Data Dashboard

Teacher and Student Success Plan
2024 - 2025

Overarching Goal

Increase the level of proficiency in the area of reading and mathematics in all classrooms and grade levels.

School Community Council and Staff Involvement in the TSSP
School Community Councils play an integral part in the development and monitoring of TSSP goals. Please briefly describe the participation of SCC members in the development process of this TSSP:

The School Community Council was involved in discussing the TSSP throughout the year as we reviewed current progress and discussed goals. Next year's TSSP was discussed with the SCC at the January meeting and input was solicited. The council members were emailed the draft TSSP prior to the March SCC meeting. With the help of the SCC, a couple of minor changes resulted to the current TSSP. The SCC agreed with this final draft. 



Not Entered
Academic Goals

Analysis Summary:
Park Lane Elementary is a high achieving school who continues to be committed to learning and growth to increase our student’s success. This year, 74% of our kindergarten through third grade students are at or above benchmark according to the Acadience reading composite score. Our fourth and fifth grade students scored similarly with 75% of these students reaching or exceeding their reading benchmark on the Reading Inventory assessment. We believe that by focusing on Tier 2 ELA instruction we will be able to push some of our students who are not currently at benchmark higher and increase these numbers.

SMART Performance Goals: ELA
By May of 2025:
Kindergarten: 85% of students in mainstream kindergarten classrooms will be proficient in literacy as measured by Acadience Learning composite score.
1st Grade: 85% of students in mainstream 1st grade will demonstrate proficiency in Nonsense Word Fluency (Whole Words Read) as measured by the Acadience assessment.
2nd Grade: 85% of mainstream students will demonstrate proficiency in literacy as measured by Acadience reading composite scores.
3rd - 5th Grade: 80% of mainstream classroom students will show reading proficiency as measured in Acadience reading composite score.
80% of kindergarten and 1st grade students in the Accommodated Core Classroom will increase their Nonsense Word Fluency by greater than 20% from Fall 2024 to Spring 2025 as measured by Acadience.
80% of students in the Accommodated Core Classroom in grades 2-5 will increase their Oral Reading Fluency by greater than 20% from Fall 2024 to Spring 2025 or meet grade level benchmark as measured by Acadience.

No Yes

Language Arts

Action Plan Summary
Our action plan to meet these goals consists of steps to continue our focus on Tier 2 instruction as part of the district’s English Language Arts curriculum implementation plan. We will utilize the curriculum more fully by continuing to study it to better implement all the Tier 2 components. We will continue to utilize our MTSS interventionists to work with students during this time, but will also add ELA arts integration by utilizing our BTS drama teacher during this time as well. We believe this time can extend and deepen student thinking and open new pathways of learning. This approach will allow us to focus on all learners including those below level, on level, and above level, along their individual pathway of learning. As a faculty we will utilize professional learning with Wonders as well as with our 95% curriculum. Additionally, we will utilize public practice to model and refine Tier 2 strategies among teachers, as well as progress monitor students in need of additional support. We will also hire, and train three MTSS interventionists to facilitate small group ELA instruction.

Funding for this goal will be used in the following ways in accordance with the action plan:

$47,678 will be used from Land Trust Funds to provide three Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) Interventionists. These interventionists will work with students during Tier 2 targeted Skills Based Instruction (SBI) on specific skill instruction as well as extending their learning.
$7,800 will be used from TSSP to pay for an Art Brain Booster Instructional Technician in order to allow the school to utilize our full-time drama BTS teacher and incorporate arts integration into the ELA curriculum.
$3,635 will be used from Land Trust Funds to pay the Building Leadership Team (BLT) to work an additional day to plan before the school year as well as to provide substitutes to support the school's BLT meeting and teacher professional development.
Any Land Trust money beyond the projected allocation, or if hiring challenges results in less money used in one of these areas, would result in the money being used to support more fully another area already in the action plan. Which could result in additional MTSS interventionists, or more hours for those already hired, and/or for additional planning and development time with the BLT to meet these goals by hiring substitutes or to pay stipends on days they are not contracted.

We will use the Acadience ELA scores including composite scores and/or Nonsense Word Fluency scores for all grades.

We will work to ensure that our students with disabilities are getting all tiers of instruction in accordance with their needs. For example, we will seek to give our students serviced in special education, both mainstream curriculum and educational experiences while ensuring that they receive the Tier 2 and Tier 3 instruction. This way they can not only bridge the gaps in previously learned knowledge, but also remediate current learning to ensure that they are also learning essential grade level material so they do not fall further behind.

As part of our focus on Tier 2 small group instruction this year, we will seek to increase academic formal language response with our multilingual (ML) students. We will help enrich our ML students through the use of skill based time to focus on targeted academic vocabulary as well as any other missing skills. This structure will help us with the implementation of additional scaffolds for our multilingual students.

Progress will be communicated three times each year. It will take place after data is collected on the assessments with grade level teams during PLC meetings, the Building Leadership Team (BLT) during regular meetings, communicated to faculty members during staff meetings, and communicated to the community through the School Community Council (SCC), as well as a bulletin board in the school and shared with stakeholders through the Acadience Middle of Year (MOY) composite data and monthly progress monitoring.

Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $47,678.00 Hire three Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) Interventionists who will work with students during Skills Based Instruction (SBI) with targeted skills instruction. Landtrust
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $7,800.00 Hire an Art Brain Booster Instructional Technician in order to allow the school to fully utilize our full-time drama BTS teacher and incorporate arts integration into the ELA curriculum on alternating weeks. TSSP
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $3,635.00 Pay for substitutes and/or stipends to support BLT meetings and teacher professional development.

Academic Goals

Analysis Summary:
Park Lane math scores have seen continued improvement, and we are very proud of our students’ successes. We currently have 73% of all our Park Lane students are at or above benchmark according to the Acadience math composite score. Scores have increased from the beginning of year to the middle of year scores. This means we want to continue to be consistent and support and focus on all tiers of instruction. This includes building math fluency through Number Talks, skilled practice time, and through small group Tier 2 instruction.

SMART Performance Goal Math:
By May of 2025:
Kindergarten-2nd Grade: 85% of Kindergarten, first and second grade mainstream students will be at or above the math composite benchmark as measured by Acadience.
3rd Grade - 5th Grades: 80% of mainstream students in grades three through five will be at or above the math composite benchmark as measured by Acadience.
80% of kindergarten students in the Accommodated Core Classroom will increase their Number Identification Fluency by greater than 20% from Fall 2024 to Spring 2025 as measured by Acadience.
80% of 1st-5th students in the Accommodated Core Classroom will increase their Math Computation by greater than 20% from Fall 2024 to Spring 2025 or meet grade level benchmark as measured by Acadience.

No Yes

Language Arts

Action Plan Summary
Our action plan to meet these goals consists of steps to continue our focus on Tier 2 math instruction to reach all of our students at their diverse levels of current performance. We will incorporate teacher led professional development opportunities where teachers can learn from each other, and focus on best instructional practices in PLs. With the Teacher Student Success Act money, we will hire two MTSS aides to work with small groups of students during skill-based instruction so that all students can receive instruction on their individual level. Money will also be set aside for additional math software licenses in order to give all students access to this resource while they are not working with a teacher or aide during that skill-based time.

Funding for this goal will be used in the following ways in accordance with the action plan:

$24,000 will be used from TSSP Funds to provide two Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) Interventionists. These interventionists will work with students during Tier 2 targeted Skills Based Instruction (SBI) on specific skill instruction.
$4,000 will be used from TSSP Funds to purchase additional math supported software licenses to be used by students during the SBI time when they are not working with the teacher.

We will use the Math Acadience as the primary measurement. Specifically we will focus on composite scores, but will use Acadience Pathways in math to track our progress towards our goals. As a more specific measurement to use for our students in accommodated core we will use the subtests Math Acadience Number Identification Fluency for Kindergarteners, and Math Acadience computation scores for our first through fifth grade Accommodated Core students

We will work to ensure that our students with disabilities are getting all tiers of math instruction in accordance with their needs. For example, we will seek to give our students serviced in special education both mainstream curriculum and educational experiences while ensuring that they receive the Tier 2 and Tier 3 instruction. This will enable them to not only bridge the gaps in previously learned knowledge, but also remediate current learning to ensure that they are also learning essential grade level material so they do not fall further behind.

As part of our focus on Tier 2 small group math instruction this year, we will seek to increase academic formal language response with our multilingual (ML) students. We will help enrich our ML students through the use of skill based time to focus on targeted academic vocabulary as well as any other missing skills. This structure will help us with the implementation of additional scaffolds for our multilingual students.

Progress will be communicated three times a year after data is collected on the assessments with grade level teams during PLC meetings, along with the Building Leadership Team (BLT) during regular meetings. It will be communicated to faculty members during staff meetings, and communicated to the community through the School Community Council (SCC) as well as a bulletin board in the school and shared with stakeholders through the Acadience Middle of Year (MOY) composite data and monthly progress monitoring.

Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $24,000.00 This money will be used to provide two Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) Interventionists to work directly with students during Skills-Based Instruction (SBI) targeted skills instruction.

Software 670 $4,000.00 This money will be used to purchase additional math supported software licenses (to supplement those provided by the state grant).

School Climate Goals

Analysis Summary:
Park Lane students are wonderful people who continue to learn and grow socially as well as academically. We want to help our students develop the critical competencies included as part of Canyon School District’s Thrive Time: Skills for Success curriculum. Beginning in kindergarten and continuing throughout elementary school (and beyond), students will acquire the knowledge and skills to build resilience, set goals for personal growth, make responsible decisions, understand and serve our community, respect self and others, and resolve conflict. We believe that the benefits of this program will help to increase students' positive behavioral choices and decrease observable negative behaviors. We believe this will be demonstrated in multiple ways including through the Student Risk Screening Scale - Internalizing and Externalizing (SRSS-IE).

SMART Performance Goal:
By May of 2024 student observable behaviors as indicated on the Student Risk Screening Scale - Internalizing and Externalizing (SRSS-IE) data will show a 3% increase in the number of students at low-risk for externalizing behaviors compared to fall SRSS-IE data.

No Yes

Action Plan Summary
Our plan to meet this goal begins with increasing the hours of our school counselor and behavior assistant in order to work with students both in groups and individually. With the help of our school counselor we will provide teachers with professional development on implementing the new Thrive Time curriculum. As this will be implemented during Morning Meeting/Circle time we will provide the structure and support to have this time and be knowledgeable about the structure and content of Morning Circles. Additional training and a refresher will be provided to teachers in Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS), as well as in Restorative practices. Funding in the amount of $500 (less than $2.00 per student), for this goal will come from Land Trust Funds. This funding will be used towards school-wide incentives to support Morning Meetings/Circles and Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports throughout the school.

Funding for this goal will be used in the following ways in accordance with the action plan:

$36,000 will be used from the TSSP Fund to increase the hours of our behavior assistant and school counselor so they can work more hours directly with our students and provide necessary MTSS support.
$500 will be used from the Land Trust Fund to pay for incentives to support PBIS throughout the school (less than $2.00 per student).

SRSS-IE data will be used to identify trends in student needs and measure changes in student externalizing behaviors. Additionally, we will use anecdotal data based upon students self-reporting.

Progress will be communicated to BLT three times per year, communicated to faculty members during staff meetings, and shared with the SCC.

Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $36,000.00 This money will be used to increase the hours of our behavior assistant (or hire another part-time assistant) and school counselor so they can work more hours directly with our students and provide necessary MTSS supports TSSP
General Supplies 610 $500.00 School-wide incentives to support Morning Circles and Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports throughout the school (not to exceed $2.00 per student). Landtrust
Summary of Expenditures for all Goals
Summary - replace me

Additional Funds: 

If additional TSSA or Land Trust money is provided, or if money is left over due to hiring challenges or other unforeseen circumstances, we propose that the money be used to support the action items via one or multiple of the following:

  • Further increasing MTSS aid support by hiring additional staff or increasing hours potentially to full-time positions.

  • Support teacher and MTSS professional development through covering professional development costs as well as substitutes for teachers to attend.

  • Paying for books and/or other professional development materials.

  • Purchasing additional technology (hardware) or programs (software)for student use in class or in skill based groups.

  • Purchase additional educational manipulatives, and/or additional materials or supplies to enhance math instruction in the classroom or during Skill Based time.  


* These are based upon estimated available Land Trust funds of $51,813 and $71,800 from TSSA Funds.