Data Dashboard

Teacher and Student Success Plan
2017 - 2018

Overarching Goal

Jordan High will increase their graduation rate by 2% over the next 3 years based on 2017 graduation rate.

School Community Council and Staff Involvement in the TSSP
School Community Councils play an integral part in the development and monitoring of TSSP goals. Please briefly describe the participation of SCC members in the development process of this TSSP:

At our School Community Council Meeting held on Thursday, March 2nd we discussed in detail our current Continuous School Improvement Plan (CSIP) as well as our Land Trust Plan. We have tried very hard as a school community to align our Land Trust Expenditures with our CSIP. At this meeting we discussed plans for 2017-18 and how we as a school and community can work towards improving Jordan High School. As part of this discussion we are using Land Trust as a support to our CSIP and continuing to fund resources for our most impacted populations including funds allocated specifically for: English Language Acquisition Courses, reading supports, math supports, technology, and general academic supports as part of a multi-tiered support system. This year we added funds for a licensed social worker to provide additional resources for those students deemed "at-risk" in danger of not completing high school. 

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Academic Goal

41% of students are at-risk or off-track for graduation in course performance (D’s & F’s). This pattern is most common in low-SES, ELL, and special education students. We believe the problem is a result of ineffective tier 1 instruction, a lack of access to adequate supports, and poor attendance. A strategy for improvement is a systemic approach to identify and assist failing freshman and sophomore students, more focused coaching and feedback on instructional strategies to ensure success (passing grades) for all students, and a systematic approach to reach out to students who are flagged as at-risk for attendance.

Jordan High will improve our graduation rate by 1% based on our 2017 graduation rate. (We do not have data for 2017 yet. Our 2016 graduation rate was 88%)

Jordan High will focus on feedback as our evidence based instructional strategy.

Systems and structures will remain the same.

We will continue to focus our professional development efforts on Cornell notes as a feedback tool, as well as increasing positive feedback as both an instructional and behavioral strategy. In addition, Jordan High will introduce specific professional development regarding strategies for student to student feedback as well as student to self feedback as these methods have not been emphasized sufficiently and are excellent sources of instructional feedback.

We will use IPOP data as well as informal observations from administrators and coaches specifically targeted at feedback. We will use the COFF tool to help provide data regarding current levels of feedback as well as monitor improvement.

Reading and Math Support Classes approx $60,000 Land Trust
Licensed Clinical Social Worker (Part-time_ approx $30,000 Land Trust
School Climate Goal

Students from low-SES backgrounds continue to have have poor success in the classroom at JHS, as compared with their non-impacted peers. Their failure is well-documented in the form of achievement discrepancies and behavioral data. We believe the problem is a result of teacher background knowledge about socially just practices and the appropriate supports and strategies to mitigate the impact of those circumstances. A strategy for improvement is more deliberate efforts to discuss the challenges faced by this demographic of students and ways to help support students.

Using a survey collaboratively developed using existing baseline data, Jordan High will increase general student perceptions of socially just practices by an increment of .3. The survey will be on a 5 point scale.

Intentionally recognizing positive student behaviors during classroom instruction as well as increased efforts to develop positive student relationships.

Teachers will commit to be in doorways during passing time as a safety measure, positive behavioral support, and relationship building tool.

Teachers will receive professional development regarding best practices related to positive behavioral interventions to use as an instructional support as well as a classroom management strategies.

Students and teachers will complete a climate survey mentioned above.

No expenditures anticipated
No Dollar Amount Entered
Summary of Expenditures for all Goals
Summary - replace me

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