Data Dashboard

Teacher and Student Success Plan
2024 - 2025

Overarching Goal

At Willow Springs we grow together as we pursue the core competencies in CSD’s Portrait of a Scholar. Our goal is to increase student literacy skills through engagement, content integration, and high-quality learning.

School Community Council and Staff Involvement in the TSSP
School Community Councils play an integral part in the development and monitoring of TSSP goals. Please briefly describe the participation of SCC members in the development process of this TSSP:

Willow Springs SCC plays an integral part in developing and supporting our TSSP. In each meeting we have discussed student growth data, parent concerns, and council suggestions. Of particular concern to the SCC is engaging, face-to-face instruction with hands-on learning experiences. Additionally, extending learning opportunities and challenging proficient students is a priority.

In our October SCC meeting, we reviewed Acadience benchmark data.

In our January SCC meeting, we reviewed current year's funding allocations and agreed to hire additional support for ML students and reading interventionists in support of our reading goal.

In our February SCC meting, we reviewed Acadience data and analyzed growth relative to school goals. We discussed the importance of both benchmark and growth considerations and agreed to account for data as goals were written, not excluding students already on benchmark from growth counts. This will likely result in lower reported data from previous years. We discussed funding priorities.

In our March SCC meeting, we reviewed the TSSP draft created by the Building Leadership Team. We discussed our goals, professional development needs, and resource allocations. SCC agreed to the drafted proposals.



Not Entered
Academic Goals

Continue to focus on reading efforts in order to increase benchmark proficiency for students in grades K-3 as measured by Acadience Reading Composite scores. Continue to encourage typical or above-typical growth for students in grades 4-5 on Pathways of Progress as measured by Acadience Reading Composite scores.
Strategies for improvement are to implement intentional planning, foundational skills, structured classroom discussion, reading connected text, and skills-based instruction with the support of reading interventionists and early literacy aides.
Progress will be measured through results in Acadience assessments that occur three times per year. We will also regularly progress monitor students scoring below and well-below benchmark using Acadience progress monitoring.

Goals: By May 2025…
Kindergarten students who are proficient in NWF/CLS will increase by 4% from middle to end of year.
1st grade students who are proficient in NWF/WWR will increase by 20% from beginning to end of year.
80% of students in grades 1-3 will be on or above benchmark by the end of the year as measured by Acadience Reading Composite.
75% of students in grades 4-5 will be on benchmark or make typical or above typical progress from beginning to end of year as measured by Acadience Reading Composite.

No Yes

Language Arts

1. Hire 5 reading interventionists ($74,900 Land Trust).
2. Hire 1 early literacy aide ($19,500 Land Trust).
3. Pay Building Leadership Team members inservice rate to work additional hours on literacy plan ($4,000 TSSP).
4. Pay substitutes so teachers can engage in coaching cycles, professional development, and public practice ($5,000 TSSP).

Progress will be monitored through results in Acadience assessments that occur three times per year.

Support teachers as they follow master schedule to ensure that students in resource have access to core instruction, time with classroom teacher, and resource minutes. Students in ACC will push in to resource and GenEd classrooms as much as possible. Implementation of foundations instruction will be monitored through public practice, walkthroughs, and coaching cycles.

Language production will be increased through ML instructional strategies: offering visuals, breaking down instructions, supporting class discussion, and creating sentence frames. Teachers/aides will use the Wonders Newcomer kit to guide small group instruction for students with a WIDA score of 1 or 2. Implementation will be monitored through checklists, walk-throughs, and coaching cycles. English learners may use Lexia English to increase basic language skills.

Teachers will share data with parents during Parent Teacher Conferences.
Data will be discussed monthly in School Community Council.
Data will be discussed monthly in Building Leadership Team.
Data will be discussed weekly in Professional Learning Communities.

Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $74,900.00 5 reading Interventionists to work with all grade levels Landtrust
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $19,500.00 Classroom aide to support early literacy in Kindergarten and first grade Landtrust
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $4,000.00 Teacher inservice rate to pay building leadership team for additional time to develop and monitor literacy plan TSSP
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $5,000.00 Substitutes to cover classrooms for coaching cycles and professional development TSSP
School Climate Goals

According to most recently available Canyons Tiered Fidelity Inventory data, Willow Springs needs improvement in the following areas:

--1.19 Evaluation of Outcomes: BLT documents the impact of Tier I practices on student behavioral outcomes, at least three times per year.
Year-to-year comparisons are shared with stakeholders (staff, families, community, district) in a usable format at least annually. (22/23 TFI score was 0.)

--1.15 Data-based Decision Making: BLT
BLT reviews and uses schoolwide behavior data (e.g. SRSS-IE, EWS, school climate survey) at least monthly for decision-making:
1. Analysis of data to validate hypotheses or generate new hypotheses.
2. Creation of an action plan that will address the problem. (22/23 TFI score was 1.)

As a first step, the school implemented and regularly taught new PBIS rules during the 23/24 school year. BLT developed a new PBIS matrix and implemented a ticket/reward system. Individual PLCs discussed instructional priorities for behavior and climate classroom components. Our next step will be to aggregate data regarding implementation and effectiveness, including Office Discipline and SRSS-IE data.

We believe that student behavior is ancillary to student engagement. Attendance data, student work products, and active/passive student engagement rates indicate that students who are interested in their learning perform better. As expressed by teachers, the SCC, and students, arts integration provided by our Beverly Taylor Sorensen visual arts teacher is key to the climate of engagement at Willow Springs.

By May 2025, 90% of students surveyed will know and demonstrate understanding of schoolwide PBIS expectations.

No Yes

1. Fund Beverly Taylor Sorensen visual arts teacher for an additional 12 hours/week ($47,244 TSSP).
2. Fund 0.3 FTE of our Social Worker ($37,300 TSSP).
3. Hire 2 early literacy aides at 20 hours/week each ($34,362 TSSP).
4. Employ Behavior Assistant at an additional 10 hours to total 35 hours/week ($24,000 TSSP).

Survey 10 students in each grade: What are our PAWS rules? How can you follow that rule in your classroom?

Teachers will share data with parents during Parent Teacher Conferences.
Data will be discussed monthly in School Community Council.
Data will be discussed monthly in Building Leadership Team.
Data will be discussed weekly in Professional Learning Communities.

Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $47,244.00 Fund Beverly Taylor Sorensen visual arts teacher for an additional 12 hours/week (TSSP Climate Goal) TSSP
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $37,300.00 Fund 0.3 FTE of our Social Worker (TSSP Climate Goal) TSSP
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $34,362.00 Hire 2 early literacy aides at 20 hours/week each (TSSP Climate Goal) TSSP
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $24,000.00 Employ Behavior Assistant at an additional 10 hours to total 35 hours/week (TSSP Climate Goal) TSSP
Summary of Expenditures for all Goals
Summary - replace me

If we are unable to spend funds as outlined or are allocated additional funds, we may purchase materials in support of literacy instruction, including books, approved supplemental curriculum, and software and/or licenses. We may pay for professional development and required substitutes to increase capacity of teachers/aides in literacy instruction. We may purchase computers or other technology to aide students and teachers in accessing reading instruction.