Increase the level of proficiency in the area of reading and mathematics in all classrooms and grade levels.
The School Community Council (SCC) was asked for their input on our TSSP at our January 13th SCC meeting. Data was shown and the SCC agreed that as a school we should continue the with both a math and reading focus as part of the combined TSSP/Land Trust Plan. The current TSSP was drafted based upon student data and with input from parents and teachers. The draft, along with all its related data, was presented to the Building Leadership Team (BLT) on March 6th, and to our SCC on March 9th. Changes and updates were made as a result and this document reflects the final draft based upon input from all constituents.
No | Yes |
Expenditure | Cost | Description | Source |
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 | $43,212.00 | $38,812 will be used to provide three Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) Interventionists. These interventionists will work with students during Skills Based Instruction (SBI) with targeted skills instruction. $4,400 will be used to provide substitutes to support the school's Building Leadership Team (BLT) meeting and teacher professional development. |
Landtrust |
Software 670 | $4,000.00 | $4,000 will be used to purchase student reading software to support the goal. | Landtrust |
General Supplies 610 | $1,600.00 | $1,000 will be used for supplies including instructional materials such as student workbooks and teacher professional development books, as well as printing costs to support instruction professional development to support this goal. $600 will be used for MTSS student incentives (less than $2 per student). |
Landtrust |
No | Yes |
Expenditure | Cost | Description | Source |
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 | $50,500.00 | $34,000 will be used to provide two Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) Interventionists to work directly with students during Skills-Based Instruction (SBI) targeted skills instruction. $15,000 will be used to increase the hours for our provided behavior assistant so they can continue to work full-time and provide necessary MTSS supports to students. $1,500 will be available to provide stipends to teachers who may tutor after school, provide a math tutoring lab, or for other teacher stipends in accordance with the TSSA stipend point distribution. |
Software 670 | $4,000.00 | This money will be used to purchase additional math supported software licenses (to supplement those provided by the state grant). | TSSP |
General Supplies 610 | $500.00 | Purchase mathematical manipulatives, or additional materials or supplies to enhance math instruction in the classroom or during Skill Based time. | TSSP |
No | Yes |
Expenditure | Cost | Description | Source |
General Supplies 610 | $600.00 | School-wide incentives to support Morning Circles and Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports throughout the school (not to exceed $2.00 per student). | Landtrust |
If additional Land Trust and/or TSSA money is provided, or if money is left over due to hiring challenges or other unforeseen circumstances, we propose that the money be used to support the Land Trust/TSSP action items via one or multiple of the following: If available, we would pay for additional hours and MTSS support by partially funding hours for a district social worker up to half their salary to work more with the students at Park Lane Elementary. Further increasing MTSS aid supports by hiring additional staff or increasing hours. Support teacher and MTSS professional development through covering professional development costs as well as substitutes for teachers to attend. Paying for books and/or other professional development materials. Purchasing additional technology (hardware) or programs (software)for student use during interventions. Purchase additional educational manipulatives, and/or additional materials or supplies to enhance math instruction in the classroom or during Skill Based time.