Data Dashboard

Teacher and Student Success Plan
2022 - 2023

Overarching Goal

School Community Council and Staff Involvement in the TSSP
School Community Councils play an integral part in the development and monitoring of TSSP goals. Please briefly describe the participation of SCC members in the development process of this TSSP:

We reviewed school goals, student academic data, teacher implementation data and our school professional learning plan in two School Community Council Meetings. Members of the SCC were pleased with academic growth that was made when we presented our Middle of the Year data, and the instructional focus we have identified in both reading and math. Many grade levels were very close to reaching their end of the year goals, and a couple surpassed them as well.  We are working to align our literacy growth goals to match the Uniform Growth Goal of 60% made by the state.  We believe that students should be able to grow this much in one year with high quality teaching, and implementation of the curriculum.  We reviewed our office referrals with a focus on aggression, and this will be our school climate goal for next year.  



Academic Goals

40% of Midvale students are not making typical or above typical growth on Acadience Pathways of Progress in their grade level specific measurements reading. This pattern is most common in grades K, 2nd and 3rd grades with 50% of students not making typical or above progress. It is most prevalent in our multilingual students and students with disabilities populations. We believe the challenge is a result of inconsistent implementation of maximizing instructional time, fidelity to the standards, curriculum and instructional blocks of time in the master schedule. Another factor contributing to lack of growth is consistence attendance, and the mobility of a high percentage of students who attend Midvale Elementary.

Goal #1 - LITERACY By May 2023, Midvale Elementary students will have demonstrated the skills necessary to meet each targeted, grade specific Literacy goal identified below:

Kindergarten: By the end of May 2023, 65% of Midvale’s Kindergarten students will make typical or above typical growth in NWF-CLS (nonsense word fluency-correct letter sounds) according to Acadience Pathways of Progress.

First: By May of 2023, 75% of Midvale’s First Graders will make typical or above typical growth in NWF-WWR (whole words read) according to Acadience Pathways of Progress.

Second: By May of 2023, 65% of Midvale’s Second Graders will make typical or above typical growth in Accuracy in oral reading fluency (ORF) according to Acadience Pathways of Progress.

Third: By May of 2023, 65% of Midvale’s Third Graders will make typical or above typical growth on their accuracy and 60% of Midvale’s Third Graders will make typical or above typical growth on their ORF (Oral Reading Fluency) according to Acadience Reading Pathways of Progress.

Fourth: By the end of May 2023, 80% of Midvale’s Fourth-Graders will make typical or above typical growth in Reading Composite Score according to Acadience Pathways of Progress. 60% of students will also reach At or Above Benchmark in ORF according to the End of Year report.

Fifth: By the end of May 2023, 80% of Midvale’s Fifth Graders will make typical or above typical growth in ORF (oral reading fluency) and Accuracy according to Acadience Pathways of Progress. 70% of students will also reach At or Above Benchmark in ORF and accuracy according to the End of Year report.

Special Education: By the end of May 2023 Midvale’s Students with Disabilities will grow 30% toward benchmark goal as measured by phoneme segmentation (PSF) in Kindergarten, nonsense word fluency correct letter sounds (NWF CLS) in first grade, and accuracy in oral reading fluency (ORF) in grades 2nd -5th.

No Yes

Language Arts

1. Midvale teachers will provide high quality Tier 1 instruction that addresses the needs of ALL students.
2. Teachers will plan intentional 95% Group core lessons during the ELA block, and instruction will be adjusted based on the needs of their students.
3. Walk through checklists will be utilized in teacher observations completed by coaches, administration and grade-level peers. The data collected in these observations will determine specific coaching supports for teachers.
4. 8 Interventionists will provide high quality, small group Tier ll instruction that addresses the specific needs of students that they service from all classrooms. (Land Trust) Interventionists (98,182) will use the 95% Group Program and receive continued training from the Instructional Coaches on successful implementation. (Land Trust)
5. Student progress will be assessed through consistent progress monitoring that is recorded in Acadience and monthly progress monitoring in math.
6. One IPLC per month (October-April) will be dedicated to analyze progress monitoring data in both ELA and Math.
7. Professional development will be planned in collaboration with our Instructional Supports, Student Advocacy, Responsive Services, and Special Education Departments.
8. Professional development will be presented throughout the year, and followed up with collaborative team planning, implementation of those plans, and finally; to reflect on the impact that their professional learning has on student achievement. Continued focus on teacher clarity, and use the Teacher Clarity Playbook throughout the year. ($1300)
9. Substitutes for BLT members to analyze data, collaborate and intentionally plan after professional development/and or after benchmark testing. ($3,000)
10. Coaching cycles, observations, and walkthroughs will be implemented to refine teaching skills and advance continuous improvement amongst our teachers.
11. Maintain our current Brain Booster Arts Technician ($15,000)
12. Hire two additional interventionists. (30,000)

All literacy goals to quantify student progress will be measured using Acadience Pathways of Progress and End of Year Benchmark reports. Baseline Pathways of Progress data is available after the Winter (2022) testing.
Baseline Benchmark data will be available in the Fall, and Winter (2022) and Spring (2023).

IEP goals will be shared/communicated with general education teachers in the fall. Special Education teachers will meet with Grade Level Teams monthly to analyze shared student data, and identify additional supports and scaffolding as necessary.

We offer our Spanish Dual Language Immersion program exclusively to our neighborhood students and continue to expand it each year. We have an ASL facilitator who works with our students on individualized language development. We encourage all of our teachers to become ESL endorsed to support progress and proficiency in our population. To increase proficiency in the WIDA standards, we embed ELL supports in our professional development for teachers such as structured classroom discussion, close reading and creating sentence frames for increased language development.
We are also looking forward to learning more and implementing the Wonders curriculum which has robust scaffolds for language learners and newcomers.

Progress will be shown through Acadience Pathways to Progress and presented at meetings held with BLT, Faculty, SCC after the Fall, Winter and Spring Benchmarks. Progress will also be shared via newsletters to community and during family conferences in September and February.

Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $98,182.00 Seven Interventionists to implement 95% Group instruction for small groups. Landtrust
Textbooks 641 $1,300.00 Teacher Clarity Playbook for each teacher TSSP
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $15,000.00 Brain Booster/Art TSSP
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $30,000.00 Hire additional (2) reading interventionists for Tier II instruction TSSP
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $3,000.00 Substitutes for BLT to analyze data and plan. TSSP
Academic Goals

In 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 5th grades, 40% of Midvale students are not making typical or above typical growth on Acadience Pathways of Progress in their grade level specific measurements in math. It is most prevalent in our multilingual students and students with disabilities populations. We believe the challenge is a result of the current lack of maximizing instructional time, lack of students using concrete, representational and abstract thinking, an inconsistent implementation of; rigor, fidelity to the standards, curriculum and instructional blocks of time in the master schedule. Another factor contributing to lack of growth is consistence attendance. and the mobility of a high percentage of students who attend Midvale Elementary.

Goal #2 - MATH By May 2023, Midvale Elementary students will have demonstrated the skills necessary to meet each targeted, grade specific Math goal identified below:
Kindergarten: By May of 2023, 70% of Midvale’s Kindergarten students will show typical or above typical growth in the math composite score according to Acadience Pathways of progress.

First: By May of 2023, 75% of Midvale’s First Graders will make typical or above progress in Math Computation as measured by Acadience.

Second: By May of 2023, 70% of Midvale’s Second Graders will make above typical growth or better in Math Computation as measured by Acadience.

Third: By May 2023, 60% of Midvale’s Third Graders will make typical or above progress in Math Computation as measured by Acadience.

Fourth: By May of 2023, 70% of Midvale’s Fourth Graders will make typical or above typical growth in Math Composite as measured by Acadience, as well as 50% of Fourth Grade students meeting benchmark on the end of year Acadience Computation Benchmark Assessment.

Fifth: By May of 2023, 70% of Midvale’s Fifth Graders will make typical or above typical growth in Math Composite as measured by Acadience, as well as 50% of Fifth Grade students meeting benchmark on the end of year Acadience Computation Benchmark Assessment.

Special Education: By the end of May 2023 Midvale’s Students with Disabilities will grow 25% toward benchmark goal as measured by number identification fluency in kinder and computation in grades 1st -5th.

No Yes

Language Arts

To increase the math computation and applied reasoning skills of our students, Midvale Elementary will focus on prioritized math strategies, utilize adaptive math computer programs, and provide training and feedback for teachers.
1. Purchase additional Dreambox licenses for students ($2,500)
2. Prioritize the CRA model to use manipulatives during daily math instruction, purchase additional manipulatives and storage ($5000)

All math goals to quantify student progress will be measured using Acadience Pathways of Progress and End of Year Benchmark reports. Baseline Pathways of Progress data is available after the Winter (2022) testing.
Baseline Benchmark data will be available in the Fall, and Winter (2022) and Spring (2023).

IEP goals will be shared/communicated with general education teachers in the fall. Special Education teachers will meet with Grade Level Teams monthly to analyze shared student data, and identify additional supports and scaffolding as necessary.

We offer our Spanish Dual Language Immersion program exclusively to our neighborhood students and continue to expand it each year. We have and ASL facilitator who works with our students on individualized language development. We encourage all of our teachers to become ESL endorsed to support progress and proficiency in our population. To increase proficiency in the WIDA standards, we embed ELL supports in our professional development for teachers such as structured classroom discussion, close reading and creating sentence frames for increased language development.

Progress will be shown through Acadience Pathways to Progress and presented at meetings held with BLT, Faculty, SCC after the Fall, Winter and Spring Benchmarks. Progress will also be shared via newsletters to community and during family conferences in September and February.

General Supplies 610 $5,000.00 Math manipulatives and storage for teachers TSSP
Software 670 $2,500.00 Additional Dreambox licenses for students TSSP
School Climate Goals

Currently at Midvale Elementary, aggression incidents are the highest number of offenses that are reported. 222 incidents (as of 4.17.2023) have been documented this school year. We believe that this is due to the inability for many of our students to self regulate their emotions, and use appropriate social skills "in the moment". These events are most likely to occur during unstructured times during the day and between the hours of 10:55 and 1:00.

Midvale will reduce the number of aggression office referrals by 10% in each term during the 2022-2023 school year. This will reduce the amount of time students are out of class and not engaged in learning.

No Yes

To reduce student behavior that leads to Office Discipline Referrals involving aggression and to increase student time spent learning in classrooms, Midvale Elementary will hire one additional MTSS assistant (33,000) for a total of three, focus on increasing our 4:1 positive to corrective feedback ratio in classrooms during the school day, increase opportunities for students to build community beyond their own classroom, provide regular recognition for students following our school rules (PBIS Rewards incentives (1,400) CEO traits assemblies), provide a stipend for teachers to reach out to families to build relationships regarding absences (12,000) and provide the opportunity for students identified as high risk for externalizing/internalizing behaviors to receive services from our SEL team and behavior interventionists.
We will do this by focusing on:
1. Introduction of a “Movement Room/Wellness Room” Purchase movement and exercise equipment such as a mini trampoline with handle, tactile play mats, sensory paths, fidgets, sensory putty, and other movement or calming items as needed. (5,000)
2. Social emotional learning and supports that will be guided by SRSSIE data
3. Increasing our positive to corrective feedback ratio as determined by IPOP data
4. Increasing opportunities for student community building which include:
-using the peace path for restorative conversations
- continue morning meeting implementation
-Buddy Day each month for cross grade level activity- Purchase art supplies, extra holiday themed craft items for activities, and games.(5,000)

Use Discipline Dashboard to monitor aggression ODR's.

Monthly IPLC's, BLT meetings, and with our SCC.

Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $33,000.00 Additional MTSS Assistant for behavior support. TSSP
General Supplies 610 $1,400.00 PBIS incentives and rewards TSSP
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $12,000.00 Stipend of 300 for each teacher to make attendance calls, and build relationships with families with positive phone calls home. TSSP
General Supplies 610 $5,000.00 Buddy Classroom supplies to build community outside own classroom/grade level TSSP
Equipment and Technology 730 $5,000.00 Additional equipment for our movement and wellness room. TSSP
Summary of Expenditures for all Goals
Summary - replace me

*Additional funds will be spent supporting goals (both academic and behavior ) which includes: additional instructional assistants and/or hours, substitutes for coaching cycles, additional planning time for teachers,  teacher stipends, field trips, software programs, equipment and/or supplies and materials.