Data Dashboard

Teacher and Student Success Plan
2024 - 2025

Overarching Goal

Utilize the community school model to engage all stakeholders in increasing student content knowledge and language acquisition through high quality learning experiences to improve student learning.

School Community Council and Staff Involvement in the TSSP
School Community Councils play an integral part in the development and monitoring of TSSP goals. Please briefly describe the participation of SCC members in the development process of this TSSP:

SCC members met each month throughout the year.  Over the past few months SCC members have reviewed a variety of school data to identify areas of need and strength.  They also gathered stakeholder input to identify overall areas of need.

SCC members are excited for implementation of the plan developed collaboratively to address academic, social behavioral, and community needs.



Academic Goals

Copperview’s 2024 midyear data indicate that 58 percent of students have met or exceeded expected rates of improvement as measured by Reading Acadience Pathways of Progress. We believe the problem is a result of lack of exposure to academic vocabulary and critical content background knowledge. Strategies for improvement is to increase use of the systematic vocabulary routine to explicitly teach core vocabulary words and structured classroom discussion to increase speaking and listening proficiency.

By May 30, 2025, at least 68 percent of students will meet or exceed expected rates of improvement as measured by Reading Acadience Pathways of Progress.

No Yes

Language Arts

1.   Implement a systematic vocabulary routine to enhance academic language understanding and usage. This routine will provide clear, concise vocabulary instruction with contextual examples, reinforced through multiple examples.
2.   Increase structured classroom discussion to improve students' speaking and listening skills.
3.   Utilize the community school model to involve all stakeholders in enhancing student content knowledge and language acquisition through high-quality learning experiences.
4.   Use common assessments (school, district, and state identified) to identify students needing targeted intervention on specific skills and concepts and provide small group instruction.
5.   Hire two skill based instructional assistants provide small group intervention based on student data to address individualized instructional needs during reading. ($24,000.00)

To develop content and needed background knowledge we will utilize the community school model to engage all stakeholders in increasing student content knowledge and language acquisition through high quality learning experiences to improve student learning. This will occur through the following steps identified below:
1. Grade levels utilize district curriculum and community partner materials to teach the core standards. This includes core aligned presentations through community partnerships.
2. Grade levels attend a school field trip to the location identified as a community partnership.
3. Parents are invited to participate in grade levels family learning nights at Copperview aligned to integrated core standards and in collaboration with community partnership.
4. Family learning night participants are then invited to attend a family event night at the community partnership location funded through the school.
5. Family learning center courses are then offered to learn more about:
a. Academic language being taught.
b. Careers in the field identified through community partnership experience.
c. Options for scholarships, how to apply for scholarships.
d. Considerations for middle and high school coursework to support student interest.

Pathways of Progress is a tool for interpreting Acadience scores, evaluating individual student growth over time compared to peers with similar initial skills. Baseline data will be collected in the Fall through benchmark assessment and the Pathways of Progress measures will be used throughout the year, with final measures occurring at Spring Benchmark.

The overall school focus on language acquisition and increased content background knowledge will support increased performance for students with disabilities. Using this model, a few additional steps will be taken to support students with disabilities towards increased performance:
*Increased progress monitoring: weekly on grade level for all students with disabilities, off grade level progress monitoring for students with IEP goals significantly below grade level.
*Frontloading of content information and vocabulary through increased intervention time.

The overall school focus on language acquisition and increased content background knowledge will support increased performance for students with disabilities. Using this model, a few additional steps will be taken to support multilingual students towards increased performance:
*Weekly progress monitoring.
*Frontloading of content information and vocabulary through increased intervention time.
*Additional staff to decrease the whole group and small group size (funded through Title I).

Communication will occur at a minimum of three times per year.
1. At the beginning of the year, school goals and action plan summary will be reviewed with all stakeholders. This will occur for employees during their first week back in opening faculty meetings, with parents during back-to-school night and through whole school parent newsletter, and during our first SCC, BLT, and PTA meeting.

2. After midyear benchmarks, progress data, a review of school goals and action plan summary will be reviewed with all stakeholders. This will occur in February for employees during faculty meeting, with parents during through whole school parent newsletter, and during SCC, BLT, and PTA meeting.

3. After end of year benchmarks, progress data, a review of school goals, and action plan summary will be reviewed with all stakeholders. This will occur in May for employees during faculty meetings, with parents through school and parent newsletter, and during SCC, BLT, and PTA meetings.

Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $24,000.00 Hire two skill based instructional assistants provide small group intervention based on student data to address individualized instructional needs during reading. ($24,000.00) Landtrust
Academic Goals

Copperview’s 2024 midyear data indicate that 66 percent of students have met or exceeded expected rates of improvement as measured by Math Acadience Pathways of Progress. We believe the problem is a result of lack of exposure to academic vocabulary and critical content background knowledge. Strategies for improvement is to increase use of the systematic vocabulary routine to explicitly teach core vocabulary words and structured classroom discussion to increase speaking and listening proficiency.

By May 26, 2025, at least 76 percent of students will meet or exceed expected rates of improvement as measured by Math Acadience Pathways of Progress.

No Yes

Language Arts

1.   Implement a systematic vocabulary routine to enhance academic language understanding and usage. This routine will provide clear, concise vocabulary instruction with contextual examples, reinforced through multiple examples.
2.   Increase structured classroom discussion to improve students' speaking and listening skills.
3.   Utilize the community school model to involve all stakeholders in enhancing student content knowledge and language acquisition through high-quality learning experiences.
4.   Use common assessments (school, district, and state identified) to identify students needing targeted intervention on specific skills and concepts and provide small group instruction.
5.   Hire two skill based instructional assistants provide small group intervention based on student data to address individualized instructional needs during reading. ($24,000.00)

To develop content and needed background knowledge we will utilize the community school model to engage all stakeholders in increasing student content knowledge and language acquisition through high quality learning experiences to improve student learning. This will occur through the following steps identified below:
1. Grade levels utilize district curriculum and community partner materials to teach the core standards. This includes core aligned presentations through community partnerships.
2. Grade levels attend a school field trip to the location identified as a community partnership.
3. Parents are invited to participate in grade levels family learning nights at Copperview aligned to integrated core standards and in collaboration with community partnership.
4. Family learning night participants are then invited to attend a family event night at the community partnership location funded through the school.
5. Family learning center courses are then offered to learn more about:
a. Academic language being taught.
b. Careers in the field identified through community partnership experience.
c. Options for scholarships, how to apply for scholarships.
d. Considerations for middle and high school coursework to support student interest.

Pathways of Progress is a tool for interpreting Acadience scores, evaluating individual student growth over time compared to peers with similar initial skills. Baseline data will be collected in the Fall through benchmark assessment and the Pathways of Progress measures will be used throughout the year, with final measures occurring at Spring Benchmark.

The overall school focus on language acquisition and increased content background knowledge will support increased performance for students with disabilities. Using this model, a few additional steps will be taken to support students with disabilities towards increased performance:
*Increased progress monitoring: weekly on grade level for all students with disabilities, off grade level progress monitoring for students with IEP goals significantly below grade level.
*Frontloading of content information and vocabulary through increased intervention time.

The overall school focus on language acquisition and increased content background knowledge will support increased performance for students with disabilities. Using this model, a few additional steps will be taken to support multilingual students towards increased performance:
*Weekly progress monitoring.
*Frontloading of content information and vocabulary through increased intervention time.
*Additional staff to decrease the whole group and small group size (funded through Title I).

Communication will occur at a minimum of three times per year.
1. At the beginning of the year, school goals and action plan summary will be reviewed with all stakeholders. This will occur for employees during their first week back in opening faculty meetings, with parents during back-to-school night and through whole school parent newsletter, and during our first SCC, BLT, and PTA meeting.

2. After midyear benchmarks, progress data, a review of school goals and action plan summary will be reviewed with all stakeholders. This will occur in February for employees during faculty meeting, with parents during through whole school parent newsletter, and during SCC, BLT, and PTA meeting.

3. After end of year benchmarks, progress data, a review of school goals, and action plan summary will be reviewed with all stakeholders. This will occur in May for employees during faculty meetings, with parents through school and parent newsletter, and during SCC, BLT, and PTA meetings.

Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $24,005.09 Hire two skill based instructional assistants provide small group intervention based on student data to address individualized instructional needs during math. ($24005.09) Landtrust
School Climate Goals

Copperview's Comprehensive Assessment of Leadership for Learning (CALL) Survey data indicates that Copperview's rates lowest in the Culture Shift Domain under indicator 4.3 Engage students and families in pursuing education goals. Midyear data indicates Copperview's overall score of 3.58 out of 5 (3.21 National Average). We believe the problem is a result of a lack of access to systematic routine communication between school and home intentionally focused on partnering to increase student growth.

By May 30, 2025, increase overall rating for Culture Shift Domain and Indicator from Engage students and families in pursuing education goals 3.58 to 4.00.

No Yes

1. Prioritize which learning opportunities to personalize for remediation, intervention, and acceleration of student learning and provide targeted support for students needing increased instruction. ($41000.00)
2. Incorporate a schoolwide K-5 aligned system for individual goal setting where students set short- and long-term goals around foundation grade-level skills, including opportunities to accelerate learning.
3. Intentionally build students’ personal competencies to pursue goals, persist with tasks, appraise progress, home learning strategies, and direct their learning to further enhance their capacity to learn and succeed.
4. Schedule individual family and community meetings to review student work, discuss grade level goals, and strategies for support at home.
5. Establish routine and systematic messaging from teachers and leaders regarding achievement that recognizes and acknowledges students for growth and achievement, discusses current learning goals, and solicits input from families.

The Four Domains CALL System is school-wide leadership assessment and feedback system. The system utilizes a multi-source comprehensive survey to assess core leadership practices that are distributed across the school building and are aligned to the Four Domains for Rapid School Improvement framework from the Center on School Turnaround at WestEd.

The CALL Survey will be administered in February 2025 consistent with previous timeframes for administration and evaluation.

Communication will occur at a minimum of three times per year.
1. At the beginning of the year, school goals and action plan summary will be reviewed with all stakeholders. This will occur for employees during their first week back in opening faculty meetings, with parents during back-to-school night and through whole school parent newsletter, and during our first SCC, BLT, and PTA meeting.

2. After midyear benchmarks, progress data, a review of school goals and action plan summary will be reviewed with all stakeholders. This will occur in February for employees during faculty meeting, with parents during through whole school parent newsletter, and during SCC, BLT, and PTA meeting.

3. After end of year benchmarks, progress data, a review of school goals, and action plan summary will be reviewed with all stakeholders. This will occur in May for employees during faculty meetings, with parents through school and parent newsletter, and during SCC, BLT, and PTA meetings.

Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 $41,000.00 Hire a student intervention mentor to provide targeted instruction and social behavioral support. TSSP
General Supplies 610 $25,000.00 Purchase items supply the school store, maintain the book vending machine, provide student incentives for larger rewards (e.g., student of the month, academic achievements, etc.), supply materials needed during family and community events, materials for student goal-setting systems. TSSP
Summary of Expenditures for all Goals
Summary - replace me

If there is a larger distribution of money, we may increase the hours for Tier 2 intervention services (Skills-Based Instruction - SBI), thereby serving additional students. We may also use additional funds to supplement any of the previously identified action steps in our TSSP, LandTrust, or Title I plan (i.e. instructional assistants, library media books, student incentives, instructional software, professional development, parent engagement, and core aligned field trips).