Data Dashboard

Teacher and Student Success Plan
2023 - 2024

Overarching Goal

School Community Council and Staff Involvement in the TSSP
School Community Councils play an integral part in the development and monitoring of TSSP goals. Please briefly describe the participation of SCC members in the development process of this TSSP:

Reviewed academic proficiency and progress data with SCC in October 2022 and February 2023.  The Council supports a plan that focuses on efforts to increase math and reading progress as measured by the Acadience Pathways of Progress Measurement. The council also supports our plan to implement elements of restorative practice including a school-wide focus on creating classroom communities that foster open dialogue and effective problem solving strategies. The council also supports the ongoing focus on improving school attendance.



Not Entered
Academic Goals

At the end of the 2021-22 school year 84% of students in grades K - 3 were at or above proficiency on Acadience Reading Composite, while only 74% of students in grades K-3 made typical or above typical progress as measured by the Acadience Pathways of Progress Measure. Additionally, at the end of the 2021-22 school year our proficiency on the Reading Inventory for 4th and 5th grade was 83%, while 20% of 4th and 5th grade students did not make expected growth on the Reading Inventory as measured by the Growth Goals Report. For our students not making typical progress or expected growth, we believe the challenge is a lack of consistency with implementation of high leverage practices at the Tier 1 level and lack of consistency with Tier 2 push-in intervention. A strategy for improvement is to support teachers in implementing Wonders and 95% Core Program and continue with push-in and pull-out intervention supports during skills based instruction time.

By the end of the 2023-24 school year 75% of students in grades K-3 will meet or surpass typical progress on the Acadience Reading Pathway of Progress measure and 70% of students in grades 4-5 will meet or surpass their expected growth goal as measured by Reading Inventory in the Expected Growth Goals report.

No Yes

Language Arts

1. Progress monitor students at least once a month for students on level, bi-weekly for students below level, and weekly for students well below level.
2. Review all progress monitoring based on Pathways of Progress in monthly professional learning community meetings.
3. Provide ongoing training related to Pathways of Progress and goal-setting.
4. Teachers will set goals for all students based on Pathways of Progress.
5. Implement a push-in/pull-out intervention model using district-approved skills based intervention resources. Provide planning time during PLC for skills based instructional time.
6. Hire subs to support teachers in implementing Wonders and 95% Core Program through professional development, professional learning community meetings, and coaching cycles ($1600).
7. Provide professional development and coaching support with Teacher Clarity so teachers are able to unpack the standards and plan lessons with clear intentions and success criteria.
8. Provide monthly training for instructional assistants.
9. Hire 8 instructional assistants (or equivalent hours) to support students reading below, at and above benchmark ($40,000).
10. Hire one Debate Coach to provide enrichment for students working above and well above benchmark ($2500).
11. Continue to provide students with decodable/Lexiled books through our lending library.
12. Continue using Lexia K-3.
13. Hire one instructional assistant (or equivalent hours) to complete weekly Progress Monitoring probes ($9000).

Monthly Progress Monitoring using Acadience
Acadience Bechmark Testing
Pathways of Progress for reading in Acadience
Expected Growth Goals from Reading Inventory

Tier I instruction in reading will include scaffolds (advance organizers, precision partnering, previewing text, sentence frames, and student work exemplars)
Grade level Professional Community meetings will focus on teacher clarity so we can provide clear learning expectations and respond with supplemental supports as needed
Targeting specific skills in Skills Based Instruction Reading Groups
Ensure accommodations are being provided in daily instruction and on assessments
Individual language needs will be addressed in students' IEP's

Tier I instruction in reading will include scaffolds (advance organizers, precision partnering, previewing text, sentence frames, and student work exemplars)
Grade level Professional Learning Community meetings will focus on teacher clarity so we can provide clear learning expectations and respond with supplemental supports as needed
Targeting specific skills in Skills Based Instruction Reading Groups
Ensure accommodations are being provided in daily instruction and on assessments
Language needs will be addressed in students' Individualized Language Development Plan

This data will be shared with the Building Leadership Team and School Community Council at the end of terms 1 and 2.

Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $40,000.00 Hire 8 instructional assistants (or equivalent hours) to support students reading below, at and above benchmark Landtrust
School Checking $2,500.00 Hire one Debate Coach to provide enrichment for students working above and well above benchmark Other
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $9,000.00 Hire one instructional assistant (or equivalent hours) to complete weekly Progress Monitoring probes TSSP
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $1,600.00 Hire subs to support teachers in implementing Wonders and 95% Core Program through professional development, professional learning community meetings, and coaching cycles TSSP
Academic Goals

In the 2021-2022 school year, 84% of students in grades 2-5 made typical or better progress on the Acadience Math Concepts and Application assessment as measured by the Pathways of Progress measure, while only 68% of students in grades 2-5 made typical or better progress on the Acadience Math Computation assessment as measured by the Pathways of Progress measure. We believe the discrepancy in scores between the two assessments results from a need for more opportunities in Tier I instruction for consistent, systematic fact fluency instruction. A strategy for improvement is to build fact fluency through consistent Number Talks as well as provide opportunities for fact fluency acquisition, automaticity and application during skills based instruction.

By the end of the 2023-24 school year, at least 80% of students in each grade (1-5) will meet or surpass typical progress on the Acadience Math Computation assessment as measured by the Pathways of Progress measure. At least 75% of kindergarten students will meet or surpass typical progress for Next Number Fluency as measured by the Acadience Pathways of Progress.

No Yes

Language Arts

1. Support teachers in creating individual student goals through Pathways of Progress.
2. Review all progress monitoring based on Pathways of Progress in monthly team meetings.
3. Provide support and professional development for daily math enrichment opportunities to meet the needs of all students.
4. Provide support and professional development for third and fourth grade teachers as they implement the Building Fact Fluency Kit.
5. Promote structured academic discussion through math language routines, specifically continue implementation of Number Talks and Math Close Read Routine.
6. Continue our walk-to math intervention program. Hire and train two instructional aides to support teachers in meeting the individual needs of students ($18000).
7. Continue school-wide Spatial/Temporal (ST) Math implementation including ongoing professional development and data analysis.
8. Secure Spatial/Temporal (ST) Math site license ($4000).
9. Hire one Math Olympiad Coach to support enrichment for students achieving above and well above benchmark ($2500).
10. Hire and train one instructional aide to support teachers in meeting the individual needs of students ($5500).

Monthly Acadience progress monitoring for Math Computation and Next Number Fluency
Acadience Benchmark testing for Math Computation and Next Number Fluency
Acadience Pathways of Progress for Math Computation and Next Number Fluency

Tier I instruction in math will include scaffolds (advance organizers, precision partnering)
Grade level Instructional Professional Community meetings will focus on teacher clarity so we can provide clear learning expectations and respond with supplemental supports as needed
Targeting specific skills in Skills Based Instruction Math Groups
Ensure accommodations are being provided in daily instruction and on assessments.
Individual math needs will be addressed in students' Individualized Education Program.

Tier I instruction in math will include scaffolds (advance organizers, precision partnering)
Grade level Instructional Professional Learning Community meetings will focus on teacher clarity so we can provide clear learning expectations and respond with supplemental supports as needed
Targeting specific skills in Skills Based Instruction Math Groups
Ensure accommodations are being provided in daily instruction and on assessments.
Individual math needs will be addressed in students' Individualized Language Development Plan.

This data will be shared with the Building Leadership Team and School Community Council in the 1st and 3rd quarters.

Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $18,000.00 Hire and train two instructional aides to support teachers in meeting the individual needs of students Landtrust
School Checking $4,000.00 Spatial/Temporal (ST) Math site license Other
School Checking $2,500.00 Hire one Math Olympiad/Math Counts coach to support enrichment for students achieving above and well above benchmark Other
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $5,500.00 Hire and train one instructional aide (or equivalent hours) to support teachers in meeting the individual needs of students TSSP
School Climate Goals

In October 2022, 96.5% of teachers were using all four components of Class Meetings as measured by unscheduled walkthroughs in term 1. This is our fifth year of implementation. To ensure consistency across the school we will continue to conduct walkthroughs twice a year and provide feedback. We will use this data to determine what resources and supports are needed. Our rationale for choosing Class Meeting as a focus for our school climate goal is to promote positive social/emotional relationships among students and foster the relationship between students and their teacher. While we have been successful in implementing Class Meetings the last four years we have noticed a decline in our attendance rates. We understand there are many factors that have contributed to this decline; however, we would like to address the factors we can control.

By the end of the 2023-24 school year, 100% of teachers will hold Class Meetings a minimum of 4 times per week, with each meeting exhibiting all four components (Message, Greeting, Sharing, Activity) as measured by unscheduled walkthroughs and survey data from both teachers and students.

At the end of each term, 65% of students will have attended school at least 95% of the time, making them On Track for graduation based on student attendance as an early warning sign as measured by Data Dashboard.

No Yes

1. Pay .5 FTE for full-time social worker ($44,000).
2. Hire one 17 hour MTSS aide to track attendance and coordinate incentive program ($9500).
3. Provide an attendance incentive at the end of each term for all students who reach the 95% attendance goal.
4. Implement weekly 100% class attendance incentive.
5. Purchase site license for PBIS Rewards ($1100).
6. Purchase student rewards for our school store, attendance incentives, and Silver Spoon activities ($4000).
7. All teachers will be provided professional development using half-day subs to implement Thrive Time curriculum resources ($1600)
8. Implement the Class Meeting student survey during quarters 1 and 3.
9. Create Class Meeting modeling opportunities.
10. Continue to include Class Meeting time in the Master Schedule.
11. Conduct Class Meeting observation walkthroughs during quarters 1 and 3.
12. Social Worker will conduct specialized group counseling to address anxiety, anger management, time management, grief, etc.
13. Social Worker will provide ongoing teacher professional development related to social and emotional health.
14. Teachers will use PBIS Rewards to reinforce positive behaviors with our school-wide token economy system.
15. Weekly teacher email will include a principal's attendance message.

Class Meeting survey data from teachers
Class Meeting survey data from students
Class Meeting Checklist data from morning circle walkthroughs.
Social Worker logs
Attendance EWS Data from Data Dashboard

This data will be shared with the Building Leadership Team and School Community Council during the 1st and 3rd quarters.

Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $44,000.00 Pay .5 FTE for full-time social worker TSSP
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $9,500.00 Hire one 17 hour MTSS aide to track attendance and coordinate incentive program TSSP
Software 670 $1,100.00 Purchase site license for PBIS Rewards Other
General Supplies 610 $4,000.00 Purchase student rewards for our school store and attendance incentives Other
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $1,600.00 All teachers will be provided professional development using half-day subs to implement Thrive Time curriculum resources TSSP
Summary of Expenditures for all Goals
Summary - replace me

Additional funds will be spent supporting goals which may include increasing the number of instructional assistants and/or hours, substitutes for coaching cycles and other professional development, teacher stipends, field trips, software programs, equipment and/or supplies.