Data Dashboard

Teacher and Student Success Plan
2024 - 2025

Overarching Goal

According to Acadience math composite assessments for kindergarten, 79% are reaching benchmark.  According to Acadience math computation assessment for 1st- 5th, 81% are reaching benchmark. We believe this success is a result of concrete, explicit instruction, core instruction, small group instruction, supplemental/Tier II instruction, and necessary resources. We will continue implementing best practices and provide professional development to maintain success and build teacher capacity.  We will include BFF (Build Fact Fluency) kits, structured classroom discussion in math lessons, and continue to look at vertical alignment among grade levels. To further improve achievement, we will continue connecting the appropriate interventions, diagnosing student needs, and implementing appropriate tools.



According to Acadience NWF (Nonsense Word Fluency) reading assessment for K - 1st 79% are reaching benchmark.  According to Acadience ORF (Oral Reading Fluency) reading assessment for 2nd – 3rd grade, 73.5% are reaching benchmark.  According to Reading Inventory assessment, 4th – 5th grade, 67% are reaching benchmark. We believe this success results from explicit instruction, core instruction, small group instruction, supplemental/Tier II instruction, a continued focus on phonics and phonemic awareness, and necessary resources. We will continue to implement best practices; such as structured classroom discussion, close reading, 95% phonics and phonemic awareness, and provide professional development to maintain success and build teacher capacity. To further improve achievement, we will continue connecting the appropriate interventions, diagnosing student needs, and implementing appropriate tools.


To further the students’ application of our Life Skills with problem solving and facing challenges, teachers will continue with Morning Meetings and supporting the Life Skills theme presented at our monthly grade-level meetings. We will streamline the PBIS measures with monthly life skills supports and schoolwide focus. We will also use restorative practices schoolwide, focusing on recess, Brain Boosters, and lunchroom behaviors. We will continue to provide the Draper community with knowledge of each life skill being discussed and pertinent information for family/home discussion.

School Community Council and Staff Involvement in the TSSP
School Community Councils play an integral part in the development and monitoring of TSSP goals. Please briefly describe the participation of SCC members in the development process of this TSSP:

Draper SCC looked at data to analyze and prioritize the needs of the school.  The SCC allocated funding according to the analysis and staff input.



Not Entered
Academic Goals

According to Acadience math composite assessments for kindergarten, 79% are reaching benchmark. According to Acadience math computation assessment for 1st - 5th, 81% are reaching benchmark. We believe this success is a result of concrete, explicit instruction, core instruction, small group instruction, supplemental/Tier II instruction, and necessary resources. We will continue implementing best practices and provide professional development to maintain success and build teacher capacity. We will include BFF (Build Fact Fluency) kits, structured classroom discussion in math lessons and continue to look at vertical alignment among grade levels. To further improve achievement, we will continue connecting the appropriate interventions, diagnosing student needs, and implementing appropriate tools.

79% of our kindergarteners are reaching benchmark for Acadience composite assessment and 81% of our 1st - 5th graders are reaching benchmark for Acadience computation assessment. Our goal is to increase 1-3% proficiency in all grades with an average of 4-5% improvement in growth according to Acadience pathways to progress and DWSBA.

No Yes

Language Arts

1.   Teachers will commit one ½ day planning to grade-level teaming and professional development. ($4500/TSSA)
2.   Conduct weekly PLC meetings to discuss and plan curriculum, adjust instruction based on current data, and collaborate on professional practices.
3.   Have on-going discussion about implementation and use of BFF (Building Fact Fluency) kits to build fluency in computation.
4.   Continued focus on Structured Classroom Discussion with the use of visual aids and other supports for our Multi Language Learners.
5.   Optimizing Tier 2 intervention strategies by diagnosing student needs & connecting appropriate interventions, using data, connecting appropriate measures, using Pathways of Progress and how to apply to Student Intervention Plans (SIPs), and appropriate deliberate practice. ($20,000/TSSA)
6.   Focused Skills Based Instruction for 3rd, 4th, and 5th with an extra .5 FTE (Full-Time Educator) or 3 instructional assistants.
7.   Provided materials and supplies for interventions. ($200/TSSA)
8.   Continued professional development and vertical alignment.

Acadience assessment data, Pathways to Progress and on-going progress monitoring.

Our action plan specifically addresses the needs of our students with disabilities. The refined implementation of Explicit Instruction, BFF kits, Structured Classroom Discussion & focusing on appropriate interventions as part of our Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) process will likely increase the performance of our students with disabilities. With intentional planning and master schedule, we can provide the multi levels of support for Tier III students. We will monitor progress with Acadience measures that match interventions and data that supports the targeted IEP goals.

Our action plan includes a focus on Structured Classroom Discussion & explicit instruction with clarity and application which is likely to support the increased language development of our English Learners.

Website, Principal’s Newsletter, parent teacher conferences, and monthly SCC meetings.

Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $24,500.00 instructional assistants and substitutes TSSP
General Supplies 610 $200.00 general supplies TSSP
Academic Goals

According to Acadience NWF (Nonsense Word Fluency) reading assessment for K - 1st, 79% are reaching benchmark. According to Acadience ORF (Oral Reading Fluency) reading assessment for 2nd – 3rd grade, 73.5% are reaching benchmark. According to Reading Inventory assessment, 4th – 5th grade, 67% are reaching benchmark. We believe this success results from explicit instruction, core instruction, small group instruction, supplemental/Tier II instruction, a continued focus on phonics and phonemic awareness, and necessary resources. We will continue to implement best practices, such as structured classroom discussion, close reading, 95% phonics and phonemic awareness, and provide professional development to maintain success and build teacher capacity. To further improve achievement, we will continue connecting the appropriate interventions, diagnosing student needs, and implementing appropriate tools.

79% of K - 1st graders are reaching benchmark according to Acadience NWF (Nonsense Word Fluency). The focus goal is to increase proficiency by 1-3% with a minimum of 80% reaching benchmark. 73.5% 2nd – 3rd graders are reaching benchmark according to Acadience ORF (Oral Reading Fluency). The focus goal is to increase proficiency 1-3% with a minimum of 80%. We will include 4th and 5th in the ORF proficiency measure. Students K – 5th grade will average 4-5% growth using Acadience Pathways to Progress.

No Yes

Language Arts

1. Continued focus of successful implementation of Wonders and 95% core. Teachers will commit one ½ planning day for grade-level teaming and professional development. ($4,000/TSSA)
2. Optimizing Tier 2 by diagnosing student needs & connecting appropriate interventions, using data, connecting appropriate measures, using Pathways of Progress, how to apply to Student Intervention Plans (SIPs), and appropriate deliberate practice. We will hire 5 MTSS aides to help implement our Tier 2 instruction. ($70,000/Landtrust)
3. We were funded .5 Beverly Taylor Sorenson (BTS) teacher by the Beverly Sorenson grant. We will fund the additional .5 and use the additional time to help with team teaching and integration interventions in all classrooms. ($30,000/Landtrust and $10,000/TSSA)
4. We will hire 4 classroom aides to help with progress monitoring and individual classroom interventions that will be determined by the instructional coach and through teacher collaboration. ($40,000/TSSA)
5. Our Building Leadership Team will develop the master schedule to successfully implement the increased planning time. This will require utilizing our emergency substitutes.
6. Teams will meet to focus on writing and language arts standards to vertically align curriculum and teaching practice for a fluid continuum of learning.
7. We will conduct weekly PLC meetings to discuss and plan curriculum, adjust instruction based on current data, and collaborate on professional practices.
8. Continued focus on Structured Classroom Discussion, supporting English Learners.

Acadience NWF (Nonsense Word Fluency) and ORF (Oral Reading Fluency) assessments along with Pathways to Progress.

Our action plan specifically addresses the needs of our students with disabilities. The refined implementation of the foundation block, focusing on appropriate interventions as part of our Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) process, and the daily implementation of 95% will likely increase the performance of our students with disabilities. We will continue the implementation of Wonder Works for our students with disabilities. With our intentional planning and master schedule, we can provide the multi levels of support for our Tier III students and monitor progress with Acadience measures that match interventions and data that supports the targeted Individualized Education Plan (IEP) goals. We will the school’s increase professional development focus on small group interventions for reading and appropriate Tier II classroom supports.

Our action plan includes a focus on foundations block, explicit instruction, use of visual supports, and repetition found in 95% program. These strategies will likely support the increased language development of our English Learners. We will utilize targeted Professional Development provided by ML specialist.

Three times a year, after each Acadience assessment window, progress will be shared with the SCC, BLT, and all teachers

Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $100,000.00 Five tier II Instructional aides and BTS arts teacher Landtrust
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $54,000.00 Four classroom instructional aides, BTS arts teacher, and substitutes TSSP
School Climate Goals

To further the students’ application of our Life Skills with problem solving and facing challenges, teachers will continue with Morning Meetings supporting the Life Skills theme presented at our monthly grade-level meetings. We will streamline the PBIS measures with monthly life skills supports. We will also use restorative practices schoolwide; focusing on recess, Brain Boosters, and lunchroom behaviors. We will continue to provide the Draper community with knowledge of each life skills being discussed and pertinent information for family/home discussion.

Our Life Skills staff will conduct three random samples of students throughout the year to identify the monthly Life Skills themes. 80% of students will be able to give an example of when they have applied the skills or have seen someone apply the skills.

No Yes

1. We will add additional hours to our MTSS behavior assistant to support Tier I and Tier II interventions. ($2000/TSSA)
2. We will conduct three surveys for students to identify character traits learned from Mondays with Marissa and provide an example of when they have seen the skills applied.
3. Every month the Human Support staff will read a story and have a discussion with each classroom to support the character theme of the month. ($200/TSSA)
4. We will fund a .5 FTE to have a full-time social worker/counselor at our school. ($45,000/TSSA)
5. Staff will train and monitor Junior Coaches to support structured recess and enhance Playworks activities. ($500/TSSA)
6. Staff will train and monitor Safety Patrol Students to ensure the safety of all students. ($500/TSSA)
7. Stipends to maintain leadership consistency and Website management. ($1000/TSSA)
8. Stipends for cultural inclusion for before/after school opportunities. ($1000/TSSA)
9. Teachers and staff will participate in an Engagement Professional Development during Fall of 2024. ($1700/TSSA)

Surveys will be conducted three times a year where 80% of students can identify the monthly Life Skill and how they have applied a skill or seen someone else apply the skills.

Website, Principal newsletter, parent-teacher conferences, School Community Council meetings throughout the year.

Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $50,000.00 MTSS behavioral supports TSSP
Professional Contracted Services 334 $1,700.00 Professional development guest speaker TSSP
General Supplies 610 $200.00 general supplies TSSP
Summary of Expenditures for all Goals
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