Data Dashboard

Teacher and Student Success Plan
2023 - 2024

Overarching Goal

School Community Council and Staff Involvement in the TSSP
School Community Councils play an integral part in the development and monitoring of TSSP goals. Please briefly describe the participation of SCC members in the development process of this TSSP:

SCC met in February and March of 2023 to review current goals and expenditures, discuss priorities and give feedback for upcoming school plans.



Not Entered
Academic Goals

Implementation of a new tier 1 curriculum for phonics and reading has increased demands on teacher planning. In addition, learning the new curriculum has decreased focus on small group instruction. As a result, in Winter of 2023, 64% students in grades K-3 have made typical or better growth. The school goal is for 80% of students in grades K-3 to make typical or better growth. In the upcoming year, more focus and professional development will need to be placed on small group instruction to meet the school goal. On Reading Inventory 39% of students scoring basic or below basic in grades 4-5 have moved one level.

By the end of the 2023-2024 school year, 80% or more of Lone Peak Students in grades K-3 will make typical or better progress as measured by Acadience Pathways to Progress. In addition, 80% of 4th and 5th grade students who score Basic or Below Basic will advance at least one level on the Reading Inventory by the end of the 2023-2024 School year.

No Yes

Language Arts

1. Three Instructional assistants will be hired from Land Trust funds to assist teachers in implementation of small group instruction. (Land Trust: $28,500)
Two Instructional Assistants will be hired from TSSA funds to assist teachers in implementation of small group instruction. (TSSP: $19000)
2. Coach will train Instructional assistants on small group instruction in reading.

3. Principal and coach will provide training on small group instruction in reading.

4. Teachers will plan small group instruction to meet student needs.

5. Principal and coach will create small group flow chart and lesson plan templates for small group instruction in reading.

6. Substitutes will be provided to help increase teacher time to plan for small group instruction and develop small group skills. (TSSA: $ 1,297)

7. Professional Development books for teachers on instructional priorities (success criteria, formative assessment, student engagement, number talks) to enhance teacher practice in instruction. (Land Trust: $619.50)

Progress will be measured using Acadience Pathways to Progress. This data is gathered in fall, winter and spring. Teachers will also utilize Common Formative Assessments created by academic teams throughout the school year.

Small group practices include planning and scaffolding for students with disabilities. Increasing understanding of effective instruction in small group benefits all students.

Small group practices include planning and scaffolding for English Learners. Increasing understanding of effective instruction in small group benefits all students.

Progress on goals will be communicated in SCC, PTA, on the Final Reports for Land Trust and TSSP, and placed on the school website.

Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $28,500.00 Three Instructional assistants will be hired from Land Trust funds to assist teachers in implementation of small group instruction. ($28,500) Landtrust
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $19,000.00 Two Instructional Assistants will be hired from TSSA funds to assist teachers in implementation of small group instruction. (TSSP: $19,000) TSSP
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $1,297.00 Substitutes will be provided to help increase teacher time to plan for small group instruction and develop small group skills. (TSSA: $ 1,297) TSSP
General Supplies 610 $619.50 Professional Development books for teachers on instructional priorities (success criteria, formative assessment, student engagement, number talks) to enhance teacher practice in instruction. (Land Trust: $619.50) Landtrust
Academic Goals

Instructional focus on Concepts and Application has contributed to lower Computation Scores and to only 73% of students making typical or better growth according to Acadience math data. In order to increase growth data, the instructional focus must include both math concepts and student computation improvement.

By the end of the 2023-2024 school year, 80% of students at Lone Peak Elementary will make typical or better progress as measured by Acadience Pathways to Progress math data.

No Yes

Language Arts

1. Three Instructional Assistants will be hired to assist teachers in implementation of small group instruction. (Land Trust: $28,500)

2. Two Instructional Assistants will be hired to assist teachers in implementation of small group instruction. (TSSP: 19,000)

3. 100% of Teachers will acquire Building Fact Fluency kits from the district and be trained in their use.

4. 100% of Teachers will participate in Number Talks.

5. Coach will train Instructional Assistants on use of Building Fact Fluency Kits.

6. Reflex math to be used with students requiring assistance in building fact fluency. (Land Trust: $4000)

7. Dreambox licenses will be purchased to support student learning of concepts and applications in math. (TSSP: $2000)

8. Principal and coach will provide PD on development of math fluency

9. Principal and coach will create small group flow chart and lesson plan templates for small group instruction in math.

10. Professional Development books for teachers on instructional priorities (success criteria, formative assessment, student engagement, number talks) to enhance teacher practice in instruction. (Land Trust: $619.50)

11. Substitutes will be provided to help increase teacher time to plan for small group instruction and develop small group skills. (TSSA: $ 1,297)

Progress will be measured using Acadience Pathways to Progress. This data is gathered in fall, winter and spring. Teachers will also utilize Common Formative Assessments created by academic teams throughout the school year.

Small group practices include planning and scaffolding for students with disabilities. Increasing understanding of effective instruction in small group benefits all students.

Small group practices include planning and scaffolding for English Learners. Increasing understanding of effective instruction in small group benefits all students.

Progress on goals will be communicated in SCC, PTA, on the Final Reports for Land Trust and TSSP, and placed on the school website.

Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $28,500.00 Three Instructional Assistants will be hired to assist teachers in implementation of small group instruction. (Land Trust: $28,500) Landtrust
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $19,000.00 Two Instructional Assistants will be hired to assist teachers in implementation of small group instruction. (TSSP: 19,000) TSSP
Software 670 $4,000.00 Reflex math to be used with students requiring assistance in building fact fluency. (Land Trust: $4000) Landtrust
Software 670 $2,000.00 Dreambox licenses will be purchased to support student learning of concepts and applications in math. (TSSP: $2000) TSSP
General Supplies 610 $619.50 Professional Development books for teachers on instructional priorities (success criteria, formative assessment, student engagement, number talks) to enhance teacher practice in instruction. (Land Trust: $1150.29) Landtrust
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $1,297.00 Substitutes will be provided to help increase teacher time to plan for small group instruction and develop small group skills. (TSSA: $ 1,297) TSSP
School Climate Goals

Since the 2020-2021 school year, office referrals have increased by 44%. This increase indicates that students are needing more support in order to have successful classroom experiences and reduce the number of conflicts and office referrals.

By the end of the 2023-2024 school year office referrals at Lone Peak Elementary will decrease by 20%.

No Yes

1. Increase hours available for Beverly Taylor Sorenson Visual Arts Teacher in order to increase student engagement in lessons and student motivation for learning. (Land Trust: $19,000)

2. One part-time Instructional Assistant will be hired to assist in PBIS activities to include running the school store. (TSSP: $9,500)

3. Professional Development will be provided by Grace Dearborn on Conscious Classroom Management. (TSSP:$1,700)

4. One Instructional Assistant will be hired to teach drama in order to increase student engagement in lessons and student motivation for learning. (TSSP: $25,000)

5. Coach will provide trainings on Morning Meeting.

6. Principal and Coach will provide feedback on strategies introduced in the provided PD.

7. Increase school counselor from part-time to a full-time position in order to provide small group on needed skills. (TSSP: $36,000)

8. Prizes will be purchased to reward students for following PBIS Expectations. ($1062.49)

Progress towards goal will be measured using Data Dashboard. Building Leadership Team and PBIS Team will discuss the patterns in office referrals monthly in order to meet student needs.

Progress on goals will be communicated in SCC, PTA, on the Final Reports for Land Trust and TSSP, and placed on the school website.

Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $19,000.00 Increase hours available for Beverly Taylor Sorenson Visual Arts Teacher in order to increase student engagement in lessons and student motivation for learning. (Land Trust: $19,000) Landtrust
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $9,500.00 One part-time Instructional Assistant will be hired to assist in PBIS activities to include running the school store. (TSSP: $9,500) TSSP
Professional Contracted Services 334 $1,700.00 Professional Development will be provided by Grace Dearborn on Conscious Classroom Management. (TSSP:$1,700) TSSP
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $25,000.00 One Instructional Assistant will be hired to teach drama in order to increase student engagement in lessons and student motivation for learning. (TSSP: $25,000) TSSP
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $36,000.00 Increase school counselor from part-time to a full-time position in order to provide small group on needed skills. (TSSP: $36,000) TSSP
General Supplies 610 $1,062.49 Incentives not to exceed $2.00 per students ($1062.49) Landtrust
Summary of Expenditures for all Goals
Summary - replace me

Additional Land Trust funds will be used to provide professional development (cost of substitutes/trainers)and to purchase teacher materials (including technology if appropriate) supporting student achievement and improve Tier I instruction available to all teachers in reading, math and science. By addressing Tier I instruction with additional funds, this would limit our need for as many Tier II interventions. If additional funds were substantial enough, we would hire other instructional assistants to help meet the needs of all students at Lone Peak.