Data Dashboard

Teacher and Student Success Plan
2022 - 2023

Overarching Goal

Silver Mesa's overaching goal will be to increase student proficiency in ELA, using Acadience and Reading Inventory assessments to track progress. We will continue a school-wide focus on Structured Classroom Discussion, Teacher Clarity, prioritized scheduling, and add LETRS training and implementation as a focus.

School Community Council and Staff Involvement in the TSSP
School Community Councils play an integral part in the development and monitoring of TSSP goals. Please briefly describe the participation of SCC members in the development process of this TSSP:

We met as an SCC on Feb. 2, 2022 to start preliminary discussions about our TSSP for next year.  Their input was solicited.  We shared data from this school year's fall and winter assessments on Feb. 2, 2022 to show where we were at currently, as well as displayed data from last spring to look at trends.  Teachers shared their observations about student learning and how they as a staff supported the goals and expenditures.  The SCC parent members asked clarifying questions and supported the expenditures.  We finalized our discussion on March 2, 2022 and signatures were solicited.



Not Entered
Academic Goals

Nothing Entered

In reading, 85% of students will make make benchmark or make typical or higher growth on the literacy composite as measured by Pathways of Progress in Acadience and Reading Inventory by May 2023.

No Yes

Language Arts

1. Provide professional development monthly for all of our teachers, in whole group or in IPLCs in foundational skills, teacher clarity, structured classroom discussion, and other high-impact instructional priorities that impact reading. ($2000 for supplies TSSP)
2. The BLT will create a master schedule to ensure all components of reading instruction are included in teacher's plans.
3. Provide 9 MTSS assistants to support teachers in Language Arts instruction. ($7000 TSSP, $56,000 LandTrust)
4. Provide Reading Plus or other similar digital reading program for students to increase their skills independently. ($6500 TSSP)
5. Implement a new reading program: Wonders
6. Implement LETRS training within classrooms.
7. Teachers may participate in professional development outside our school/district that supports our ELA goal with principal permission. ($2000 TSSP)
8. Provide time and resources for teachers to plan and implement school priorities and allow the BLT to meet to analyze school data and action plan by providing stipends & substitutes as necessary. ($2500 TSSP)

Acadience and Reading Inventory

Increasing SCD, foundational skills (LETRS), and Teacher Clarity in Tier 1 & 2 instruction will scaffold and support our students with disabilities. We will also have our teachers meet in skill-based groups daily with students with disabilities. We will monitor implementation progress with the same measurements as listed above.

Again, increasing SCD, foundational skills (LETRS) and Teacher Clarity in Tier 1 & 2 instruction will scaffold and support our Multi-Lingual students. We will reflect on World-class Instructional Design and Assessment data in IPLCs and identify scaffolds that allow all students to participate in SCD.

After each assessment period (October, February, and June) the data will be shared with PTA and SCC as well as our teachers.

General Supplies 610 $2,000.00 Action Plan #1-Supplies for Professional Development TSSP
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $56,000.00 Action Plan #3- 8 MTSS Assistants to support teachers/students in Language Arts Landtrust
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $7,000.00 Action Plan #3- 1 MTSS Assistants to support teachers/students in Language Arts TSSP
Software 670 $6,500.00 Action Plan #4- Digital Reading program to support students in independent learning TSSP
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $1,500.00 Action Plan #7- Teacher stipends for outside PD opportunities TSSP
Admission/Registration 569 $500.00 Action Plan #7- Registration fees for outside PD opportunities TSSP
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $2,500.00 Action Plan #8: Substitutes for teacher planning and implementation of ELA priorities TSSP
Academic Goals

For the last few years Silver Mesa has made small steady gains according to the Acadience data.

In math, 85% of students will make make benchmark or make typical or higher growth on the math composite as measured by Pathways of Progress in Acadience by May 2023.

No Yes

Language Arts

1. provide 4 MTSS Assistants to work with teachers to provide tiered interventions and support for math (28000 Land Trust).
2. provide software for student practice and intervention ($6200 TSSP).
3. provide professional development for teachers, both in whole group and in IPLCs, focusing on best practices for the teaching of math.

Mastery of core standards in Math will be measured by the Acadience assessments

Providing MTSS assistants to work with teachers and students will scaffold and support our students with disabilities. We will monitor implementation progress with the same measurements as listed above. Students with disabilities will also have access to the software that meets them at their current level and is adaptive.

Providing MTSS Assistants to support math learning as well as a software program will scaffold and support our Multi-Lingual students as well. We will reflect on World-class Instructional Design and Assessment data in IPLCs and identify scaffolds that allow all students to improve.

After each assessment period (October, February, and May) the data will be shared with PTA and SCC as well as our teachers.

Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $28,000.00 Action Plan #1- 4 MTSS assistants to support students and teachers in math Landtrust
Software 670 $6,200.00 Action Plan #2- Software to support students in independent learning TSSP
School Climate Goals

Nothing Entered

Our school will introduce Restorative Practices to the faculty and staff and focus on relationship building.

No Yes

1-Hire a certified teacher part-time to support behavior and school climate initiatives ($57,000 TSSP)
2-Provide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports incentives for students and adults ($3000 TSSP)
3-Provide professional development surrounding behavior management strategies and instructional priorities that will support building relationships and building knowledge of Restorative Practices
4- Continue promoting kindness as a school-wide theme

We will provide a pre and post survey to staff about Restorative Practice concepts.

In the fall and spring I will report to our SCC and PTA as to our progress learning these concepts.

Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $57,000.00 Action Plan #1- Part-time certified teacher to support behavior and school climate TSSP
General Supplies 610 $3,000.00 Action Plan #2- PBIS incentives for students and adults TSSP
Summary of Expenditures for all Goals
Summary - replace me

If there are additional funds, we would increase spending in any of the identified areas already listed in the plan.  We may increase MTSS assistants and/or their hours.  We will also look at technology needs and allocate extra funds to purchasing software and/or hardware.  We would look at providing extra staff to support teachers and students or additional certified staff.    We would also look at curriculum supports such as Scholastic News or intervention programs (such as 95% Group).  We may increase PBIS rewards or the hours of our Brain Boostesr technicians to provide more support for our students.