Data Dashboard

Teacher and Student Success Plan
2023 - 2024

Overarching Goal

Oak Hollow's average benchmark proficiency for Reading and Math has been 80%-85% for the past several years. We have noticed that our above benchmark and below benchmark students have not been making progress. Two years ago, with input from the BLT (building leadership team) and the SCC (school community council), we set a growth goal for all students in reading. We missed the benchmark as a school but several grades made the school goal. Our goal this year is that 77% of all students will make typical or above typical growth on the Spring Acadience as measured by the Pathways of Progress for reading and math.  We dedicated one PLC (professional learning community) meeting to data so teachers can regularly evaluate student progress and ensure growth.

Year:                          Average school growth

2022-2023                        75%

2023-2024                        77%

2024-2025                        80%

School Community Council and Staff Involvement in the TSSP
School Community Councils play an integral part in the development and monitoring of TSSP goals. Please briefly describe the participation of SCC members in the development process of this TSSP:

At our January SCC meeting, we reviewed our progress on our TSSP goals. Our SCC was happy with the growth and would like us to continue looking at growth. At our February meeting, I shared a growth goal for both reading and math with the SCC. SCC asked that we ensure teachers are in agreement. At the February and March BLT we discussed school goals and action plans. We took this action plan to the SCC in March and had the approval of all members. The SCC would like us to continue with Lexia, Dreambox and providing professional development for teachers to evaluate data.



Not Entered
Academic Goals

Our goal for the 2022-2023 school year was that 75% of all student will make typical or above typical growth in ELA (English language arts). At the winter benchmark here is our data:
Growth by grade level at winter benchmark:
Kindergarten: 69%
First: 47%
Second: 75%
Third: 60%
Fourth: 72%
Fifth: 56%
At the winter benchmark, second grade made the end of year growth goal and fourth grade is three percent away. For the past two years, kindergarten and first grade's progress has lagged yet the teachers are implementing practices learned at LETRS training. More problem solving is needed to see why this is happening. Grades two through five are targeting specific skills in skill based group and have noticed an increase in scores. As a school, we have an aide to support progress monitoring. Teachers have implemented progress monitoring with fidelity and have entered scores into Acadience. This has made our PLC (professional learning community) meetings more meaningful as we examine the data.

By Spring 2024, 77% of all students will make typical or above growth in reading as measured by the Pathways to Progress on Acadience.

No Yes

Language Arts

1.   All reading interventionists will be trained on the reading intervention program 95%. We will purchase extra materials to replace used copies. ($2,000)
2.   All students will be benchmarked using Acadience ELA (English Language Arts) assessment three times during the year. Students falling well below to below benchmark will be targeted for tier two reading instruction with a trained reading interventionist ($72,000)
3.   Hire a progress monitoring aide ($6,881). Our dual immersion English teachers have twice the number of students to progress monitor than the non-dual classes for reading. Progress monitoring in kindergarten and grade one on one. The focus for this aide will be progress monitoring the dual immersion students in grade one for reading.
4.   We will align 95% intervention in Tier 2 with the intervention that the student receives in skill-based instruction in the classroom by providing communication between the interventionist and the teacher.
5.   By October 2023, all teachers will set a Pathway of Progress (Acadience) for their students in reading.
6.   During PLC, each grade level will meet to review Acadience benchmarking data, and progress monitoring to adjust their lesson planning. Teachers will make needed adjustments to the Pathway to Progress to ensure student growth.
7.   We will provide time in monthly PLC (professional learning community) for teachers to examine students’ progress on the Pathway of Progress for each child. Teachers will also examine the monthly progress monitoring progress of each child to ensure that instruction and any interventions are helping the student progress.
Total: $80,881

We will use Pathways of Progress report from Acadience reading to monitor this goal.

After the first benchmark, teachers will set a growth goal for each student. Our special education teacher will monitor special education students with Acadience reading probes so both teachers can readily view progress. Special education students will receive lessons during their reading skill based time so no instructional time in the general education class is missed.

Teachers will align the students' instructional language development plan (ILDP) goals with growth the student needs to make to be proficient.

During monthly faculty meetings, SCC(school community council) meetings and during PLC. During faculty meetings and SCC we will share our progress on reading benchmarks. Once a month in PLC, teachers will monitor their progress towards their reading goal.

Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $78,881.62 Budget for reading interventionists, and a progress monitoring aide Landtrust
General Supplies 610 $2,000.00 Replace used materials from 95%- the intervention program Landtrust
Academic Goals

Our goal is by Spring 2024, 77% of all students will make typical or above growth as measured by the Pathway of Progress for math on Acadience. Our goal for 2023 is 75% and here is our current progress on our 2023 goal in math:

Winter benchmark growth towards 2023 goal of 75%
Kindergarten: 57%
First grade: 89%
Second grade: 90%
Third grade: 55%
Fourth grade: 77%
Fifth grade 68%
At this time, grades one, two and four have already reached the end of year growth. As a school, we are 2% short of our end of year goal. We are seeing much better growth in math than in reading. We have had an aide support teachers with Tier two math using Dreambox. Both teachers and the SCC (school community council) agree and would like us to continue with Dreambox and the aide for this.

By the Spring 2024, 77% of all students will make typical or above growth in math as measured by the Pathways to Progress report on Acadience.

No Yes

Language Arts

Oak Hollow Elementary
Action Plan for Math TSSP (Teacher Student Success Plan) 2023-2024
Goal: By Spring 2024, 77% of all students will show typical or above growth on the Pathways of Progress report for math in Acadience.

1.   All teachers, coach and Brain Booster technicians will be trained in August 2023 on “Conscious Classroom Management”. This training came from a “Teaching and the Brain” conference that several CSD principals attended in February 2023. The training will provide teachers with strategies that engage all students but especially neuro-diverse students. This training will provide more strategies for teachers to use in all subject areas = $2167
2.   All teachers, coach and Brain Booster technicians will receive a copy of the book, Conscious Classroom Management before the August training ($1000).
3.   We will purchase Dreambox ($14,000) for students. It is an individualized online software program. It is aligned with the Utah Core standards and is an approved software program.
4.   Teachers will use Dreambox as one of their centers during math skill-based groups.
5.   One of the three PLC (professional learning community) meetings each month will be designated for math. Teachers will review Dreambox data to help them plan lessons that meet the students’ needs.
6.   All students will be benchmarked using Acadience math assessment three times during the year. Students falling well below to below benchmark will be targeted for tier two math intervention with a trained Dreambox interventionist ($7,000).
7.   We will hire three aides ($21,000) to support teachers with math interventions.
8.   By October 2023, all teachers will set a Pathway of Progress (Acadience) for their students.
9.   We will provide substitute teachers ($5000) twice during the year, after each benchmark (September and January). At this time, each grade level will meet for a day to review Acadience benchmarking data, progress monitoring and to adjust their lesson planning. Teachers will make needed adjustments to the Pathway to Progress to ensure student growth.
10.   We will provide time in monthly PLC (professional learning community) for teachers to examine students’ progress on the Pathway of Progress for that child. Teachers will also examine the monthly progress monitoring progress of each child to ensure that instruction and any interventions are helping the student progress.

Math Total: $50,167

We will use the Acadience Pathways to Progress for math report to report progress on this goal. Teachers will also use math progress monitoring from Acadience to check the effectiveness of instruction.

After the first benchmark, teachers will set a growth goal for each student. Our special education teacher will monitor special education students with Acadience so both teachers can readily view progress. Special education students will receive lessons during their reading skill based time so no instructional time in the general education class is missed.

Teachers will align the students' instructional language development plan (ILDP) goals with growth the student needs to make to be proficient.

During monthly faculty meetings, SCC meetings and during IPLC. During faculty meetings and SCC we will share our progress on reading benchmarks. Once a month in IPLC, teachers will monitor their progress towards their reading goal.

Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $33,000.00 Substitutes for teachers for Data Days= 5,000
three math aides= 21,000
Dreambox math aide= 7,000
Software 670 $14,000.00 Dreambox software= 14,000 TSSP
Professional Contracted Services 334 $2,167.00 Trainer costs= 2,167 TSSP
Textbooks 641 $1,000.00 Every teacher will receive a copy of book, "Conscious Classroom Management" TSSP
School Climate Goals

While we have common definitions for rude, mean and bully and we have a school wide strategy for bully behavior, there has been a dramatic increase in office referrals due to aggression. We plan to reteach the definitions of rude, mean & bully in class lessons, and reteach the Stop, Talk & Walk strategy. Next, we will track our office referrals for aggression to see if we have an overall decrease due to the reteaching and the THRIVE lessons.

By the Spring of 2024, all teachers will teach the THRIVE lessons once a week in their class.

No Yes

Action Plan:
1.   By the end of September 2023, our counselor ($45,000) will visit every classroom and teach the lesson that identifies bully behavior. We will define aggressive behavior as “rude, mean or bully.
Rude- When someone says or does something unintentionally hurtful and they do it once.
Mean- When someone says or does something intentionally hurtful and they do it once.
Bully- When someone says or does something intentionally hurtful and they keep doing it, even when you’ve asked them to stop or shown them you’re upset.
2.   By the end of October 2023, our counselor will visit every classroom and teach a lesson an anti-bully strategy called, “Stop, Talk and Walk” (
3.   All teachers will receive the THRIVE Life skill lessons from the district. These lessons will be taught once a week in class. The district has built time into the master schedule for these lessons.
4.   Teachers will review the lessons once a month at their weekly team meeting and submit their progress to the principal.

Social-emotional Total: $45,000

Weekly observations during lessons and team notes that will be provided to the principal to ensure that the lessons are being taught. Not part of the goal, we will also track office referrals for aggression to see if there is a positive effect due to the THRIVE lessons.

During monthly faculty meetings, SCC (school community council) meetings and during PLC (professional learning community) meetings. During faculty meetings and SCC we will share our progress on THRIVE lessons. Once a month in PLC, teachers will monitor their progress towards the social-emotional goal.

Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $45,000.00 .5 FTE for counselor TSSP
Summary of Expenditures for all Goals
Summary - replace me

Any additional funding will be used to hire additional aides, extend aide hours, provide substitutes if we need additional data days and purchase reading or math materials.