Data Dashboard

Teacher and Student Success Plan
2022 - 2023

Overarching Goal
School Community Council and Staff Involvement in the TSSP
School Community Councils play an integral part in the development and monitoring of TSSP goals. Please briefly describe the participation of SCC members in the development process of this TSSP:

The SCC has been an active participant in regular data reviews throughout the school year, as well as discussions on our progress with our current  Land Trust/TSSP goals. We have involved them in conversations regarding needs of students and teachers in relation to the data that supports these claims.



Not Entered
Academic Goals

According to data from the Winter 2022 Reading Acadience Pathway of Progress report, 35% of students across Kindergarten through 5th grade are not showing typical or better progress and 39% of 4th & 5th grade students are not meeting proficiency on the Reading Inventory measure. We believe the challenge can be addressed by providing targeted supports by teachers and interventionists for students' small group instruction, by reviewing progress monitoring data regularly in IPLCs and improving Structured Classroom Discussions in all content areas. A strategy for improvement is a continued focus on high yielding educator practices through consistent self-evaluation and support.

By the end of the 2022-23 school year 80% of students in each grade will meet typical progress or above on the Pathway of Progress measure and 80% of students in grades 4-5 will be proficient or above based on the Spring Reading Inventory measure.

No Yes

Language Arts

1. Teachers will receive support with the new Wonders and 95% Language Arts curriculum through professional development, regular check-ins during IPLCs, and fidelity checks throughout the year.

2. Teachers will receive continued support with Structured Classroom Discussion strategies and the i-Ready Math & Reading programs through professional development, regular check-ins during IPLCs, and fidelity checks throughout the year.

3. Curriculum supports will be provided for targeted small group and special education instruction, including the 95% intervention program for students needing assistance with phonics.

4. English Language Arts writing instruction will be an area of focus in BLT, IPLCs, and staff meetings to ensure linear progression of instruction kindergarten through fifth grade.

5. Funding will be provided to pay for an additional .5 licensed teacher to ensure smaller classroom sizes ($30,000).

6. 5 MTSS Interventionists will be hired and funded to support students through Tier II and III interventions ($10,000 Land Trust, $45,000 TSS).

7. Funds will be provided for teachers and Building Leadership Team Leads to cover the cost of substitutes ($5,000) and registration ($5,000) for participation in professional development for high yielding educational and leadership practices.

8. Funding will be provided to support any necessary materials needed (such as consumables, training materials, manipulatives, or supplementary software) for the ELA curriculum, Structured Classroom Discussion, and tier II intervention supports ($5,000).

9. Funding will be provided to purchase teachers' laptops and iPads, along with any additional technology needs of students ($5,000).

10. Funding will be provided to modify the instructional settings in the building in order to optimize learning areas for small group instruction. ($5,000)

11. Each teacher will develop a personalized learning plan based on a self-observation (recorded lesson, and/or lesson study) with the support of the instructional coach.

12. Supports for grade level Team Leads in leadership, purposeful planning, problem solving, and data analysis with monthly Building Leadership Team Meetings.

State benchmarks, team created assessments, progress monitoring and DWSBAs. (District Wide Standards Based Assessment)
Instructional Priority Observation Protocols (IPOPs)
Structured Classroom Discussion Observations and Walk-through Checklist
95% Group Assessments

Our Resource team will coordinate with our classroom teachers to ensure collaborative and targeted small group instruction. Our Resource department also instructs with the 95% Group and Wonders curriculum and receives professional development for this program as well.

We are focusing on Structured Classroom Discussion for our professional development and classroom practice which includes supports of sentence frames and targeted language practice during whole and small group instruction.

Progress will be communicated weekly in IPLCs, monthly with progress monitoring and three times a year with benchmark testing and DWSBAs. We will post data on our data wall in the main hallway and in our School Community Council monthly meeting minutes.

Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $30,000.00 Funding will be provided to pay for an additional .5 licensed teacher to ensure smaller classroom sizes Landtrust
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $10,000.00 This funding will enable us to maintain our 5 MTSS (Multi-Tiered Systems of Support) interventionists that provide Tier II intervention support. Landtrust
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $45,000.00 This funding will enable us to maintain our 5 MTSS (Multi-Tiered Systems of Support) interventionists that provide Tier II intervention support. TSSP
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $5,000.00 Funds for substitutes to cover teachers as they participate in Professional Development and BLT leadership sessions. Landtrust
General Supplies 610 $5,000.00 This funding will support any necessary materials needed (such as consumables, training materials, manipulatives, or supplementary software) for our ELA curriculum, Structured Classroom Discussion, and tier II intervention support as well. Landtrust
Equipment and Technology 730 $5,000.00 This funding will aide us in maintaining our teacher's laptops and iPads, along with any additional technology needs of students. Landtrust
Admission/Registration 569 $5,000.00 This will cover the cost of admission for teachers who wish to participate in external professional development opportunities. Landtrust
Equipment and Technology 730 $5,000.00 This funding will be used to modify the instructional settings in the building in order to optimize learning areas for small group instruction. Landtrust
School Climate Goals

According to our Winter SRSS-IE (Student Risk Screening Scale of Externalizing and Internalizing Behaviors) data, 19% of students demonstrated moderate to high levels of concerning externalizing behaviors and 23% demonstrated concerning internalizing behaviors. We believe the challenge can be addressed by providing social and emotional supports through regular classroom SEL (Social Emotional Learning) instruction, provide student and teacher supports by our school counselor and school psychologist and by reviewing our SRSS-IE data regularly throughout the year. A strategy for improvement is regular, focused team discussions regarding students' social and emotional needs and SEL instruction utilizing data to determine necessary interventions for tier II and III student plans.

By May 2023 90% of students surveyed on the end-of-year school survey will feel like they belong at school, have a meaningful connection with at least one adult in the building, and feel safe at school.

No Yes

1. Continue funding to maintain the extension of our school counselor's position as a full-time position instead of half-time employee ($35,000)
2. Continue sustained professional development for teachers and grade level Team Leads throughout the year for student social emotional support and the Thrive Time curriculum.
3. Grade level teachers will regularly incorporate morning meetings, growth mindset, and character development into their weekly schedules.
4. Provide support for teachers through the SST (Student Support Team) process for students who need tier II and III behavioral interventions.
5. Teachers will receive PD and support in incorporating restorative practices in their morning meetings, and behavior management plans & strategies.

Teachers will conduct an end-of-year survey to determine how their students feel in regards to the components of the goal listed above. SRSS-IE data will also be monitored and analyzed on a regular basis.

Teachers will discuss the progress of their students during weekly IPLCs and Team Leads will discuss grade level milestones and challenges monthly during BLT (Building Leadership Team) meetings. Individual students needing support will also be discussed when necessary during our monthly SST meetings. This information will also be shared with our School Community Council throughout the year as well.

Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $35,000.00 Increase funding to maintain the extension of our school counselor's position to full-time. TSSP
Summary of Expenditures for all Goals
Summary - replace me

Additional funds will be utilized to: Provide funding for additional scholastic endeavors or activities. This could include additional technology, supplies, classroom activities, software programs, furniture, books, or equipment. Additional MTSS assistants or hours could be increased as well.