Data Dashboard

Teacher and Student Success Plan
2024 - 2025

Overarching Goal

Albion teachers will create engaging, intellectually demanding learning experiences that teach students to make interdisciplinary connections. Students will take ownership and find meaning in their education through active learning.  Students will demonstrate their understanding through performance of academic skills, using supporting evidence, and applying problem-solving strategies.

School Community Council and Staff Involvement in the TSSP
School Community Councils play an integral part in the development and monitoring of TSSP goals. Please briefly describe the participation of SCC members in the development process of this TSSP:

The progress towards our goals and the monitoring of the plan have been discussed in part or whole at each School Community Council meeting, including spending goals, ideas for improvement areas, and requests for information regarding programs and scheduling. in addition, information regarding previous year's plan and metrics were presented and discussed and approved. Each meeting includes time for feedback. 



Academic Goals

Literacy proficiency, measured currently by the Reading Inventory, which correlates to the RISE assessment, is not where we expect Albion students to be scoring. 60% of our students made expected growth last year. We would like to focus on engaging, rigorous learning experiences to meet the needs of both highly proficient learners and struggling learners.

In the 2024-2025 school year, student literacy proficiency will increase by 6% from fall to spring on the new literacy assessment.

No Yes

Language Arts

-We will spend $100,000 (LandTrust) for one Academic Interventionist to provide academic interventions to students prescribed by the Student Support Team and teacher teams.
-We will spend $91,000 ($76,000 TSSP and $17,000 LandTrust) on 5 part-time Academic aides to provide interventions to students in classrooms as directed by the Student Support Team. They will help students who are at risk of academic failure, provide assistance with learning tasks, and track student progress.
-Teachers will attend both national and local conferences to increase literacy skills in 2024. - TSSP $1,000
-Substitutes will be provided for planning days for teachers to organize instruction, interventions, and extensions TSSP- $8,000 Landtrust- $10,000
-Teachers will use printing resources (booklets, science lab journals, etc...) to increase student literacy - Landtrust $4,000
-Author Daniel Nayeri will come and present to Albion students after the community read - TSSP $7000
-Membeam software to increase literacy skills in ELA classes - Landtrust $5,000

Literacy assessment baseline measurement will be taken within the first three weeks of school, a mid-year assessment will be given in December, and a final measurement in May.

Students with disabilities will be provided scaffolds and instruction per their IEP's; monitoring will also be conducted per their IEP's. Priority and assignments of classroom aides will be given to classes in which SWD are enrolled.

English Learners will be provided scaffolded instruction per their ILP's; monitoring will also be conducted per their IDLP's. Priority and assignment of aides will be given to classes in which English Learners who need additional support are enrolled.

Quarterly faculty meetings, School Community Council meetings, BLT, LandTrust reporting.

Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $100,000.00 Interventionist salary and benefits (full-time) Landtrust
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $17,000.00 One part-time Academic Aide Landtrust
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $76,000.00 4 part-time Academic Aides TSSP
Software 670 $5,000.00 Membeam software for ELA classes Landtrust
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $8,000.00 Planning days for teachers TSSP
Admission/Registration 569 $1,000.00 Registration to send social studies teacher to conference in Boston TSSP
Printing 551 $4,000.00 -Teachers will use printing resources (booklets, science lab journals, etc...) to increase student literacy Landtrust
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $10,000.00 Planning days for teachers Landtrust
Professional Contracted Services 334 $7,000.00 Author Daniel Nayeri will come and present to Albion students after completing our community read. TSSP
Academic Goals

Science literacy provides a context for examining claims, analyzing data, and problem-solving. Science-literate students learn to make intelligent and informed decisions. Albion's Science RISE data shows that for the last 3 school years, 74% of students scored Proficient and Advanced. We would like to break through this plateau with more inquiry-based instruction.

In the 2024-2025 school year, Science RISE scores will increase 1% from the previous (2023-2024) school year.

No Yes

Language Arts

-Science teachers will attend a national conference for science teachers in 2024-25. Transportation- 20,000 TSSP Registration - 14,000 TSSP
-Gimkit for science teachers to increase active engagement during instruction - $800 TSSP
-Content PLC's on Fridays to review data, plan instruction, interventions, and extensions

Science benchmark/CFA data will be analyzed each quarter; Science RISE data will be gathered in May of 2025.

Students with disabilities will be provided scaffolds and instruction per their IEP's; monitoring will also be conducted per their IEP's.

English Learners will be provided scaffolds and instruction per their ILDP's; monitoring will also be conducted per their ILDP's.

Progress will be communicated with stakeholders at quarterly faculty meetings, School Community Council meetings, and LandTrust reporting.

Transportation, airfare, lodging, per diem 583 $20,000.00 Travel expenditures to attend national conferences. TSSP
Admission/Registration 569 $14,000.00 Registration to attend conferences for teachers. TSSP
Software 670 $800.00 Gimkit TSSP
School Climate Goals

During 1st quarter of the 2023-24 school year 82% of Albion students were on track with D's and F's according to the EWS indicators. During 2nd quarter it decreased to 81% of students being on track.

In the 2024-2025 school year, 83% or higher of Albion students will be on track for graduation by not having D's and F's according to the EWS indicators.

No Yes

-Students will be assigned to work with our MTSS assistant who need Tier 2 grade support- TSSP $45,000
-Incentives throughout the year based on decreasing D's and F's school wide- TSSP $10,000
-PBIS rewards will be implemented to motivate students to succeed both behaviorally and academically- TSSP $10,000
-Kidtalk and Content PLC's on Fridays to identifying struggling students and create interventions for academic support.
-HOWL will be used as a lunch time intervention to help students complete missing assignments.

Teachers will be given a weekly list of students with any D's or F's. D's and F's will be monitored each quarter using the EWS indicators in data dashboard.

Weekly emails to teachers, School Community Council meetings, LandTrust reporting, and BLT.

General Supplies 610 $10,000.00 PBIS for Market TSSP
General Supplies 610 $10,000.00 Student Incentives TSSP
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $45,000.00 MTSS assistant to do Tier 2 interventions for students struggling with D's and F's TSSP
Summary of Expenditures for all Goals
Summary - replace me

  • Additional funds would be spent on the following:
  • -Supplies and technology for the Interventionists and Academic Aides to use with students during interventions.  

-Sending teachers to professional development and conferences.   

-Student incentives

-If the MTSS aide is funded through the state will use those funds to pay the .5 FTE towards a full time 3rd counselor.