. Four total Instructional Aides, trained by the Instructional Coach, will assist teachers in providing tier 2 interventions for students. ($17,500 Land Trust and $17,500 TSSP )

3. Principal will purchase 95% Group Materials and manipulatives to support tier 2 instruction. ($10,000 Land Trust)
5. Counselor will provide support to students to increase self-regualtion strategies and reduce anxiety to support classroom instruction. ($35,000)
6. Instructional Technician will provide instruction in drama to help support reading fluency and accuracy. (15,000)

Student progress will be measured using a variety of tools to include: Acadience Benchmark Assessment, Acadience Progress Monitoring, 95% Group Assessment and Classroom Assessments.

Students with disabilities will be supported by strategically creating a schedule to help students receive the instruction they need to meet goals. In addition, the Resource teacher will receive collaborative planning time with most impacted grade level teachers to increase likelihood of student growth.

English Language Learners will benefit from teacher planning time to collaborate on scaffolds in lessons to increase effectiveness of instruction for this group of students.

Progress on goals will be communicated in SCC, PTA, on the Final Reports for Land Trust and TSSP, and placed on the school website.

Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $5,000.00 Using funds for substitutes or stipends, teachers will collaborate and plan for systematic and high quality tier 1 instruction. Landtrust
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $17,500.00 Two Instructional Aides, trained by the Instructional Coach, will assist teachers in providing tier 2 interventions for students. Landtrust
General Supplies 610 $10,000.00 Principal will purchase instructional materials to support tier 2 instruction. Landtrust
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $17,500.00 Two Instructional Aides, trained by the Instructional Coach, will assist teachers in providing tier 2 interventions for students. TSSP
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $35,000.00 Counselor to provide support to students to enhance quality of learning. TSSP
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $15,000.00 Instructional Technician in Drama to support reading fluency and accuracy. ($15,000) TSSP
Academic Goals

Over the course of the past 2 years, student scores on Concepts and Applications have decreased. This is likely due to the disruption of learning due to COVID and related factors. Student understanding of mathematical concepts and how to apply them is critical to performance in mathematics overall. In order to positively impact student understanding of math concepts we will need to increase the effectiveness of our tier 1 instruction and tier 2 instruction to include continues use of Number Talks, use of manipulatives in instruction, challenging mathematical practice for students and use of instructional aides to help support instruction.

By the end of the 2022-2023 school year, students in grades 2-5 at Lone Peak Elementary will grow in proficiency on Concepts and Applications to achieve 85% proficient as measured by Acadience Benchmark data.

No Yes

Language Arts

1. Using funds for substitutes or stipends, teachers will collaborate and plan for systematic and high quality tier 1 instruction. ($5,000- Land Trust)
2. Two Instructional Aides, trained by the Instructional Coach, will assist teachers in providing tier 2 interventions for students. ($17,500- Land Trust)

3. Principal will purchase Dreambox license for student use to build conceptual knowledge. ($5,000- Land Trust)

4. Beverly Taylor Sorenson Visual Arts teacher hours will be increased in order to provide integrated content opportunities and increase student understanding of concepts. ($17,000- Land Trust)
5. Two Instructional Aides, trained by the Instructional Coach, will assist teachers in providing tier 2 interventions for students. ($17,500- TSSP)

Growth will be measured using Acadience Concepts and Application assessments.

Students with disabilities will be supported by strategically creating a schedule to help students receive the instruction they need to meet goals. In addition, the Resource teacher will receive collaborative planning time with most impacted grade level teachers to increase likelihood of student growth.

English Language Learners will benefit from teacher planning time to collaborate on scaffolds in lessons to increase effectiveness of instruction for this group of students.

Progress on goals will be communicated in SCC, PTA, on the Final Reports for Land Trust and TSSP, and placed on the school website.

Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $5,000.00 Using funds for substitutes or stipends, teachers will collaborate and plan for systematic and high quality tier 1 instruction. Landtrust
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $17,500.00 Instructional Aides, trained by the Instructional Coach, will assist teachers in providing tier 2 interventions for students. Landtrust
Software 670 $5,000.00 Principal will purchase Dreambox license for student use to build conceptual knowledge. Landtrust
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $17,000.00 Beverly Taylor Sorenson Visual Arts teacher hours will be increased in order to provide integrated content opportunities and increase student understanding of concepts Landtrust
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $17,500.00 Instructional Aides, trained by the Instructional Coach, will assist teachers in providing tier 2 interventions for students. TSSP
School Climate Goals

Over the course of the past two years, students have shown an increase in struggle with peers and in following the school wide expectations of safety, responsibility and respect. These skills will be necessary in future schooling and careers later in life. We will measure student success using our PBIS Walkthrough and Great Recess Framework Walkthough tools.

During the 2022-2023 school year, 100% of students will know and understand School Wide PBIS expectations as measured by Classroom Walkthrough and Great Recess Framework Walkthrough.

No Yes

1. School-wide expectations will be retaught and reinforced using PBIS Rewards software. ($3,000)
2. Materials for a PBIS school store will be purchase to incentivize students to earn points on PBIS Rewards. (7,000) not to exceed $2/student
3. One Instructional support aide to support student application of school-wide expectations and to help run the PBIS school store. ($8,000)

Student progress will be measured with the PBIS Classroom Walkthrough and Great Recess Framework Walkthrough as well as through the PBIS Rewards Program.

Progress on goals will be communicated in SCC, PTA, on the Final Reports for Land Trust and TSSP, and placed on the school website.

Software 670 $3,000.00 School-wide expectations will be retaught and reinforced using PBIS Rewards software. Landtrust
General Supplies 610 $7,000.00 Printer for student badges for PBIS rewards and materials (not to exceed $2 a student) for a PBIS school store will be purchase to incentivize students to earn points on PBIS Rewards. Landtrust
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $8,000.00 One Instructional Support Aide to support student application of school-wide expectations and to help run the PBIS school store. TSSP
Summary of Expenditures for all Goals
Summary - replace me

Additional Land Trust funds will be used to provide professional development (cost of substitutes/trainers) and to purchase teacher materials (including technology if appropriate) supporting student achievement and improve Tier I instruction available to all teachers in reading, math and science. By addressing Tier I instruction with additional funds, this would limit our need for as many Tier II interventions. If additional funds were substantial enough, we would hire other instructional assistants to help meet the needs of all students at Lone Peak.