Sandy Elementary will systematically ensure that students at each grade level are mastering essential academic and social skills. We will focus on school-wide consistency in implementing AVID strategies in order to support academic success as well as consistency in PBIS behavior management including responding appropriately to behavior infractions.
School Community Council and Staff Involvement in the TSSP
School Community Councils play an integral part in the development and monitoring of TSSP goals. Please briefly describe the participation of SCC members in the development process of this TSSP:  
The SCC was involved throughout the process of developing our TSSP goals. The SCC gave approval in changing the focus from strictly Acadience measures to including progress on essential standards developed by each grade-level team. They also gave approval for using funds to purchase additional FTE to lower classroom size.
Academic Goals
According to Acadience math winter data 63% of students are on benchmark or making typical or better growth. According to Acadience math winter data 18% of students with disabilities (SWDs) are on benchmark (spring '23 data showed that 14% of SWDs reached benchmark). According to Acadience math winter data 38% of multilingual learners (MLs) are on benchmark (spring '23 data showed that 25% of MLs reached benchmark).
Math By May 2025, 90% of all students will reach mastery on Sandy Essential Standards or make typical growth according to Acadience Pathways of Progress. By May 2025 both students with disabilities (SWD) and multilingual learners (ML) will improve by 10% in mastery of Sandy Essential Standards or in making typical or above growth on Acadience Pathways of Progress) when compared to end-of-year scores from May 2024.
Language Arts
Strengthen all tiers of instruction (1, 2, and 3). Follow the Response To Intervention (RTI) model by continuing to focus on grade specific essential standards Increase teacher shared leadership and instructional capacity through professional learning (PL) on evidence based pedagogy, continued education on AVID implementation and public practice (such as peer observations and/or coaching cycles). Focus on RISE in grades 3-5 (benchmark tests, academic rigor through DOK 3 & 4 learning tasks, etc.). Pay for an additional 1.15 FTE to lower class sizes in 1st grade. A larger ratio of teachers to students will allow for more differentiation of instruction and a greater focus on individual student needs in this crucial educational time frame ($97,700 TSSP).
School identified essential standards achievement scores. Acadience pathways scores (Math).
We will increase the focus on essential standards in all 3 tiers of instruction. We will increase teacher capacity to use instructional practices with the highest effect size through PL (including AVID). We will continue to focus on data and improving instruction during PLCs.
We will increase the focus on essential standards in all 3 tiers of instruction. We will increase teacher capacity to use instructional practices with the highest effect size through PL (including AVID). We will continue to focus on data and improving instruction during PLCs.
We will communicate progress towards meeting out goals through Parent Square messages or posts to our web page at least 3 times a year.
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200
Approximately 1.15 FTE
Academic Goals
According to Acadience ELA winter data 65% of students are on benchmark or making typical or better growth. According to Acadience ELA winter data 17% of students with disabilities (SWDs) are on benchmark (spring '23 data showed that 14% of SWDs reached benchmark). According to Acadience ELA winter data 24% of multilingual learners (MLs) are on benchmark (spring '23 data showed that 23% of MLs reached benchmark).
Lower achievement is a result of a lack of focus on essential standards and superficially covering a large amount of content. A strategy for improvement is a focus on essential standards with an emphasis on going deep and narrow in content.
Reading By May 2025, 90% of all students will reach mastery on Sandy Essential Standards or make typical growth according to Acadience Pathways of Progress. By May 2025 both students with disabilities (SWD) and multilingual learners (ML) will improve by 10% in mastery of Sandy Essential Standards or in making typical or above growth on Acadience Pathways of Progress) when compared to end-of-year scores from May 2024.
Language Arts
Strengthen all tiers of instruction (1, 2, and 3). Follow the Response To Intervention (RTI) model by continuing to focus on grade specific essential standards Pay for 4 interventionists to support tier 2 instruction (using alternate funds) Increase teacher shared leadership and instructional capacity through professional learning (PL) on evidence based pedagogy, continued education on AVID implementation and public practice (such as peer observations and/or coaching cycles). Focus on RISE in grades 3-5 (benchmark tests, academic rigor through DOK 3 & 4 learning tasks, etc.). Pay for an additional .85 FTE to lower class sizes in kindergarten. A larger ratio of teachers to students will allow for more differentiation of instruction and a greater focus on individual student needs in this crucial educational time frame ($75,000 Land Trust).
School identified essential standards achievement scores. Acadience pathways scores (ELA).
We will increase the focus on essential standards in all 3 tiers of instruction. We will increase teacher capacity to use instructional practices with the highest effect size through PL (including AVID). We will continue to focus on data and improving instruction during PLCs.
We will increase the focus on essential standards in all 3 tiers of instruction. We will increase teacher capacity to use instructional practices with the highest effect size through PL (including AVID). We will continue to focus on data and improving instruction during PLCs.
We will communicate progress towards meeting out goals through Parent Square messages or posts to our web page at least 3 times a year.
Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200
.85 FTE
School Climate Goals
As of April 4, Sandy has a total of 432 Office Disciplinary Referrals. We have high referrals and disciplinary incidents over the past several years: 563 in 2023 and 524 in 2022.
Increase Sandy Scholar pride, college and career readiness, and confidence. Monitor progress through the implementation of a data collection tool (survey, walkthrough protocol, or other tool). We will decrease the overall occurrence of Office Disciplinary Referrals (ODRs) through a strong and consistent school-wide focus on PBIS strategies and tier 1 behavior management practices. Monitor progress through PBIS fidelity walkthroughs and tracking ODR data.
School-wide focus on consistent routines and strategies for behavior management - Consistent routines - Attention signals - Strong class community - School-wide PBIS that is more motivating for our students ($3000 PBIS Rewards and incentives - TSSP). - SPED de-escalating training for the whole staff - Focus on consistent response protocols for minor and major behaviors - Be more specific with our school-wide behavior matrix for students and teachers Sandy Scholar Initiative - Explicitly and systematically teach essential academic and social behaviors (such as: PBIS, 3 tiered approach, growth mindset, conflict resolution, emotion regulation, and WICOR). - Teach college and career readiness skills via the AVID Framework (such as: critical thinking, analysis, resilience, complex problem solving, reasoning, inferencing, note taking, using a planner, organization, etc.). - Daily recite Sandy Scholar Affirmations. - Emphasize rewarding attendance, work completion, and participation (through PBIS Rewards, incentives, and other forms of recognition) along with being safe and kind ($1500 incentives - TSSP).
Office disciplinary referrals Responses to surveys about student scholarly perceptions and dispositions.
It will be communicated at least 3 times a year via Parent Square and/or by being posted to our web page.
Software 670
PBIS Rewards Program
General Supplies 610
Rewards/incentives for the PBIS Rewards store.
Summary of Expenditures for all Goals
Summary - replace me
In the event that we are unable to use funds as we have proposed we will use the funds to purchase learning software licenses/apps (such as math iReady), additional PBIS incentives, supplies for our wellness room, pay additional hours for FTE or instructional support personnel, pay for additional professional learning opportunities for teachers/staff, and/or instructional materials to support restorative practices and other behavior needs.