Data Dashboard

Teacher and Student Success Plan
2024 - 2025

Overarching Goal
School Community Council and Staff Involvement in the TSSP
School Community Councils play an integral part in the development and monitoring of TSSP goals. Please briefly describe the participation of SCC members in the development process of this TSSP:

School Community Council helped generate ideas for goals and participate in monitoring goals.  SCC also generates ideas for expenditures.  SCC began discussion the 2024-2025 Land Trust and TSSP in February of 2024.  The plan was finalized in March of 2024.



Not Entered
Academic Goals

In spring of 2023, only 19% of students in 5th grade were proficient in the area of Purpose, Focus and Organization in writing on RISE. We believe this is due to a lack of vertical alignment of learning progressions and instruction K-5, insufficient writing time for students, and too much scaffolding in younger grades in the area of writing.

By the end of the 2024-2025 School year, 5th Graders at Lone Peak Elementary will increase their proficiency on Purpose, Focus and Organization in Writing by 40 percent on RISE.

No Yes

Language Arts

1. We will provide teachers with stipends or subs to work in teams to articulate writing standards and instruction. (TSSP $3,000)
2. Coach and principal will provide professional development about writing instruction.
3. Coach and principal will provide professional development about scaffolds for writing.

Progress towards this goal will be measured using grade level, formative assessments.

More writing practice and specific instruction will help students with disabilities. In addition, students with disabilities will benefit from intentionally planned scaffolds.

More writing practice and specific instruction will help English Learners. In addition, English Learners will benefit from intentionally planned scaffolds.

Progress will be communicated three times a year in SCC.

Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $3,000.00 Substitutes or stipends to provide teachers time to articulate writing instruction. TSSP
Academic Goals

In winter of 2024, only 62% of students were making typical or better progress according to Acadience Pathways to Progress. We believe this is due to too much scaffolding during explicit instruction and a lack of student engagement during lessons.

By the end of the 2024-2025 school year, 80% or more of Lone Peak Students will make typical or better progress in reading as measured by Acadience Pathways to Progress.

No Yes

Language Arts

1. We will increase hours for BTSA visual arts teacher to provide integration in order to increase student engagement with content standards. ( Land Trust $33,000)
2. We will use funds for professional development from Grace Dearborne in Engagement based on research about learning brain. Funding includes cost of travel, stay and professional development time. (Land Trust $1,625)
3. We will hire 2 Instructional Aides for classroom support to help with student engagement and student growth goals. (Land Trust $20,000)
4. We will hire 2 Instructional Aides for classroom support to help with student engagement and student growth goals. (TSSP $20,000)
5. We will increase hours for our Instruction Technician in Drama to aid in student engagement in the area of reading. (TSSP 15,000)
6. Principal and Coach will provide PD about planning for engagement, explicit instruction and scaffolds.
7. We will buy prizes not to exceed $2 per student to supply school store for motivation for students to be engaged (Land Trust $1080).

Progress towards this goal will be measured using Acadience Benchmark assessments given in fall, winter and spring. In addition, teachers will use Acadience Progress Monitoring data to assess student growth in skills.

Students with disabilities will also benefit from increased engagement, use of explicit instruction and scaffolds.

English Learners will also benefit from increased engagement, use of explicit instruction and scaffolds.

Progress will be communicated with stakeholders through SCC minutes three times a year.

Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $53,000.00 We will increase hours for BTSA visual arts teacher to provide integration in order to increase student engagement with content standards. ( Land Trust $33,000) We will hire 2 Instructional Aides for classroom support to help with student engagement and student growth goals. (Land Trust $20,000) Landtrust
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $35,000.00 We will hire 2 Instructional Aides for classroom support to help with student engagement and student growth goals. (TSSP $20,000)
We will increase hours for our Instruction Technician in Drama to aid in student engagement in the area of reading. (TSSP 15,000)
Professional Contracted Services 334 $1,625.00 We will use funds for professional development from Grace Dearborne in Engagement based on research about learning brain. Funding includes cost of travel, stay and professional development time. Landtrust
General Supplies 610 $1,080.00 We will buy prizes not to exceed $2 per student to supply school store for motivation for students to be engaged (Land Trust $1080). Landtrust
Academic Goals

In winter of 2024, 80% of students made typical or better progress according to Acadience pathways data. There were classrooms where 100% of students made typical or better progress. We believe this progress was due to strategic planning, use of data, use of strong, consistent interventions and high quality instruction. We would like to see all students benefit from these actions.

By the end of the 2024-2025 school year, 85% of students at Lone Peak Elementary will make typical or better progress in math as measured by Acadience Pathways to Progress.

No Yes

Language Arts

1. We will hire 4 Instructional Aides for classroom support to help with student engagement and student growth goals. (TSSP 2- $20,000) (Land Trust 2- $20,000).
2. We will purchase additional Licenses for Dreambox to increase the number of students able to use the program for increased problem solving skills. (TSSP $2237.82)
3. Engagement Professional Development attached to other goals will also help increase engagement in math.
4. Increase hours for School Counselor to support with social emotional needs so students will be able to engage in lessons. (TSSP $38,000)
5. We will hire 1 Instructional Aide to increase student motivation for learning through supporting students in using their PBIS Rewards points awarded for showing Repect, Responsibility, Safety and Kindness at school. (Land Trust $8,000)
6. We will purchase PBIS Rewards Software to increase student motivation for learning. (Land Trust $1862.25)
7. We will hire an additional MTSS Aide to help support student behavior and engagement in order to increase student learning and engagement. (TSSP $20,000)

Progress towards this goal will be measured by Acadience Benchmark Assessments as well as Acadience Progress Monitoring.

Students with disabilities will benefit from the Engagement PD in goal 1, Instructional Aides and Dreambox licenses. Their progress will also be measured by Acadience Benchmark Assessments as well as Acadience Progress Monitoring as well as through their IEP goals.

English learners will benefit from the instructional strategies provided in the Engagement PD in goal 1 as well as Dreambox. Their progress will be monitored by Acadience Benchmark Assessments as well as Acadience Progress Monitoring.

Progress will be communicated with stakeholders through SCC minutes three times a year.

Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $20,000.00 Two Instructional Aides for classroom support to help with student engagement and student growth goals. Landtrust
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $20,000.00 Two Instructional Aides for classroom support to help with student engagement and student growth goals. TSSP
Software 670 $2,237.82 Additional Licenses for Dreambox to increase the number of students able to use the program for increased problem solving skills. TSSP
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $38,000.00 Increase hours for School Counselor to support with social emotional needs so students will be able to engage in lessons. TSSP
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $8,000.00 One Instructional Aide to run the school store to increase student motivation for learning. Landtrust
Software 670 $1,862.25 PBIS Rewards Software to increase student motivation for learning. Landtrust
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $20,000.00 MTSS Aide to help support student behavior and engagement in order to increase student learning and engagement. TSSP
Summary of Expenditures for all Goals
Summary - replace me

Any additional funding will be used for classroom support to include additional Instructional Aides, professional development costs to include registration, reading materials for teachers or substitutes for teachers to attend professional development.